Dec 292016

News is still in short supply, unless one wishes to repeat the same stories, day after day, where only the individual identities of the targets of hatred from the Fuhrer and Republican Rectum Reich are new.  Nevertheless, I’m back in the saddle.  Yesterday’s bank run proved most interesting.  In the shower, Stumpy had bee3n hanging down without a shrinker, causing him to expand, and the hot water made it worse, so as I dressed to go out, Stumpy would not fit into George.  Thankfully, Wendy accompanied me to the bank, and in return, I treated her to burritos from a neighborhood food cart.  Fortunately George popped on without difficulty today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:52 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: As the Republican Congress prepares to vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act, gutting Social Security benefits for seniors and the disabled, and other measures to please their billionaire donor base, they are apparently deathly afraid of the American public seeing them do it, and even more afraid of allowing the public to see the Democrats’ response:

House members could be fined and referred to the Ethics Committee if they break rules governing electronic video and pictures in the House chamber under a new rule proposed by House Republicans more than six months after the Democrats’ guerrilla sit-in over gun control.

"Any subsequent offense will be assessed at the higher amount, regardless of whether it is connected to any other offense by time or proximity," part of the proposal reads.

The “fine" would be $500 for the "first offense" of photographing or videotaping, with $2500 for every "subsequent offense," according to the proposed Rule.

In addition, the new Republican rule would ban anyone from seeing organized protests by the opposition, because sit-ins in the House well will be banned as well.

The First Amendment is suspended for the Republican Rectum Reich.  RESIST!!

From Robert Reich: [Resident]-elect Donald Trump is accusing President Obama of putting up “roadblocks” to a smooth transition.

In reality, I think President Obama has been too cooperative with Trump.

In the waning days of his administration, I’d recommend Obama take the following last stands:

1. Name Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution gives the President power to fill any vacancy during the recess of the Senate. The Supreme Court is no exception: Justice William Brennan began his Court tenure with a recess appointment in 1956. Any appointments made this way expire at the end of the next Senate session. So if Obama appointed Garland on January 3, the appointment would last until December 2017, the end of the first session of the 115th Congress.

The Reich on the left is right. I shared one. Click through for the other six. I particularly like number three.  RESIST!!

From The Rachel Maddow Show:

Taking credit where credit is NOT dueVice President Biden’s Former Economic Advisor Jared Bernstein talks to Ari Melber about how Trump is trying to take credit for job growth when his policies could very well undermine his constituents.


You can be sure that, as soon as the Pumpkin Plutocrat is responsible for any economic developments, he will give "credit" for them to Democrats.  RESIST!!




  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/29/2016”

  1. The other day, I reported on the death of Carrie Fisher. Last night, I read the report that Carrie's mother, actress Debbie Reynolds, had passed away 1 day after Carrie's death. I remember Debbie growing up as a kid and had always thought of Debbie as a fine actress and cute too. My condolences to Debbie's and Carrie's family and friends on these two passing away within a day of each other. sigh…

    1080p HD "Good Morning" ~ Singin' in the Rain (1952)

  2. 4:56  Not terribly tall, but I guess it does the job.

    DKos – I don't get a lot of money from Social Security, but I'd contribute a small amount to a fund earmarked for paying Democrats' fines for transgressing these – I don't even like calling them rules or regulations, because those sound legitimate – how about tyrannies.

    RR – One of the good folk commenting at the site stated that there are no longer any recesses, because they pay a flunky to turn the lights on and off every day just to keep a recess from occurring.  I don't know what the truth of that is.  Worth looking into.  If possible, a recess appointment of Garland would be at the top of my list too, because, at least for a year, it would be the only thing standing between us and losing the Constitution.  (Unless the Senate can confirm him before the newly elected are sworn in, as has also been suggested, though not by Reich.)  But all are good.

    TRMS – Yes, he does that, and yes, it needs to be called out Every. Single. Time.

    Cartoon – Sadly, one of many American shames.  Which the new administration and its voters are PROUD of.  Barf!

    RESIST !!!

  3. DK: They (GOP) must be doing something wrong, if they don't want coverage. Of course they are!! 'S' is about to hit the fan.

    RR: Great article by Mr. Reich. All are great.

    RMS: Doesn't seem to bother him, at all. How pathetic.

    Cartoon: Yes, what a shame!!

    Glad to read Stumpy and George are together again. Glad Wendy helped you too. Have a good evening, and take good care. Thanks, Tom.

    *Jim-Heard about it on the news, and was stunned on hearing of Miss Reynold's death. My heart goes out to her son, Todd Fischer, in losing his mother and sister within a day of each other. RIP, Debbie and Carrie.

  4. So sorry for all of the Fisher/Reynolds family!

    Rumpyshit: dumb POS, period!

  5. Daily Kos:  Of course they want to pass this, they don't want their constituents to see them cutting us to ribbons.  I hope enough Democrats stand up and stop this.  We all have to work to get more Democrats in the House and Senate.

    Robert Reich:  I agree with all his suggestions, and I wish Obama would, too.  He can protect  a few of us in his last days in office.

    The Rachel Maddow Show:  He will take credit for anything he can and blame for nothing.  That said, his supporters are convinced he will "save" the country.  Shew!

    Cartoon:  One of many shames.  The Native Americans have been and still are treated worse than any other group in our country.  Treaties are ignored, land that belongs to them is sold, they live to a degree, in poverty on the reservations.  They should be honored guests anywhere they go and given that which is due them.

  6. Stumpy and George still have some surprises in store for you, TomCat, so you're still on your learning curve. That's good, it keeps you on your toes and challenges you in a gentle way. And Wendy and you got some nice burritos out of it too 😉 Fortunately both Stumpy and George behaved again today so you can't stay mad at him. Don't forget to put the shrinker on, though.

    DK: Some believe that the fine is a violation of House rules, i.e. that an offense can only be an offense when voted on by the House, not by referring them to the Ethics Committee. Furthermore there are some House members (Democrats of course) who already told Ryan to bring it on: he could fine them until he was blue in the face, but they would not stop making these Republican shenanigans public. How about setting up some RESISTANCE fund for these poor, underpaid Democrats who'll risk the food on their tables and the roof over their family's heads, all to expose what is happening in the House.  If they're really smart they'll set up some roster and take turns videoing and posting these on-goings Republicans don't want to see the light of day.

    Robert Reich: Wow, Obama is going to be such a busy boy these last 20 odd days. Every one of the seven suggestions Reich makes is sound and needs to be done, and then some…I'm sure others have made a similar and equally sensible to-do-list for him. But especially the first three are splendid because they can't be overturned easily and will have a lasting effect. He was the Most Hated President to most Republicans anyway, so what the heck…live up to it, Obama and


    TRMS: still can't see those videos, but yesterday I've read on Daily Kos that Trump Claims Credit For Sprint Action That Sprint Announced In April of 2015. And all the media just take it on as if it were true, nobody recants when it turned out to be another of his lies.

    Cartoon: …Wounded Knee…Standing Rock…when will Native Americans have what is rightfully theirs.

  7. Puzzle — 3:02  What a peaceful setting!

    Daily Kos — So much for freedom of speech.  You can believe that if the roles were reversed, Republicans would be crying foul and pulling every dirty trick in the book and then some to get around the rules.  Republicans are nothing more than petulant children throwing tantrums when they don't get their own way.

    Robert Reich — I had forgotten about recess appointments.  It worked with Richard Cordray . . . it could work with Garland.  And the 2nd best benefit . . . it would really piss-off Republicans!  I particularly like number 7.  There are already coal miners who voted Republican/Trump and are worried about losing Obamacare.  As more and more people in red states see how much they will lose, that is assuming they will read the papers, there could be a backlash against Republicans.  I do so hope that people pay attention.

    TRMS — Trump's only concern is for his own ego, his own agrandisement.  Roadkill smells better than Trump.

    Cartoon — And the theft continues.  Very sad!

  8. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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