In the run-up to and the time since the election theft by Russia and the Pumpkin Plutocrat, I have often been critical of young "Berners", because so many advocated the practice of wasting votes that helped caused this tragedy. But if I slammed them for doing something stupid, it’s only fair that I praise them for doing something right, and that they are.
Young Sanders Campaign Aides Plan Anti-Trump Permanent Protest Base in Washington
The organizers behind Millennials for Bernie are raising money to create an anti-Trump movement headquarters in Washington DC that will be a base for sustained resistance against the next president and his administration. "This house is supposed to be a place for everybody, regardless of what happened in the general election, to come together and fight,"…
Kudos to Moumita Ahmed!
13 Responses to “Millennials Organize to RESIST!!”
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And already there are Democrats saying it is just another Occupy (which, incidentally, they have unfairly dismissed), that all the kids want to do really is party, drink, and get high, etc. etc. Guys, I'm too old, too disabled, too feeble to take this on. I may not be willing to give Trump a chance, but I'll happily give the kids a chance.
Great post, and passing this on too!
Thanks Tom.
Count me in!
Got to pass this on to family! Thanks, TC! GREAT post!!!
"…he just said thos things…." Those who believe that he is not going to horrid stuff, and worse, need to take a look at Ian Kershaw's biography of Hitler, and Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich."
I am so happy to read this and know that young people are still engaged and optimistic about change. Great article.
I think it is wonderful! A constant thorn in Trump's side…
Last night, Michael Moore said if there was a Muslim Registry, he would make certain his name was on it and he urged all of us to do same – makes the registry pretty much worthless then. I love that folks are resisting and coming up with clever ways to do it.
Remember the Gray Panthers? We old folk are going to need some organization, too….
If Trump does create a Muslim registry (harder to do now that Obama has dismantled the tools), I plan to go to a Mosque in the KCMO Metro and see how I can add my name to it.
Nameless, since you NeedAName, how is that possible?
L !!
Dark days are coming, and we all are going to have to work to make Trump and his minions & thugs adhere to our Constitution … at least the parts BESIDE the 2nd Amendment. (Although I'd be happy if they adhered to that the way it was originally written and intended "A well regulated militia …")
Thanks all! Tired Hugs!!