I always know when snow is coming. I feel it in my hands. It’s 28° and not expected to reach freezing. Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb. My Broncos will be visiting the Patriots, but it won’t be televised here. It’s also a Wendy day. It’s her birthday on Monday, and she’s flying to Las Vegas tomorrow afternoon. I gave her a present a few days early. I had been telling her that it was a new mop. When she saw the package, it had just come in and was bulked up with shipping materials. She commented that it looked a bit small to be a mop. I quickly explained that it was a robotic mop with a remote control and an anti-gravity device she could use to tell it how much to push down. She actually bought that! It was a sampler with four different perfumes. She liked it, but had really wanted that gigh-tech anti-gravity mop!!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:57 {average 5:08). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From MSNBC: Not a Jew? J Street president responds
Jeremy Ben-Ami on Trump’s far right pick for Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who says Ben-Ami is not really Jewish.
The Fuhrer could not have picked worse. J Street is the place to go for information on Israel’s legitimate needs, not Butcher Bibi’s one-state terrorism.
From Daily Kos: The resounding winner of the popular vote for president is not pretending outside interference had nothing to do with her Electoral College loss. Speaking to donors on Thursday, she was blunt about the influence of both Russian hacking and FBI Director James Comey on her narrow loss in key swing states:
“Swing-state voters made their decisions in the final days breaking against me because of the F.B.I. letter from Director Comey,” she said.
The Russians, she said, sought to “undermine our democracy” through cyberattacks on Democratic targets.
And by the way, the press was complicit:
“Make no mistake, as the press is finally catching up to the facts, which we desperately tried to present to them during the last months of the campaign,” Mrs. Clinton told the group, which collectively poured roughly $1 billion into her effort. “This is not just an attack on me and my campaign, although that may have added fuel to it. This is an attack against our country. We are well beyond normal political concerns here. This is about the integrity of our democracy and the security of our nation.”
While I agree with her, she should have done far more about it than make excuses to a group of mega-donors. That was a DINO move.
From TPM: In a tweet posted early Saturday morning, President-elect Donald Trump ripped China for its reported seizure of a U.S. Navy unmanned underwater drone in the South China Sea.
Trump called it an "unprecedented act"—spelled "unpresidented" in the initial post saved on Politwoops, which the President-elect later deleted and reposted with the correct spelling.
Not only is the Fuhrer too stupid to spell, but also, he’s wrong, according to Rachel Maddow.
What am idiot it (the Fuhrer) is!
15 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/17/2016”
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4:05 Ummm – not exactly the cutest gnome I've ever seen.
It's snowing here; it hasn't been heavy but may pick up. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. The radio and the internet are arguing about whether it's really 1° or 0° in Colorado Springs, so I'm guessing my microclimate is around 5°.
MSNBC – If your mother is a Jew, or if you have converted to Jusdaism, you're a Jew. (BTW, are we going to get an ambassador to Taiwan now too? What other unrecognized countries are in the wings?)
DKos – Not being in her shoes, I don't know what she should have done. I think I have a clue about what the rest of us should be doing, though. http://occupydemocrats.com/2016/12/15/democrats-guide-defeating-trumps-agenda-just-leaked-inspiring/
TPM – I got the breaking news alert from WaPo and though, OMG, what are we in for? (I do suggest looking around for what he is trying to distract us from with thte misspelling or Freudian slip or whatever it is.)
Cartoon – Looks about right.
I almost posted the Guide today.
Hmmm. Great minds again. I printed a copy off to an xps document because it loaded so slowly, aan put that in my
ditchresistance folder. Maybe I'll do a PDF too, since more people probably can read that.Another possibility is to open the .xps with Word and save it as a ,docx file. From there, it's easy to save any part of it as an HTML file,
DK: Gee, wish she were here, and not in the background. '
*Thank you for the link, Joanne, w/read when I have time.
TPM: Very risky maneuver by id DT…again, he has no experience in foreign affairs, well, none actually, of anything.
Cartoon: Yep.
Gotta run, but weather wise, it's 80 here, and going to get in the 20's tonight. I'm from the NE, and growing up there, snow was usually a norm, beginning of November on. Here in TX., is a up & down thing. Hope you have a good rest of your day, take care, and Thanks, Tom. p.s. Hope your guys win, and mine. We play the Jags, Church w/be crowded! lol
I don't know if I can take much more of the crap that the repukkklican's are spewing! I'm out of this for now. I have had an overdose of news today. I gotta watch a football game or something!
Thanks, TC!
Tell Wendy Happy Birthday for me. Best to hang on to her, a woman who would rather have a mop than perfume, very few of those exist. We are in Zone 6, too, but it was 67 here today. We expect a high of 33 tomorrow with snow. That is Kentucky weather.
MSNBC: I don't expect any of his appointments to be beneficial to anyone but himself and his donors.
DK: Although I have signed several petitions to the Electoral College, we all know they will rubber stamp Trump as Prez. There is little Clinton can do now, and I suppose she needed to appease her biggest contributors. She is a consummate politician.
TPM: Hmm, China is testing us? Don't they know our President elect thinks if we have nukes we should use them?
Cartoon: I am afraid the cartoon will become fact.
"Very few of those exist" – and most of those who do exist have allergies. Perfume makes me even more nasally stopped up than normal. I'd LOVE any giga-tech remote control cleaning device, whether mop, vacuum, scrubber, whatever, My fingers still work. My legs, arms, back, not so much LOL!
JD, I have been allergic to perfume since about 1980. All my cleaning and hygiene products have to be unscented. Thankfully, my sister and close friends oblige me by nowt wearing it when they are with me.
It's no fun, is it? Fragrances just hide everywhere. I'm glad your family and close friends don't wear it wround you. That really twists the knife when someone you thought you could trust wears it.
Sitting in an airport lounge in the middle of the desert I can't possibly imagine what it's like being snowed in, TomCat. Please stay warm. Nice present, by the way. But I would have gone for the high tech mop too ?
There was a Gulfnews newspaper on the table here, with three columns about Drumpf's pick of Friedman as his ambassador to Israel. Let's say Israel's neighbors are not well pleased. But all very polite and analytical; the first article was from The New York Times news service. Is there no end to the terrible picks Drumpf makes?
Sorry, gotta fly now �?
Puzzle — 3:07 So how are you going to prepare this gnome for your dinner Puddy Tat? . . . fried, boiled, fricasséed, baked, poached?
MSNBC — Drumpf scores another one . . . an unacceptable rabid dog who will no doubt incite violence in Israel and other countries in the Middle East. If this is who his foreign affairs advisors are promoting, he should be looking to replace those ambassadors too.
Daily Kos — This is rather a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped. Could Clinton and the Democrats have done more? Probably. I'm just not sure what it should have been and when. But hindsight is always 20/20.
TPM — Drumpf's abilities at foreign relations could be written on the head of pin with plenty of space left over. To me, it seems like Drumpf thinks he is running the country now, interfering in what is still Obama's job. He is such an irresponsible jackass.
Cartoon — That looks almost "bright and cheery" compared to what I thought he'd arrange — the deepest, darkest hole in all of the US.
Temperatures were down to -8 C (18 F) this afternoon but have risen to -4 C (25 F). We're definitely getting snow — 10-15 cm (4-6 in) . . . in fact it is snowing right now. You talk about robotic mops etc Puddy Tat, I gave a friend a bouquet of toilet plungers for her birthday. We had an ongoing joke about a male manager at her work that didn't know what a plunger was. So this was funny and continues to be funny five years (at least) later. I wonder if a robotic plunger exists.
I'll give it ti SantaCat as a door stop.
Thanks all. There is no such thing as anti-gravity outside the pages of SciFi,