From this week on you may assume that I have cut the stories down; that there are more which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them, but I can't feature all of them, even all of them which are underreported. Because it's going to continue to be true for the foreseeable future. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."
Last week I mentioned the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland, and how it made homeless not only whoever may have survived it, but also a lot more people who have been trying to live and create in similar spaces (not only in Oakland, incidentally; other cities elsewhere in the country are cracking down on anyone who is using this kind of housing). If you thought that was rock bottom, think again. As of Monday, December 5, 36 had been confirmed dead but only 11 identified. A chaotic situation for friends and relatives of residents. On Facebook, a "Memorial Page for Oakland Fire" was set up, and survivors could post requests for information.
One survivor, Anna Mendiola, posted a photo of her sister in law, Jenifer (Mendiola), who also used the name Alana Kane, requesting any information. Some friends also posted, and they tagged her Facebook page. So, naturally, an uncounted number of trolls ran right over to Jennifer's page and started trolling like mad.
Mediaite will not post a link to the Facebook page out of respect. But they posted a couple of examples. Under a post urging friends to sign a petition that would encourage universities to cooperate less with ICE concerning undocumented students was posted "sanctuary schools? fuck no. rip. Trump 2029"
Under a call for Oakland residents to protest the election of Donald Trump, there are at least three comments:
"Worst post ever on FB. You should be ashamed of yourself."
"All these anti-TRUMP anarchists are burning in HELL. quite literally I'd say!"
Or, as Mediaite sums it up: "A woman is missing — and, judging by some of the comments on the page, presumed dead — and trolls have taken to her page to criticize her for not supporting Trump. Her friends and family can see these comments."
I don't think you are going to have any trouble finding them, Ladies. Like the old saying: "Fools' names and fools' faces/Are often found in public places." Apparently FaceBook is one of those places. You'll track them down.
Nazareth College, in Rochester New York, "despite what the biblical name might evoke, is not a religiously affiliated college; it dropped its Roman Catholic affiliation in the 1970s…. Instead, the college picked up a commitment to religious pluralism: Every undergraduate is required to take a religious studies course, and engage with faith traditions other than their own."
The most obvious way to so engage is to attend the religious services of another fairh, introducing themselves as students, and asking questions like: "What are your core values? How do you see them as the same or different from those of other religions?" This is what a couple of Muslim students did, picking the evangelical Browncroft Community Church. Their first visit was so successful, they returned for a second visit, during which they also went to the coffee hour and talked to members. They felt that the second visit went at least as well – a rich, positive learning experience. Some of the church members hugged them as they left.
But, after they left, a "concerned congregant" called the Department of Homeland Security (who went to the state police, who went to campus security, who called the Religious Studies Department Head) because apparently their homework assignment had become a "cause for concern."
You will be happy to know there is going to be no protesting over this. The college officials, the senior pastor of the church, and the students, as well as the Muslim Student Association, don't want protest, but they do all want dialogue. The President had a good conversation with the senior pastor, as a result of which a metting was set up between the course teacher and another pastor, and all have hopes that good will come of it.
All, maybe except Concern Troll. So, Ladies, I think you need to look up Concern Troll. And – an expression I don't use lightly – put the fear of God into him or her.
But, speaking of the fear of God, maybe Pastor David Grisham in Texas is not the guy to emulate.
He strolled into a Texas mall, found a bunch of kids and parents waiting in line to take a picture with Santa, and started to YELL. (He would probably call it "preaching"; most people would call it a "rant"; I would think almost anyone would call it rude and uncalled for.)
Some of what he said:
"… When you substitute the lie of Santa Claus in the heart of your child for the truth of Jesus Christ, you are bearing false witness against God. Don’t lie to your children and tell them there’s such a thing as Santa, when you know in reality that there are no flying reindeer, there is no workshop at the North Pole, there is no elves making toys, that you buy all the gifts and put ’em under the tree.
That’s all the truth. And there is no real Santa Claus. There is no Santa. It is not your place to lie to your children. Tell them the truth about Jesus Christ."
He then went home and posted a video of the rant to Facebook, claiming he had been "assaulted." Yeah, right. Someone coming up to you and asking you to stop yelling is not assault in my book. (The video is at the link, so you can judge for yourself.) His teeth looked like that BEFORE he started yelling. They do look like Trump voters' teeth, though, don't they? I think he needs to be schooled by you Ladies. Draw straws or flip a coin for who goes where – these people are all so pathetic that it's hard for me to say.
The Furies and I will be back.
Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4027075
3 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #55”
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It comes as no surprise that the Reich Recrums have no human compassion or empathy. Only humans have those things.
A surprising and pleasing outcome.
Happy Holicdays, asshole!
Good one JD!!
I think that the anonymity of the net causes (some) people to spew hatred, and violence towards their fellow man. In fact, people that I know, (and that I thought nice), go ballistic on different subjects on the net. Whether it's FB, or otherwise, I'm surprised at how some folks react. Believe me, words do hurt.
Nazareth College: There's always one (or two) who will ruin a good thing. Glad that the students are taking this experience and opening up dialogue to talk about it. This also shows (to me) more understanding, and acceptance towards others. p.s. Those students show more maturity than the one who called DHS.
Boy oh boy, nothing like having a day go downhill after listening to this guy. Who…btw, likes to hear himself talk… If anyone out of this ordeal, anyone!! was 'assaulted'…it would be those little ones waiting meekly to see the man in red and share what they want for Christmas. This is a big day for them, and having it ruined by this guy, is well…worthy of mall security coming in and bouncing him out. Lifelong expulsion, imho.
Well, ladies, you have a never ending job. I'd recommend shields and pitchforks this week.
Thank you, Joanne for post.
I agree that anonymity (relative anyway) can bring out the worst in people. But it can only bring out the worst that is already there. It can't dig deep enough to manufacture new levels of awfulness. As you say, you (just) thought they were nice.