Dec 032016

I’m quite pleased that the start of month rush is past.  I think I can safely say that the summer heat waves are also over, at least until February, and I need to adjust my thermostat, something that requires a long, difficult reach, even with George on.  The low is forecast at 25° F on Tuesday  night.  I have no appointments scheduled next week, so I’m looking forward to a restful time.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:10 (average 6:02).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: A once-prominent political career came to a shocking end on Friday as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was arrested for keying the limo of President-elect Donald J. Trump.

The incident, which rocked political circles in Trenton and Washington, happened in full view of the midtown-Manhattan crowds outside of Trump Tower, where the vandalized limo had been parked.

“Suddenly, this guy broke through security, whipped out his keys, and made a gigantic gash along the side of the limo,” said Harland Dorrinson, a tourist from Missouri who witnessed the incident. “Police started wrestling him to the ground, and I was, like, ‘Holy crap, that’s Chris Christie.’ ”

Fellow-Republicans reacted to Christie’s arrest with sadness and sympathy. “This whole transition period has been tough on a lot of folks,” former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney said.

Sorry Andy! You can’t fool us into believing that PIGnocchio has the cojones to do such a gutsy thing.

From Daily Kos:

Trump knows very well about voter fraud. His people and the party he represents work diligently on suppressing the vote, while also engaging in some voter fraud themselves. Case in point: Brandon Michael Hall. The 27-year-old Trump supporter was convicted yesterday on 10 counts of election law fraud.

The 27-year-old Grand Haven resident, author of the West Michigan Politics blog and self-admitted political junkie, said the verdict wasn’t a surprise. Hall said that he had resigned himself to that possibility after the Michigan Supreme Court, during this past summer, determined his case should be tried as a felony.

In 2012, Hall forged signatures on a bunch of petitions in the hopes of placing a judicial candidate—Chris Houghtaling—on the ballot for Ottawa County District Court judge. Hall was done in when his cohort in the fraud Zachary Savage was granted immunity and agreed to spill the beans in court. Hall has a history of being a low-level corrupt little individual.

Hall had previous dealings with the law when he was convicted in 2010 for stealing from a school fundraiser while he was a member of the Grand Haven school board. He served two years of probation and performed 60 hours of community service.

When it comes to election fraud, Republicans are not only doing all the complaining about it, but also, committing all the fraud.

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Donald Trump Voter Lost Her Home, Blames Trump’s Pick For Treasury Secretary


I’m sorry she lost her home, but what a fool she is, just like everyone who believes the Fuhrer will help poor and middle class Americans!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Bernie Sanders On Donald Trump’s Filthy Rich Cabinet


As always, Bernie hit the nail on the head.




  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/3/2016”

  1. 7:19.  Well, that was – interesting.

    TNY – Well, if anyone should know that the transition has been rough, it's Mitt Romney .  There are I think about 15 with essentially the same picture.

    DKos – What kind of person does not know that forging signatures is a felony?  Oh, that's right – a Republican.  D'oh!

    YT/MSNBC 1 – LOTS of people lost their homes because of Mnuchin.  And it isn't his fault there weren't more.  God knows he tried.

    YT/MSNBC 2 – Well, we can dream –

    Cartoon – They probably started development of it in October 1928, and it just took that long to get it released.  Yes, it's been needed ever since.

  2. NYer: After Bridgegate, he felt he HAD to do something to get back in the news…LOL.

    DK: I'm sure somewhere, somehow…there's a job waiting for this guy, Trump needs people like this on 'his team'. U.G.H.!!!

    YT: Sorry about her losing her home, but unfortunately, these situations are only going to get worse. Sad.

    YT/MSN: Thank you, Bernie & Chris for getting this out here….I'm passing this on to others.

    Cartoon: I see myself using this more and more with each passing day.

    My guys play GB @noon tomorrow, supposed to get snow. Get some good relaxation time in, you deserve it! Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. The New Yorker:  Andy may be right, keying cars is a juvenile stunt, Christie surely has not progressed beyond that stage.

    Daily Kos:  If they are not committing fraud, they are suppressing the voters.

    MSNBC, Chris Hayes:  I am sorry she lost her home, too, but she and too many  others, made no effort to find out the truth about Trump and believed all the lies he told.  They voted against their and our best interests.  I have said this before, I would not mind their suffering so much if the rest of us did not have to share it.

    MSNBC:  Bernie gets it right.  The hypocrasy of Trump's campaign is fully revealed in his appointments.

    Cartoon:  We are going to need a LOT of this product in the next four years, maybe some Valium, too.


  4. Puzzle — 3:48  Those are some of my nutty seedie friends!

    The New Yorker — Hell, PIGnocchio could not even defend himself against the verbal bullying by Drumpfenfarten so how could anyone think that he would key Drumpfenfarten's limo in the middle of Manhatten?

    Daily Kos — "When it comes to election fraud, Republicans are not only doing all the complaining about it, but also, committing all the fraud." — AMEN!!!  I seem to recall a Drumpf supporter in IOWA, a woman no less, voting twice in early voting and getting caught, as well as one in Florida.  Republicans should remember that when pointing a figure at others and accusing them of some heinous act, there are 3 pointing back at them.

    YT — On the matter of the foreclosure, I feel for the woman.  But on voting for Drumpf, sorry but she deserves what she got.  If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.  In the beginning I can see some people being taken in by Drumpf as an outsider.  But as the campaign went on and unsavoury things came out, where were those supporters then? . . . still in lockstep.  I have no pity for stupidity.

    YT — Bernie, as usual, is spot on!  Drumpf was all hot air during the campaign, lying through his teeth.  Now the chickens will come home to roost and there will be no chicken in the pot for working and middle income people.

    Cartoon — I remember this little guy.  "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is" — Will it work against the Drumpf effect?

  5. I do hope you get your wish of a restful time this week, TomCat. Wouldn't it be nice if Drumpf would take it easy for a week too so you can really get some peace and quiet?

    TNY: You've laid the groundwork for a long series of reports on vandalism and other mayhem there, Andy. Just imagine what Sarah Palin and Mit Romney don't get the carrot that was dangled in front of their noses for their endorsement of Drumpf. Soon New York will have to cough up an additional $ 1 million a day to keep the Drumpfs safe from "friendly fire".

    DK: We all know that Ill doers are ill deemers, and Republicans are the worst of the evil doers when it comes to elections and voter fraud. By the sound of it, Grand Haven is an amateur with a bright future ahead of him in the GOP.

    YT(MSNBCC)1: Teena Colebrook was really describing Drumpf's administration to a tee when she told Chris how Mnuchin's bank had treated her and the 40.000 others during their foreclosures, wasn't she. We don't have to be sorry for Drumpf voters like her, they've got the advantage over those who voted for Hillary: they already know what it feels like to get fracked by Drumpf and his "freshly picked" minions.

    YT(MSNBCC)2: What more is there to be said after Bernie Sanders grinned with the proverbial Dutch farmer's toothache and said Drumpf's hypocrisy would be funny if it wasn't so sad?  Wall Street are celebrating the good times that are sure to be back again under Drumpf. The rest of America can go cry somewhere in the corner. Not too loudly though, you'll disturb the banksters partying. OR they can join Keith Olbermann, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and millions more and resist!!!

    Cartoon: Time to bring a cocktail of the stuff laced with strong painkiller on the market.

  6. Thanks all!  Pooped hugs!!

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