Nov 292016

Due to taking it as easy as possible, ice packs, Icy Hot, and pain killers (non-narcotic), my shoulder is starting to improve.  However, I want to keep resting as much as possible to avoid exacerbating the problem.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:32 (average 4:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy football Report:

Here’s the latest from our own fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.



The tear in the space-time continuum must have been repaired, because I lost.  Had I won two in a row, it would have destroyed the universe.



Congrats to Rob for leading the league.  I’m so deep in the cellar, I can’t even see the bottoms of Squatch’s  feet from here.

Short Tales:

From YouTube (MoveOn Channel): Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Call to Action


Spines would be a fantastic addition to the Democrats’ playbook. I hope they grow a few.

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Why Donald Trump is Not Fit to Be President | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


While I see a Pence Reich as little improvement, if any, over Fuhrer Drumphenfarten, Keith does have a point about the Fuhrer’s mental instability. No sane person proclaims Republican positions and policies openly.

From The New Yorker: Just days after picking Betsy DeVos to run the Department of Education, President-elect Donald Trump has tapped another wealthy outsider by naming Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán to head the Drug Enforcement Administration.

In an official statement, Trump said that El Chapo’s “tremendous success in the private sector” showed that he has what it takes to “shake things up” at the D.E.A.

Dang Andy!! Do you think the Fuehrer is making a deal for a piece of the action from the Mexican drug cartel?




  24 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/29/2016”

  1. 3:46  Grumpy chicken!  Did someone tell her about the election?

    Do please take care of yourself.  Shoulders are no fun to have problems with, as I expect we all know.

    YT/MO – Well, Elizabeth has a spine.  Hope it is contagious.

    YT/GQ – When one (such as myself) finds it next to impossible to decide between an irresponsible lunatic and a probably sane but rigid and inflexible Dominionist — Well.

    TNY – I got an email that he was designating Elaine Chao as Secretary of Transportation, which I didn't understand until I searched a little and found that she is Mrs. Unpardonable Turtle.  Gag.  And gag some more.

    Cartoon – Thereby setting the area up for unending wars.

    • I have had a memory nagging at my brain to come forth for a while now, and the penny, if you will, has just dropped.

      Jack Dalrymple, the Governor of North Dakots, the man on the spot and in "authority," therefore responsible, for all those murderous law enforcement agencies doing their best to genocide the Lakota Sioux – has (I presume "Jack" stands for "John") the same name as the first Earl of Stair, "Dalrymple of the Stair," the man who wrote the order for the Massacre of Glencoe (or in Scottish Gaelic Mort Ghlinne Comhann, or murder of Glen Coe.)  It was legally murder too, under Scottish law a particularly heinous variety of murder (a lot like our phrase "by a person in a position of trust.") 

      Did anything happen to Dalrymple of the Stair?  No, he was protected by the King, despite protests and shaming by various other peers, notably Lord Macauley.

      And people think history doesn't repeat itself.

    • She was SEcretary of Labor under Dubya and screwed over laborers every way she could.

  2. YT: Refreshing to listen to her. She speaks up and OUT for us all. thank god.

    GQ: Keith says what all of us are thinking about DT….RESIST!!

    NYer: He might as well, they're all deplorables! LOL, Andy.

    Hope that you continue to rest your shoulder, do take good care. Thanks, Tom.

  3. (Please note I have not said ONE WORD WRT the CHIEFS Broncos game.)


  4. Take care, TC!

  5. Keith Olbermann is spot-on with his hard hitting commentary in this video, "Why Donald Trump is Not Fit to Be President" (4min 23sec CC). Well worth listening.

  6. Move On Channel:  Liz Warren is exactly right.  It is past time for the Democrats to quit cringing and hiding and to act in the interests of the citizens of this country, instead of caving in to the Tea Party and other Republicans.  The Dino's, such as Manchin, should be ashamed to call themselves Democrats.

    GQ Channel:  Olberman is so right, sadly.  Still don't understand why so many of our fellow citizens did not recognize this. Trump is psychologically unfit to be President of anything.

    The New Yorker:  I would enjoy this one more if Trump had not all ready made so many disastrous picks.  This one is possible given his insane thinking.

    Cartoon:  And the Palestinians have been trying to save a place for themselves since.

    I hope you are feeling better! 



  7. Puzzle — 2:52 Sorry chicken but you are guaranteed to be chicken fricassée in the Puddy Tat's maw!

    FF — Well I beat Viv last week but I am still dwelling in the basement, one floor above the Puddy Tat!  I promise to keep my feet clean so nothing will fall on you Puddy Tat.

    Youtube — "They sent us here to say no to efforts to sell Congress to the highest bidder. … but they [Republicans] cannot hand that control over to big corporations unless Democrats roll over and allow them to do so." — Amen!!!!!

    Progressives and Democrats, this is your mission!

    Youtube —  Keith makes perfect sense and his last exhortation is spot on.  RESIST!

    The New Yorker — "Dang Andy!! Do you think the Fuehrer is making a deal for a piece of the action from the Mexican drug cartel?" — That would not surprise me — Drumpf is as crooked as they come already!  What's one more criminal act when he can enrich himself so handsomely!  With him, money trumps everything including El Chapo being Mexican.

    Cartoon — Had the UN denied the partitioning of Palestine, would the Palestinians and the Jews who were mainly from Europe have talked much earlier?  European Jewry were survivors of Hitler's final solution, and also looked down on over the years, even centuries in Europe (Russian pogroms etc).  There is no doubt in my mind that the partitioning emboldened the Jews in Palestine.  The problem now is the criminal expropriation of Palestinian lands by the Israeli government which was not content with the original land division.

    • Well said on Israel/Palestine.  It seems to me that, while agreements made by the participants are not fool proof either (see U.S. Civil War), agreements made from outside and imposed on the participants are guaranteed to cause trouble (see U.S. Indian reservations and treaties.)  The Camp David accord brought the sides together to make the agreement, which should have been done in 1947.  Incidentally, I just received a link to this report:  which I previously didn't know even existed.

    • Please pass the BBQ sauce!!

      I think it more likely, that the Arabs from surrounding states would have wiped out the Jews.

  8. Good to hear your shoulder is doing a bit better, but take care to take a lot of rest. When some muscle groups are out of action, soon those on the other side will start to play up because they have to compensate and become exhausted. The only thing for it is rest, rest, and some more rest.

    You Tube(MOC): Wow, not mincing your words, are you, Liz: "It is time for Democrats, Democrats and Republicans who should be ashamed by this kind of corruption, to make it clear exactly who they work for." Top notch, Elizabeth Warren; it not only addresses the spineless Democrats to resist and not play dead, but also urges the Democratic party to clean out their own stable and get rid of those establishment corporate Dinos.

    You Tube(GQC): Keith Olbermann saves me the trouble of having to repeat what I've commented on many times before: Drumpf is clinically insane, mentally unbalanced, paranoid delusional…too many psychological/psychiatric labels, too little room to stick them on. And the world knows it, but that doesn't matter. America would never be able to overcome the political shame of having allowed an mentally unbalanced person to run for president in the primaries, endorse him to make him one of the two candidates in the race, have him elected as their head of state and then have him impeached because he's mentally unfit for the job. The people responsible will never ever admit to those mistakes but doggedly continue on their path. They rather go down with him, and take the rest of us with them, than to admit to the worst thing that could happen to a country: to have a madman, and his mad entourage, running it.

    TNY: If Drumpf would indeed pick Guzmán to be head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, I expect nobody to be really surprised but just add the name to the list of other insane picks to be discussed at a later point in time. Drumpf has worn everyone down with a continuous stream of lies and outrageous statements during his campaigns, now he's just going on in the same vein with snippets of the picks for his administration. He knows that outrage can only last for so long. But don't let him win and resist.

    Cartoon: That went well, didn't it.

  9. New Yorker – I nearly fell for Andy's piece, but thought Guzman…. Guzman???  Isn't that?  Oh dear – he nearly got me!

    He's right though – it isn't just going to be the lunatics running the asylum, but the criminals too – words fail me.


  10. Thanks all.  Hugs!!

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