Nov 282016

There was a one week reprieve from the "5 Right-Wing Outrages This Week" series, and it now looks like Alternet author Janet Allon has a new series, the "Despicable Things …This Week", or words to that effect.  I'm sure Trump won't disappoint in providing suitable material for her new series.  Here is her second article, and like her previous series, guaranteed to have you doing deep sighs and shaking your head.



Donald Trump spent Thanksgiving week leaking his potential cabinet picks, making Mitt Romney grovel and turning down security briefings. He also made the time to sit down with the New York Times to flatter and lie to them, which seemed to have inexplicably fooled the paper of record into saying look, he's not that bad. The…















Hold onto your hats everybody!  Based on his cabinet choices announced or leaked this week, and policy announcements, it is going to be a wild ride.


  8 Responses to “5 Deeply Obnoxious Things We Learned About Donald Trump This Week”

  1. 1. The teachers that I know, are stunned (frightened), by this nomination, and some are planning their exit strategies, or in a couple cases, early retirement!!, when I talked to them. Several are quite angry, and I feel their pain. DeVos brings nothing to the table to help our teachers nor our students, and has no experience. She wants to 'voucher' the schools, which will bring higher taxes to us. omg. This is a disaster, imho.

    What a callous, thin skinned 'man'?? !!!

    2, 3, 4, 5: Simply put….We're screwed.

    Thanks, Lynn for post.

    • "Simply put….We're screwed."

      As attributed to George Carlin:

      "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers."     

  2. 1. I'm sure Betsey DeVos has made major contributions to Drumpf's campaign coffers, so now it was time to give her the job she paid for. Drumpf logic demands that she's given the job where she can do most harm, i.e. Secretary of Education. She's a woman of experience after all, she knows all about charter schools and gay conversion therapy, so what more is there to know?

    2. What is there left to say about Drumpf never meaning a word he says? Sure, it is already getting very tiresome, especially after hearing more than a year of it an knowing that contradicting or correcting it each time doesn't help much, but we need to remain vigilant and above all resist his pathological lying and manipulation. Ironic though that one "pathological diseased" hires another a slightly less inflicted one to to head up his Housing and Urban Development Administration. This seems to be one area in which Drumpf clearly wants to stay hands-on and "The president can't have a conflict of interest."

    3. Drumpf is right of course, "The president can't have a conflict of interest." and he is also exempt from federal anti nepotism laws as long as nobody is willing to act on it. We don't have to look towards any dissident Republicans to call Drumpf out on his illegal/criminal practices; not acting keep them in their jobs, right? But it's good to know that some lawyers are already warming up to do their bit of resisting and we can only hope they are joined by anyone not in Drumpf's corner.

    4. Drumpf isn't completely delusional; somewhere in the back of his mind he knows he changes his views on a daily basis. So to prevent that from happening he plays truant for those  national security briefings he finds boring anyway. And if a more interesting briefing spills over into some actual new knowledge, that's not really a problem. He doesn't let it pass his filters and it'll be soon forgotten if it isn't useful to him in some way. Torture not effective? The hell it isn't, that all those terrorists are going to get.

    5. Is there anyone who thought Drumpf is going to leave off doing what he's been doing all his life? Running up the bill and then leaving someone else to pick up the tab? Only now he feels even more entitled to do that, so the bills will increase until someone finally puts a stop to his shenanigans.

    • "I'm sure Betsey DeVos has made major contributions to Drumpf's campaign coffers …"

      Well, yes and no – but nothing directly.

      According to an FEC search (and for searching criteria, her name is Betsy – without the extra "e") this year she's given $150,000.00 to PACs in soft money ($100k went to Karl Rove's PAC, American Crossroads) – and her husband Dick gave $60,000.00 to PACs this year.

      She gave an additional $159,006.00 to individual campaigns in the past (her husband gave $115,545.00) – but none to Trump directly.

      She also gave $10,400.00 in Joint Fundraising money (her husband, $12,990.00) – but again, none to Trump.

      • Interesting, Nameless. I guess dear old Betsy then may have something on Trump we don't know of yet, or she has done some major investments in Drumpf's business emporium. Up to this point Drumpf has been rewarding those loyal or generous to him like a good emperor does, and it seems unlikely that he would appoint Betsy Secretary of Education just out of the blue. There's nothing in her personal background that made her a suitable candidate for the job, is there.

        • "There's nothing in her personal background that made her a suitable candidate for the job, is there."

          Well, there is her love for charter schools and vouchers.

  3. I like Janet Allon's thinking and style very much.  In fact, she has probably been a semiconscious influence on me in my EE column, and even some of my commenting.  But this week I think her title is off.  I don't think any of these is something we learned this week – or, if we did, we simply weren't paying attention.  Charter schools – everyone here knows how I feel about them.  There are actually a very few out there doing good work; specialty schools like concervatories for instance – but if the nation goes completely to charter schoools, there won't be.  They will be drowned along with the public schools.  And guess who will be most poorly educated then.  Well, if Donald Trump thinks that people of color are too dumb to know they are being screwed, I've got news for him.  Even if they have been poisoned by lead in their water while children, they are smart enough that you can't piss on their legs and tell them it's raining.  They know better.

  4. I've known all five for a long time, Squatch.  Perhaps she was stretching it a bit with the claim we just lerarned these things.

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