Nov 172016

I’m happy to report that I finally slept about seven hours last night.  It wasn’t enough to repair the damage from over a week of Reich Induced Insomnia, but it’s a start.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:27 (average 6:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: A little over a month from now, the 538 Electoral College members will come together and throw in their “votes” to choose our next president. By that time, Hillary Clinton will have somewhere around 2,000,000 more citizen votes than Donald Trump. David Wasserman over at the Cook Political Report has been keeping an up-to-date tally of the 2016 presidential election vote counts here. As of this diary, Hillary Clinton has 61,964,263 votes while Donald Trump has 60,961,967. Using my fingers, that comes out to a 1,002,296 vote lead for the Democratic nominee. That number will continue to grow.

There are a few things to take away from this fact.

  • Hillary Clinton was the choice for president of the United States over Donald Trump in the majority of voters’ minds.
  • As bad as it feels that white supremacists are about to have the keys and the driver’s seat, they still do not represent the majority of Americans. In fact, less than 25% of the people in our country actually voted for Trump.
  • We have a chance to unify the left and the more moderate middle of our country in a way we have not see in decades.

The last time we had a president voted in without popular support from the citizens of the United States, we ended up with two wars, axis of evils, a destabilized Middle East that has turned into ISIS, and a bankrupted economy being supported by the most disproportionate income gaps since the Great Depression.

The last time this happened, I called it the Fourth Reich. The Reich was searching for a way to keep Crawford Caligula in power beyond his second term, but the Republicans tanked the economy so badly that the Reich failed. The Fifth Reich is pending, God help us!

From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): Real or Fake: Extra Special Announcement


Her new season is the best news I’ve hears this week. Hey Squatch!! Send us a few more Canucks like Thunder!!

From YouTube (GQ Channel): No, This is Not Normal Pre-Presidential Behavior | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


Amen, Keith, except for one thing. Calling Giuliani a whore is just too insulting. Prostitutes don’t deserve such a vile comparison. RESIST!



The Republican will never find its way to sanity.  To complete the maze, it would have to turn left.


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/17/2016”

  1. 5:06  Do I get any points for a palindrome?

    Daily Kos – Ah, yes.  You know, after the Fuhrenfarter made such an issue about the election being rigged (in advamce), the Hillary campaign and other Democrats probably felt they had to concede, because the American people were already having WAY more trouble than they should telling the two campaigns apart.  I sympathize, and even am proud of them for that.  Except – the insurance professional in me says that doing that was exactly like admitting fault at the scene of an accident.  Oh, well.  At least the extremely unlikely duo of John McCain and Lindsay Graham is calling for an investigation of the role of Russia and Russians in the election.  We can hope (but with the NSA so far saying, "Well, sure.  That's something that nations do to other nations," maybe we can't hope much).

    YT/FF  Yay, Sam!  She is sticking with us through thick and thin (and filth)!

    Keith – TC, Thank you.  Keep bring ing him to us.  He is the only one who is truly telling it like it is.  All others are fake.

    Cartoon – Heck, even to get dead-ended in it, they'd have to make two left turns.  No effing wonder they are so angry.  /S

  2. I'd suggest you take the safety pin out before going to bed for some extra comfort, but it may be a little to early for you to do that now, TomCat.

    DK: If the popular vote difference will total to about 2 million in favor of Hillary, that would be more than Al Gore amassed. Signs are that Drumpf will wreak more havoc too. So it's understandable that the majority of people would wish it to be otherwise. But be careful what you wish for, because the Electoral College turning the tables on Drumpf could lead to far uglier, not so peaceful, protest, civil unrest and even a very bloody rebellion by very angry Drumpf voters. I think the Electoral Collage – if they were that way inclined at all – just wouldn't have the guts to do it and just hope that that things will quiet down over time.

    YT(Full Frontal Channel): Finally a little light in the growing darkness. Thunder c%&t Sam Bee will be with us to get us through the first year of Drumpf I, madness strikes the empire. Yeah!

    YT(GQ Channel): Boy, Keith Olbermann hits the spot again, doesn't he. Soon America is a pretend nation, but if the Drumpf administration is going to build those concentration camps I've already mentioned twice this week, I sure hope the rest of the world is not going to pretend they don't exist like they did in '40-'45. Don't pretend it's all normal, RESIST.

    Cartoon: Sorry, TomCat. Republicans are not even going to pretend they're trying to find a way to sanity. They want us to pretend their insanity is "normal".

  3. Puzzle — 4:03  I can tell Puddy Tat that you have a fire in the belly and it is just rolling along!

    Daily Kos — "If the electoral college revolts, they could only elect another Republican, or throlw the election to the House.  Pense or Ryan would be no better.  Just sneakier." — TomCat, OT 16/11/16 in the comments.  So what about Rmoney or Kasich or Jeb Bush?  Personally, I would not want any Republican as they are all offensive, but who is the least offensive?

    Youtube — JD: "Drumpf I, madness strikes the empire" — What a great movie prospect.  Puddy Tat, we've already given you some great comedians — Mike Meyers, Martin Short, Howie Mandel, Jimmy Carrey to name only four.  We have to be funny and witty as laughing ourselves silly is how we stay warm on cold Canadian winter evenings!

    Youtube — To re-do a phrase from a number of years ago: Resistance is not futile!  The Drumpf Borg machine can be resisted and defeated but it will take a lot of work, guts and some time.  Just beware of what could be in the offing: .

    Cartoon — 50% left turns, 50% right turns and they still won't make it.

    Glad you got some sleep.  I'm off to teach.  Will return later.

  4. DK: Wait and see how it goes. I'd love to see HRC in, but of course, DT would say it's rigged. ugh.

    DK: WTG, Sam!!! In the midst of it all….you make me laugh and cry at the same time. Keep them coming!

    YT: Amen!! Keith is spot on, all the time. Resist!! Peace!!

    Cartoon: Can they even comprehend this? I doubt it.

    Glad that you got some uninterrupted sleep, good for you!! Enjoy your evening, and Thanks, Tom.

  5. Good sleep is good stuff, keep it going!

    I can't watch the videos tonight, but do believe that Guliani has found a new set of low places in which to skulk around.  Thank you, son-in-law of the Orange putz, for getting Christie out of the scene.

    DK: I have to echo Lona's comment about the response of the E.C. turning the electin on its head, but….

  6. I signed the petition on Daily Kos, but I know the Electoral College will go with Trump.  It is good to know that the majority of our citizens did not vote for Trump, but not good to see how many did not vote.

    YOutube:  Glad she got renewed.       Seems like Canadians know more about how our government should work than most Americans.

    Keith Olberman got it right! Tried to share this one but couldn't.  There are too many of our citizens who are pretending right now that they are not racists, misogynists, xenophobics.  They don't want to be disillusioned.  If the Trump election doesn't end the  Electoral College, nothing will.

    Glad you finally got some sleep.


  7. keep up the GOOD work Keith, you have been sorely missed.All the best.

  8. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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