I had another restless night. I’m trying, but as I lay in bed, it’s often hours before sleep comes. I guess I just need more time to wrap my mind around how to oppose the rectum Reich.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:14 (average 5:18). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Fantasy Football Report:
Here’s the latest from our own fantasy football league (Lefty Blog Friends).
This week, it was Rob’s turn to stomp my poor Kitty Dingles.
Congrats to Rob for sole possession of the lead. I now have sole possession of the cellar.
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: We’re immediately seeing how our nation’s First Amendment will "change" under Trump. Anti-Trump protesters were “hired,” Trumpites say; public opposition to his administration is not just illegitimate, but itself a conspiracy by elites against his movement. His potential Homeland Security chief, David Clark, said the protests had no "legitimate reason" and "should be quelled."
Trump can’t do these things himself. Bill O’Reilly, however, can do these things. Sean Hannity or Fox & Friends can do these things. By spreading the message that dissenters themselves are a conspiracy against Trump fueled by dark forces, they can help Trump not just demonize those opponents but take unprecedented steps against the press and the public.
A Trump administration may declare that they cannot allow the press access that is traditionally allowed because—as Trump has already tweeted—the press is "inciting" protests
I have no doubt that the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, would love to dismantle the First Amendment for their Fuhrer.
From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): New Cabinet Installation: Part 1
From YouTube: New Cabinet Installation: Part 2
As much as I love Sam, I’m just not laughing. I hope you can.
10 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/15/2016”
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5:24 The hunter becomes the hunted?
You are far from alone in having trouble sleeping. ere's a whole article with many comments full of suggestions to help. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/11/14/1598808/-The-demons-are-back
Poor football kitty!
DKos – Funny how "be careful what you say" is how the Republicans defined "politically correct," and were against it. How things change (and stay the same.) Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e?
Sam & Sam – No, I'm not laughing. Sorry.
Cartoon – Exactly.
Keep doing what you're doing right now, TomCat, and you'll be opposing Das Fünfte Reich just fine.
DK: I suppose it's hard to see when you're in the thick of it, but the First Amendment has been there mostly to further the cause for angry whites for quite some time now. I't doesn't need to change, it's doing just fine for Drumpfians. Quelling the opposition is just fine with those Drumpf voters who don't want to hear their beloved leader is going to "change" the country to hell or that their hatred is still "frowned" upon by the majority.
Sam & Sam: Laughing like a farmer with a toothache.

DK: How quickly that our freedoms, and things we believe in, is quickly nixed.
YT: Exactly, Sam.
YT2: Word.
Cartoon: Through & through.
Take some power naps when you can, maybe that'll help you. I can't say that I do, as I'm a restless sleeper too, and wake up tired. But I do re-bound later on. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
TC, as far as sleep is concerned: If yu can't fall asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed and read, watch TV, knit, whatever, but don't let the bed become associated with discomfort.
DK: Are they all taking lessons from the GoebbelsInstituteofPropagandisticLunacy.com?
Samantha Bee: Brilliant!
Mitch, my two places aree my bed and my power chair. Ifter being in the chair for hours, I go to the bed to relax,
Daily Kos: The only amendment Trump will respect is the Second, interpreted to his satisfaction. The main stream media have helped him win this election, they will continue to support him.
YouTube!: She nails it. I especially like her assessment of Paul Ryan. He always looks like a Beagle that has just been kicked and begging his master to forgive him for being there. My apologies to Beagles.
YouTube2: I'm not laughing either this is a horror story and there seems to be no way we can prevent its happening.
Cartoon: best description yet of the debacle of the recent election.
Puzzle — 3:30 No dawg fricassée today Puddy Tat!
FF — You and I were royally clobbered last week.
Daily Kos — I believe it was Vladimir Lenin who opined "if you control the media you control the people."
Youtube — Lyin' Ryan: "I don't know him."? That is the same line Drumpf used when talking about David Duke? The media has reported that Drumpf is walking back some of his promises, but is he? With individuals such as Bannon being admitted into the inner sanctum, I don't think Drumpf has changed at all. He is still the same xenophobic, racist, misogynistic, narcissist that he has always been. And nepotism . . . even ex-wife #1, Ivana, thinks she is entitled to a position such as the ambassador to the Czech Republic. This defies logic and definitely is not funny. It is a national disgrace!
Youtube — Not funny either. Where can you find record numbers of misfits and deplorables? . . . in Drumpf's cabinet and advisers.
Cartoon — Oh yeah!!!
Aw, the illusive sleep. I hope you get some very soon. A lack of sleep is truly debilitating!
Bannon loves Lenin. He widerstands that the Bolshevik revolition (1917) was the totalitarian right-wing backlash to the democratic socialist revolution (1914).
The Repugs are as always blaming others for what they have done and continue to do. Sadly their voters cannot realise the truth.
Thanks all! Hugs!!