From November 7th through the 9th "The New York Times" is providing for FREE access to digital users – including phones, tablets, etc.
So if you tend to ration your visits like I too, to avoid their 10/month quota – this is a great opportunity to go back and read – or grab – any articles you passed up.
I'm pretty well caught up on Op-Eds and Krugman stuff that I wanted to keep – plus some election articles, endorsements, etc. for my records.
You just can't be FREE!
The New York Times is inviting readers to take advantage of its reporting, analysis and commentary from the lead-up through the aftermath of the 2016 election. Readers will have unlimited access to NYTimes.com for 72 hours from 12:01 a.m. ET on Monday, November 7 until 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday, November 9.
[TC: When I just copy/paste the NY Times URL to the quote, it comes up as the picture – which goes to the article if you click it. But I also added a text link. Why does the straight URL insert itself as a photo?]
5 Responses to “Two PSAs – Public Service Announcemets”
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Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4020088
The Washington Post is doing the same https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/07/the-final-fix-map-shows-hillary-clinton-with-enough-electoral-votes-to-win-the-white-house/
Ooooh! And here's a cornucopia of AP links, by race (that's election race, not racist race
Thank you for the update, I just got in. Sweet!!!
Appreciate the links too. Very, very encouraging!
Our whole family has voted for my favorite color (BLUE) here.
Thanks, Nameless and Joanne, for your efforts.