Nov 062016

I’m writing as much as I can of this article on Friday night, as Wendy will be here bright and early and I have lots to get done.  Go Broncos!!

Good morning!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:29 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more effective Closing GOTV ad before.


Roar!! Then…

Vote Blue!!!

From The New Yorker: Infused with a sense of urgency as Election Day nears, the Trump campaign has enlisted President Vladimir Putin, of Russia, to appear with the Republican nominee in a dizzying array of swing-state rallies over the weekend.

Putin will be the most visible Trump surrogate in the final weekend of the campaign, as he tries to fire up voters in Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, and Nevada.

The Russian President seemed to relish the warm response he got at his first Trump rally, in Tampa, where he led the crowd in a raucous chant of “Lock her up.”

Dang Andy!! If he could, GOP Putin (R-RU) would do anything for his Rump Dump dawg!!

From OpEd News: We need a president who will be in our corner, not one who will put us in a corner. Watch and share the video now!, download the resources, and stand with us on Nov. 8.


I included the full version instead of the one referenced in the article. The Trump Effect will last after the election is over, because Trump is nothing more that the culmination of the Republican effect.



The other was TR.  IKE?  Fair.


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/6/2016”

  1. still amazed this election is even close……and sadly our paper ran an article today highlighting young women voting for tRump and at least one young man flipping his vote because of the recent "new fbi allegations"


    our country is already an embarrassment, don't let it be any further……vote for Unity, Equality, All… Hillary!

  2. DK: Saw this last night, What a wonderful Rallying call!! AWESOME!!

    NYer: He would if he could, no wait…he can. ugh!! LOL, Andy.

    OpEd: Aww….so very sad. A frightening video, passing on to friends too. It's also very disheartening to listen to his lies, rhetoric, and hatred. Yet…he also has a large audience. Unbelievable. VOTE HRC!!!! VOTE BLUE!!!

    Hope you have a good win with your guys, enjoy your day, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. And a good afternoon (almost evening) to you too, TomCat. I hope Wendy and you will have a good day and so will your Broncos.

    DK: If that doesn't get the last undecided voters to make up their minds and all voters to get themselves to the polls, and vote Blue, nothing will. Absolutely brilliant.

    TNY: PIGnocchio is out, so Putin is in? Yes that would make sense to Drumpfians and their leader.

    OpEdN: It is both heartbreaking and mind blowing to see in a 6 minute video laid bare how much damage the GOP with Drumpf as its epitome has already done to America, to its people, to its culture and to its democracy. When Drumpf loses the election, and takes other Republican candidates in the down ballots down with him in his fall, it'll take years to repair what has been broken. Don't give Drumpf and his minions four more years of destruction, destroying America beyond repair. Even without him as head of state, after November 8, America will never be the same.

  4. 4:56 – Too many pieces exactly the same for me.

    DKos – It impresses me.  I never know what will impress other people, though.  Especially the undecided.  How can anyone be undecided?  Oh, well.

    TNY – Jeez, I kind of wish he really would.  It would push at least some people our way.

    OpEd – He has certainly showed that it has always been there, restrained only by a thin veneer of politeness, which they call "political correctness" – no wonder they don't like political correctness!  It's not easy to figure out to what extent we need to address the undercurrent itself or accept a temporary veneer in order to address climate change and world peace – but to the extent we do the latter, we MUST remember it is still there, or at the first opportunity they see we will be right back here.

    Cartoon – I assume you mean TR as the other one.  I think I would go so far as to say "two and a half" so as to include Ike.

  5. KOS: Lovely Hillary Ad! Have a look. no (CC) The undecided voters have had 15 months of "partying" and if they haven't made up their minds by now, they will likely not vote or waste their votes on a third-party candidate. The presidential election cycle needs to be shortened to less than a year by law. 10 months is enough.  

    New Yorker: Kellyanne Conway: biased much for Putin (R-RU)… lol.

    OpEd: Yes, The Drumpf Effect will reverberate long after the election is over. If Drumpf wins, the Drumpf Effect will last much longer and set the USA back more than a 100 years. sigh… 

    A well made video. A must see and listen. (CC). 

    Vote BLUE all the way down on the ballet, no matter who, even the cat-catcher. 

    Cartoon: TR stands for Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt and he wanted universal health care over 100 years ago. Ike predicted the rise of the current GOP military-industrial complex. 

  6. I'm writing on Sunday afternoon, so news of the Federal Bureau of Idiots has come out with the news that most of the emails that were found on Weeny's device were either duplicates or cat videos and there will be NO further investigation in Hillary's emails. As if we didn't already know that there was nothing there, ALREADY! Comey will be looking for a job come January 20th, no doubt. But maybe looking for a cellmate before then (I can dream, can't I?)! 

    Loved Andy's piece! 

    Voting BLUE and ALL the WAY, TOO!

  7. Roar!!!!!!  On, and on, and on, and on, and on….

    Holy Cow!!

    The GOPBAGGERS helped bring us to this awful moment, and I do dearly hope they get their just deserts!  I've made this kind of point previously, that this bag of shit has legitmized the other shitbags among us, given them sutenance, and permission!

  8. Daily Kos:  Great ad!

    The New Yorker:  That was so funny!  I shared it on Facebook, hope some of my Trump supporting friends think it is true.

    Op Ed New:  I shared this amazing video.  Apparently, too many Trump supporters either are not interested or do not care how this is affecting our children. 

    Cartoon:  Any good ones disappeared in the nineties when Gingrich took over.



  9. Puzzle — 4:00  I was blinded by the sun and clear skies!  We've had rain warnings for days.  On the Island, one community had 31 cm (1 foot) of rain in one day!  Now if that don't float your ark . . . !

    Daily Kos — Great ad!


    The New Yorker — I agree with JD.  There could be a new McCarthy movement that might just push a bunch of people back to the sane side.

    Since Andy mentioned Melania's bullying speech, Melania should stick to things she knows about.  She either does not understand that her husband is an extreme bully, or she is mesmerised by his tiny hands!

    OpEd News — I could not agree more!  I found myself wanting to wrap my arms around those kids to potect them.

    We refer to it as the Drumpf effect in 2016, but what was it called in years past when students were bullying LGBTQ youth for example?  And the teachers that are guilty of bullying based on religion, race, sexual orientation as noted in TC's 01/11/2016 article A Deplorable Teacher!.  They must be removed from the teaching system as well.

    Cartoon — Pretty sad that there have ben only 2  in 156 years.

    I hope you are now a rosey smelling Puddy Tat and not like Pepé Le Pew any more.  I went to see my mother this afternoon and didn't get home til after 2200 h, hence this late post.  I hadn't seen her for a good 6 weeks but I got smiles which was nice.  I'm off to bed as I have an early physio.  Goodnight all!

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