Oct 162016

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how Unhinged InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.


5 Unhinged Right-Wing Moments This Week: Trump Apologists Display Full-Blown Psychosis

The Trump tantrum continued escalating all week-with Donald calling the women who have accused him of groping them unattractive and liars, despicably body shaming Hillary Clinton, calling the election rigged, and demanding Clinton be drug-tested before the next debate. Good one. While Donald spews his poison, his surrogates and apologists are achieving their own death-defying flights…

Drip!  Drip!!  Drip!!!  It never ends.


  11 Responses to “Last Week’s Unhinged Republican Moments”

  1. 1.  Yes, that is indeed mind-numbing.  Michelle, honey, the Bible is all for sexual assault against women. 

    2.  Defending the indefensible can certainly be mildly amusing – unless it's serious – in which case it is just creepy.

    3.  Oh, so THAT's why they are bringing up Beyoncé!  Well, I knew it wouldn't make any sense, and it doesn't.  Didn't I say you can tell where people stand depending on whether they know the difference between "lewd remarks" and "sexual assault"?

    4.  More time machine conspiracy theory.  Hillary must have used a time machine to make Donald confess to having committed sexual assault.

    5.  "(N)obody will know the bad guys from the good guys"?  Oh, come now.  The bad guys will be the old white guys with guns and delusions.  (Apologies to any old white guy out there who has a gun but is not delusional.)

  2. Michelle Bachmann: Where does she come up with THIS stuff?? It's certainly not from her head….???!!

    Carson: I watched this and found him dazed, confused, and very rude!!

    Robert DeNiro did a great video about the Don.


    Yep, crazzzeey week!!

  3. Just frigging nuts, all around!  American Pastor Network, give me a break!!!  I guess this is just one more place where the sheep go to get shorn.

  4. No idea who created it, but I am rather fond ot this new clever Trump Logo:

    Although all things considered, this one may be a bit more appropriate …

  5. Wow, just when you think they can't get any crazier, they prove you wrong.  Bachman needs some serious meds, she is so out of touch with reality.  She claims to be a Christian, but it sounds like she has not read the New Testament most of the time, but got stuck in Leviticus.

    Surely no one takes Ben Carson seriously, he would make a really funny cartoon figure.

    McCaughey has caused enough trouble with her "death panel" theory, that many still believe.  I don't use the f word or some other words, but I still listen to rap sometimes, and I also like Beyonce.  I am pretty sure I am not a threat to my neighbors, although it might surprise them that the little old cat lady listens to something besides Elvis.

    Gingrich and Hannity are the too most dangerous on this list because they still have followers who believe them,  and they probably don't believe the nonsense they spout.  Hannity does it for the ratings, Gingrich so America won't forget who he is, although I wish we could.

    Jon Voight has been"out of it" for a long time and surely no one would take him seriously.

  6. Crazy is as crazy does!  The whole bunch should be in the basket of dangerous deplorables! . . . if they're not there already!

  7. 1. Michelle Bachmann: Electing Clinton " will lead to even more sexual assaults against women because she will be setting an anti-biblical agenda." WTF? Never mind, it's only Bachmann talking. She's already down to preaching to the converted of the American Pastor Network; her next appearance will be broadcasted straight from a mental institution.

    2. Ben Carson: CNN and MSNBC were scraping the bottom of the barrel to get someone to defend Drumpf last week when they invited brainless surgeon Carter to answer some questions. Or they were looking for some entertainment and all the comedians were too busy making jokes about Drumpf elsewhere. They couldn't have asked him to set mock Drumpf even further now, could they? Naaaahhhh.

    3. Betsy McCaughey: Betsy not only has a problem with people who use the F-word, the P-word, the B-word, the A-word – c'mon Betsy, there are more letters in the alphabet than that – and with people who listen to lyrics with these words in it, but has no problems with making people having to hear them coming from her mouth. That's Republican logic for you.

    4. Newt Gingrich: I could go on about the real Republican conspiracy against Clinton to blacken her name and even get her behind bars, Newt, but I won't. As a psychologist I've learned that it is completely useless to try and reason with a paranoid and delusional person.

    5. Jon Voight: The trouble with all these old rich people like Voight and Gingrich is that they can afford the best healthcare at home when everyone else less fortunate would have had themselves checked into a care center which can't (or won't) give the access to the internet. Family, friends an media should stop being enablers, take their laptops and tablets away and the camera out of their faces, and stop bothering us with their psychotic or demented rambling.

  8. .
    Once again, BatShit Crazy Guano Girl Michelle Bachmann crawls out of her hole  and espouses far-right pseudo Christian drivel. Makes me wonder if she was groped by the Drumpfster and never quite fully recovered from her "Christian  experience". 

    Ben Carson lost his mind a long time ago. A sad fitting epitaph for a once renown surgeon. Ben needs to simply fade away from ever speaking again in public. 

    I've heard of Beyonce but not familiar with her music. Each person to their own musical likes & dislikes makes me wonder what kind of music Ms. McCaughey likes. Hmm… maybe music to the tune and beat of "Death Panels"… 

    Newt Gingrich and Sean Hannity were harping about just how bad and corrupt the MSM are. Too bad that both Gingrich & Hannity are correct in their assessment as the majority of the major news media are saying that The Drumpf as unfit to be President. Are the MSM corrupt or are they telling us the truth about Drumpf. 

    Maher said it best: "The United States is a stupid country". "I don't need to clarify; it  is". Video: (CC)
    What happened to critical thinking? Civics? Common sense? History? Education?

    How can an actor like Jon Voight be so blind and deaf, delusional about The Drumpf. Robert DeNiro is spot on in his video. 

  9. Thanks all!  Pooped Hugs!

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