Oct 072016

Whether you agree with the pundits who characterized this week’s Vice-President Debate as the “Thrilla in Vanilla” featuring bland-to-bland combat or not, it’s the only time (thank God!) we’ll have to put up with Pence’s pitiful prevarications on primetime TV.  (Whatever else you may think of Pence, you’ve got to hand it to him – the man can lie with the same aplomb as his running mate.  Although it appears he may even be denying that Trump IS his running mate based on his lack of knowledge – or willful ignorance.)

To let you know up front what my take on the evening, I’ll tell you right now how I’d score the debate:



Evening’s WinnerFolks who watched anything else

So what did the “Twitterverse” have to say about the night?  It was the common consensus that Kaine’s incessant interruptions were a distraction that undermined his clear superior command of the facts – and I’d agree with that.  But “Liar, Liar Pence on Fire” wanton and repeated denial of easily verifiable facts also produced the consensus that while Pence may have won the evening, Kaine won the morning. 

Facts and truth have a way of doing that – at least we hope so!

So while Pence lied the night away – he looked “Presidential” … very “Presidential” … with his lying.  To the point that some pundits wondered how Pence’s upstaging his boss would sit with Trump.

Hell, even Bill “The Bloody” Kristol joined in

So the question is, did Pence throw Trump under the bus in order to position himself for a run in 2020?

And the follow-up question of, how would “The Donald” react to the fact that republicans now wish they had chosen Pence over him because Pence looked slicker while bullshitting Americans with his bald-faced lies(GOP: “Facts?  We don’t need no stinkin’ facts!”)

Was there any doubt that Trump would recover by taking full credit for Pence’s performance?

The Twitterverse did veer off on a tangent sympathizing with the impossible task for Moderator Elaine Quijano of keeping control and fact-checking Pence’s endless lies.

So of course we were then treated to a flurry of Elaine/Seinfeld Tweets …

But then we were taken aback when Pence, a full-fledged Talibangelical christianist, provided a couple of surprising double entendres:

So what’s the final verdict?  Kaine may not have won, but it’s clear that Trump lost:

And the bottom line take-home:

Here’s a minute and a half video highlighting a few of Pence’s prevarications:

My conclusion?  There’s absolutely nothing Trump won’t outsource.  Not even his lying!




  6 Responses to “Friday Fun: Recap of VP Debate via Tweets”

  1. Good one, Nameless.

    • Wow.  How can a debate between the guy who extends summer curfew and the guy who wants to lock up his daughter generate more and better humor than the big one?  What a masterful job you have done here to compile it all, and punctuate it with puns.  Since we all must suffer through the election, we are so lucky that you are here to distill the humor for us.

  2. This is great!!

    Thank you, Nameless for this post, and Joanne for cross posting.

  3. Love it, thanks Nameless.

  4. Great stuff, Nameless. I especially liked your: " My conclusion?  There’s absolutely nothing Trump won’t outsource.  Not even his lying!" Can I quote you on thar one?

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