Two Clips from Bill Maher

 Posted by at 12:58 pm  Politics
Sep 192016

I have said on several occasions that I’ll share clips from Bill, whenever I can, because I consider him spot-on about everything, except for his evangelistic approach for proselytizing his atheism, and he’s even funny as hell about that.  Both these clips come from YouTube’s Real Time Channel.

In the first, Bill has at it with Kellyanne Conway, Rump Dump Trump’s Campaign Model Manager.

She must have been wearing blue contact lenses. Otherwise she couldn’t have kept her eyes from turning brown.

In the second, he proposes a New Rule for political civility.

Note that every example in his long list of uncivil acts was perpetrated by Republicans.  Therein lies virtually all the problem.

Thanks Bill!  Laughter aids learning!

Sep 192016

I’m sorry about yesterday.  This med still has me pretty wiped out.  I slept all morning, and could go right back to bed, if I would let myself.  On the plus side, the nerve pain is greatly improved.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 4:43).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Staff Notice:

It appears that Alternet and Crooks and Liars have dropped the plug-in they were using to request embedded articles contain their banner, so until they put it back, we can go back to Creative Commons Attribution.

Since I started compressing graphics we have a new media library to which administrators (and hopefully authors too) can upload graphics.  It’s high in the left hand column of the Dashboard.  Please leave all graphics compression to me.

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Elizabeth Warren was in Columbus, Ohio campaigning with Ted Strickland.  If you only have time for a snippet of the speech, you can find one at The New Civil Rights Movement.  But the full speech is really worth the 25 [28] minutes.


I’ve said it before. Liz is a national treasure!

From Crooks and Liars: Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson stated over the weekend that he was "just grateful that nobody got hurt" by an explosion that injured 29 people in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood.

During a Sunday interview on CNN, host Brian Stelter asked the candidate to respond to the explosion that left 29 people injured Saturday night.

Barf Bag Alert!!


Duh! He proved with Aleppo that he’s unfit to be President from a foreign policy perspective. This proves the same from a domestic perspective.

From Alternet:  …Here’s 11 areas where the differences between Clinton and Trump are poised to take the country in starkly different directions.

1. Will there be a revival of American racism against non-whites? There has not been as openly bigoted, racist and pro-white major party presidential candidate in decades. Trump has modeled a catalogue of racist rants and stereotypes and opened the door to a new era of race-based grievance politics. This is not just about immigration, but start there. He wants to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. He wants to build a wall along the Mexican border. He doesn’t want millions of “dreamer” children of the migrants, born here, to have a clear path to citizenship. He wants all Muslims to face extra immigration hurdles and encourages racial profiling. In sharp contrast, Clinton opposes all those stances, and wants the opposite—comprehensive immigration reform and embraces multi-cultural America. Yet Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Tim Pence, have dropped the pretense of dog-whistle politics, where white supremacists mouth neutral-sounding platitudes, like embracing ‘state’s rights,’ code for unequal treatment of minorities. They have coddled a spectrum of white supremacists, from klansman David Duke to Trump national convention delegates to far right-wing radio hosts, all of whom feel white America should not adapt to the nation’s growing multiculturalism. Meanwhile, Clinton’s campaign slogan, reflected in her policies, is “Stronger Together.” Which way will the country go?…

I shared one, his extreme racism. Click through for the other ten.



Sep 182016

It’s a slow day for news.  I’m very tired.  I slept yesterday, do I couldn’t sleep last night, and Wendy will be here in about an hour, so I’m going to take the rest of the day off.  Hugs to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 5:02).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Sep 172016

Here are the results of our “What will Democrats Win?” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking or will of the national majority.


Since our polling site no longer enables us to copy and paste your poll comments, you may read them here.

I voted that I expect Democrats to win the Presidency and the Senate, but not the House.  I’d love to be wrong on the House, as long as I’m right on the other two.

The new poll is up, so please get out your deplorability meters and vote.

Sep 172016

Yesterday Megan put me on Cymbalta for nerve pain.  I took my first pill last night.  The effects were almost immediate and mixed.  The nerve pain is greatly improved.  However I’m feeling a bit shaky and a bit spacy.  My body does not quite feel like it is my own.  My sense of taste has changed, and I have no appetite.  Hopefully I will become accustomed to these, and the appetite thing is actually a plus, since Wendy’s cooking added six pounds to my fat ass in the last month.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, and the Colts will be visiting my Broncos.  May the Divine Orb bless your team, unless you like little horses better than big ones. Winking smile

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:56 (average 6:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Calling this “the greatest day of my life,” a visibly moved Barack Obama held a news conference on Friday to thank Donald Trump for granting him U.S. citizenship.

“The issue of whether or not I was a U.S. citizen has been a dark cloud over my existence for as long as I can remember,” a tearful Obama told the press corps. “Only one man had the courage, wisdom, and doggedness to make that cloud go away: Donald J. Trump.”

The President, who had to halt several times during his remarks to compose himself, praised the Republican Presidential nominee for “never giving up” in his quest to prove that Obama was born in the U.S.

Andy, have you been smoking wacky tobaccey again?

From Daily Kos: Senator Claire McCaskill goes on Morning Joe and calls Trump and Dr. Oz ‘snake oil salesman’


Why doesn’t Clinton have a larger lead? I’ll tell you!! Media propaganda on his behalf is why. McCaskill insulted snake oil!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): One-On-One With Bernie Sanders | All In | MSNBC


I hope the all the folks, who claim to be Berners, prove it by listening to and imitating Bernie!




Everyday Erinyes #43

 Posted by at 10:52 am  Politics
Sep 172016

I have two items today which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."

You have to give Wikipedia – the army of mostly unpaid writers who have taken it under their wing to keep it up-to-date and accurate credit for being prompt.   ITT Technical Institute, a for-profit colleges with lots of campuses, folded yesterday, and before the day was over, Wiki's entry was changed from "is" to "was."  And I must say it was about time it closed.  It harmed a lot of students over its existence, and some are even more harmed by the closing  In Nebraska, some students showed up for a scheduled commencement ceremony which had been cancelled.  And I do feel for the employees, most of who are innocent of wrong doing, just trying to make a living.  But at least closed, it won't hurt any more students.

The closing comes in the midst of a federal crackdown on the school for predatory lending and other practices.  The investigation has been ongoing for years.  It is a true horrible example.  I don't know whether Kristen Trease's lawsuit, which I believe is new or new-ish, though the basis for it is not, was a factor.  I do hope her suit is one of the kind which are not discharged by bankruptcy, but I would not make book on it.  I just hope so.

Ms. Trease worked at an ITT Tech Arizona campus as a "student recruiter."  Her job included interviewing students and helping them enroll.  In mid-2011, she was assigned to work with a new student named Carlos Webb.  Mr. Webb was at the time on parole for previous offenses including kidnapping, burglary, and rape.

Mr. Webb started hitting on Ms Trease, including interrupting her neetings with other students in order to "engage her in personal discussions."  (Can't you just imagine the "discussions"?)

She complained to the school about this harassment, and also expressed her concern about his prior criminal history (well, duh!)  Crickets.  (footnote  – the expression "crickets" originated on Daily Kos as a synonym for no response, no action, just nothing at all.)  At the end of the fall semester, Mr. Webb was back in prison for a violation of probation, to wit, removing his ankle monitor.

But he got out, and ITT took him back (over her protests.)  His harassment was resumed, only now with screaming and threats.  She complained.  In February SHE was subjected to disciplinary action for reporting harassment.

In April he shot her.  Through the chest.  After sexually assaulting her.  It took her months to recover.  On October 25, 2012, she went back to work.  Where she was immeditely fired.  For "issues related to your performance."  I suppose she can be grateful she wasn't fired by text message while she was still in surgery.

EEOC found that she was discriminated against on the basis of her disability.  So she has a strong case.  If she and her attorney can only find the defendant.  Perhaps, Megaera, you would help her with that, and Tisiphone, perhaps you can go after Mr. Webb.  Especially since the state doesn't seem to be doing that very effectively.

In other news, I'm sure every woman here (and many men) has a story of some rapist who offered the defense that the woman he raped was willing, that she "asked for it," yada yada – it happens All. The. Time.  But have you ever wondered just how far it can be taken?  Well, frankly, I am not sure this is the outer limit, but it is pretty far out.


In Ohio, a former mayor of Hubbard — who says he "dedicated his life to Christ" – has admitted to raping a child for three years, starting when she was four.  But, he says, she was a willing participant.  She initiated the contact.  At the age of four.

Besides having served as a mayor and a city councilman, he has also worked as a probation officer.

Richard Keenan has admittied the abuse to a mixed bag of people, and the prosecutors are trying to figure out who can, under Ohio law, be required to testify.  He was indicted last month, and is currently free on $75,000 bond.  The trial is pencilled in for April 2017.

Alecto, I know this kind of victim blaming has never ceased, but this particular case – it needs to stop.  Knock yourself out.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 at

Sep 162016

I’ll be leaving in a few minutes for my PCP appointment with Megan.  She’ll call in a prescription to my mail order pharmacy and I’ll have a new med for nerve pain by Tuesday or Wednesday.  Light at the end of the tunnel looks so good.  I apologize for mot reminding out fantasy football players about last night’s game between the Jets and the Bills.  I’ve been so busy that I forgot to check the schedule.  I know that I caught me, as I failed to plug-in the wide receiver I intended to start.  It cost me 15 fantasy points.  ARGH!!  I’ll finish this when I return.  This is my only article today.

I’m back.  Megan put me on Cymbalta, so if I start promoting Rump Dump Trump, that’s why.  I think it might help with the nerve pain, if it doesn’t make me crazy… um… crazier.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:43 (average 4:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (H/T KP Daily Funnies): Pinksourcing With Kristen Bell | Celebs Have Issues Ep. 1

Sadly, it’s damn accurate!

From Daily Kos: The NRA recently launched an ad portraying Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Jason Kander as weak on gun rights, which is usually an effective argument in conservative states like this. But Kander’s must-see response commercial is one for the books.


The evil incumbent, Roy Blunt (R-MO) is up 3.4 points in the polls. I’d love to see him get his Ammosexual butt kicked.

From NY Times: In an alarming victory for the gun lobby, Missouri’s Republican-controlled Legislature voted Wednesday to override Gov. Jay Nixon’s veto and enact a wholesale retreat from gun safety in the state.

The law will let citizens carry concealed weapons in public without a state gun permit, criminal background check or firearms training. It strips local law enforcement of its current authority to deny firearms to those guilty of domestic violence and to other high-risk individuals. And it establishes a dangerous “stand your ground” standard that will allow gun owners to shoot and claim self-defense based on their own sense of feeling threatened.

The author is correct to call MO the "Shoot Me" State.



Sep 162016

Earlier this year a group called Glimpse dedicated to using the power of creativity to transform public spaces into oases designed to make people feel good, began a Kickstarter quest to fund their goal of replacing all the menacing, mercenary ads in a London tube (what we call a “subway”) station with claw-some pictures of pooties.


Well, it didn’t look promising for quite some time.  Even though they had joined forces with Battersea, the UK Animal Rescue Center who offered up their shelter cats as models for the project, they were barely over halfway to their goal of raising £23,000 (about $30,500) with only a few days left. 

But fur-tunately they came up with the claw-some idea of forming Citizens Advertising Takeover Service (CATS) wherein each person pledged a minimum of £100 (about $132).  All totaled, more than 680 backers ended up pledging £23,131 (about $30,845) to transform a London tube station into a shrine with images of the Internet's favorite creature.  (Hell, let’s be honest here – cats are one of the main reasons the Internet was created.)


One of the 68 posters lining the walls features cats sent in by members of the public.  In fact, one of the pledgers even flew in from Virginia to view their beloved critter in the poster.

The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replaced 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently about the world around them. Credit:

The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replaced 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently about the world around them. Credit:

So on Monday morning commuters who usually start the work week feline depressed took an extra few mew-ments to enjoy all 68 pootie portraits lining the walls and escalators at the Clapham Common Tube Station that left them with paws-itive cat-titudes!

So paw-lease, have your tickets ready to pass through the Clapham Common tube’s gates and enjoy their mew-nificent creativity:



The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replaced 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently about the world around them. Credit:

The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replaced 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently about the world around them. Credit:


The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replaced 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently about the world around them. Credit:

The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replaced 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently about the world around them. Credit:


On the serious side, Glimpse founder and #CatsNotAds leader James Turner said:

"We tried to imagine a world where public spaces made you feel good. We hope people will enjoy being in the station and maybe think a bit differently about the world around them.  Instead of asking you to buy something, we're asking you to think about what's really valuable in your life. It might not be cats, but it's probably something you can't find in the shops."

And Battersea's head of catteries, Lindsey Quinlan added:

"We're thrilled that Battersea cats are among the stars of these posters.  We care for over 3,000 rescue cats a year, so hopefully this campaign will encourage lots more people to visit our centers and consider rehoming our fantastic felines."

In the meantime, the #CatsNotAds team is not resting on their laurels.  They’ve already begun planning their next "takeover" project.  Entries can be submitted at  Take a guess what the current frontrunner is?

The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replaced 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently about the world around them. Credit:

The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replaced 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently about the world around them. Credit:

The Tweet has a short, 34-second video tour of the station:



Here’s map of the London Tube system – see if you can find the Clapham Common Tube Station:



All the Ads in This London Subway Station Have Been Replaced by Pictures of Cats

This one also has a video – but you have to belong to Facebook (I don't) to embed it, but it's viewable to all

When Cats Take Over a London Subway Station #CatsNotAds
