19 Pages of Pucky

 Posted by at 12:11 pm  Politics
Sep 262016

To be clear, the term "pucky" is best understood in its most common contexts: bull pucky and horse pucky.  In a political context, it can be understood as lies.  I would consider a politician dishonest, if they has 19 prominent examples of proven pucky.  Never in my most obscene nightmares, fleeing Republican  ghouls, have I ever imagined a candidate with 19 pages of pucky!


…The Donald is an absolute EXPERT at policing himself. He’s certainly an expert at policing Hillary Clinton, calling her a liar, a bigot, one of the founders of ISIS, and many other things too numerous to list…

…or are they?

The Hillary Clinton campaign held a special press call to call on the debate moderator, media, and voters to fact check Donald Trump. In order to help the press, debate moderators, and voters fact check Trump, the Clinton campaign has released 19 pages of Trump lies.

HFA Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri said, “Donald Trump has shown a clear pattern of repeating provably false lies hoping that nobody will correct him. As we head into this debate, we want voters and viewers to be on alert that they should keep track. Any candidate that tells this many lies, clearly can’t win the debate on the merits.”

The full list can be read here. Here’s a quick taste, though:

The Clinton campaign is specifically focused on Trump’s 7 Deadly Lies:

FALSE: Trump opposed the Iraq War.

Washington Post: Trump: “I was totally against the war in Iraq.” // Four Pinocchios.

FALSE: Trump opposed intervention in Libya.

Factcheck.org: Donald Trump on Libya, May 20 interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”: I would have stayed out of Libya.” // False.

FALSE: Clinton supports open borders.

PolitiFact: Trump says Clinton wants to create ‘totally open borders.’ // False


… [emphasis original]

From <Daily Kos>

I shared just three examples.  Click through for more.  Or read the list.  Shouldn’t every debate moderator have and use a copy?

Sep 262016

I finally had a decent night’s sleep, last night, but feel no better, because it will take several more before I’m back to speed.  I’ll be stocking up on Barf Bags for tonight’s media circus.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:41 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Takes:

From NY Times: The pitched battle over President Obama’s signature climate change policy, which is moving to the courts this week, carries considerable political, economic and historical stakes. Yet its legal fate, widely expected to be ultimately decided by the Supreme Court, could rest on a clerical error in an obscure provision of a 26-year-old law.

That error, which left conflicting amendments on power plant regulation in the Clean Air Act, will be a major focus of oral arguments by opponents of Mr. Obama’s initiative when the case is heard on Tuesday in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

The initiative, known as the Clean Power Plan, which Mr. Obama sees as at the heart of his climate change legacy, gave the United States critical leverage to broker the landmark 2015 Paris climate change accord. If the plan is struck down, the United States, the world’s largest carbon polluter over the centuries, will lose its main tool to cut greenhouse gas emissions. If it is upheld, it will transform the nation’s electricity system, closing hundreds of coal-fired power plants and setting in motion a wholesale shift to wind, solar and nuclear power, as well as to improved electric transmission systems.

As things stand now, the Supreme Court will probably vote 4-4, meaning that whatever decision the last Appeals Court will have made will stand. This should demonstrate just how critical it is for Democrats to hold the Presidency and take the Senate.

From Think Progress:

Hours after the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times published separate stories outlining the lies Donald Trump has told during his presidential campaign, Trump’s campaign spokesperson told ABC’s “This Week” that it isn’t the media’s job to factcheck the presidential debate.

“I really don’t appreciate the campaigns thinking it is the job of the media to go and be these virtual fact-checkers,” Kellyanne Conway said, in an apparent attempted jab at the Clinton campaign. She also opposed debate moderators questioning the candidates’ truthfulness in any way…
…Conway went on to praise Matt Lauer’s performance during a candidate forum earlier this month, during which he pressed Clinton on several issues, but accepted Trump’s (false) claim that he opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning.

“We thought he did a great job,” Conway said.

No surprises there.

From Robert Reich: Last week, Congress engaged in a bipartisan barrage of CEO bashing…

…Such shaming before congressional committees tends to reassure the public Congress is taking action. But – especially with Republicans in charge – Congress is doing nothing to prevent the wrongdoing from recurring.

Can we be clear? CEOs have only one goal in mind – making money. If they can make more money by misleading or price gouging, they’ll continue to do so until it’s no longer as profitable…

…So instead of setting up further rounds of CEO perp walks for the TV cameras, Congress should give the Justice Department and regulatory agencies enough funding to do their jobs.

While they’re at it, break up the biggest banks. And regulate drug prices directly, as does every other country.

It’s easy to holler at CEOs. It’s time for to stop hollering and take action.

The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The problem is that the Reich on the Right, the Republican Reich, is still deplorable. They will block reform as long as they have the power to do so.



Sep 252016

After another sleepless night and a busy day of housework with Wendy, I’m just wiped out, so this is my only article today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took mw 3:08 (average 4:57).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: If you have not yet seen this new campaign ad for Hillary Clinton, take some time out to watch it. Then share it with everyone you know.

Barf Bag Alert!!


Rump Dump is a misogynist extraordinaire, and he’s not the president we want for our sons either.

From NY Times: The uniquely uncivil presidential campaign is about to produce one of the biggest civic gatherings in decades: For 90 minutes on Monday night, a polarized nation will pause to watch the first head-to-head encounter between Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump.

The total audience, network executives and political strategists say, could be as high as 100 million viewers — Super Bowl territory. That would surpass the 80 million who watched Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan in 1980, the record for a presidential debate, and rank among television benchmarks like the finales of “MASH” and “Cheers.”

If Trump stays on script, it could be difficult, unless the moderators call him on his lies. If he starts reacting, it will get very ugly, which could be great for Hillary.   And I do so hope Hillary does not get overconfident and trip over her… um… self.

From TPM: After Hillary Clinton’s campaign seated notorious Donald Trump troll Mark Cuban in the front row of the first presidential debate, Trump fired back by threatening to invite Gennifer Flowers, who accepted.

Next, he’ll invite Anthony Weiner’s weiner.



Sep 242016

Here are two more clips from Bill’s show.  In the first, Bill and his guests discussed police.

Bill makes an excellent point that open carry and "open angry" are for whites only.  Great minds fall in the same ditch.  I made a very similar point in today’s Open Thread, before I saw this.  The second clip is the New Rule.


Sep 242016

I’m still struggling to sleep.  At this point, I don’t know if it’s a side effect of Cymbalta or the result of this strange fall weather.  Even though the temperature last night was 50°, it doesn’t make my apartment bearable when there is no wind to move that cool air inside, and the humidity is 96%.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  I probably won’t publish until late in the day, because my Broncos meditate in Cincinnati in the early game, and it’s a Wendy day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:27 (average 6:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: During a “town hall style” appearance on Wednesday with Sean Hannity to address “African-American concerns,”—an event that seemed to lack actual African-Americans—Donald Trump told an audience member what he would do to curb violent crime. He would implement a nationwide "stop and frisk" program, based on the controversial, racially-biased and unconstitutional program run in New York City for more than a decade. 

This morning he appeared on Fox and Friends and offered more details on how that might work. You will not believe his jaw-dropping remarks. From his appearance on Fox and Friends:

FOX AND FRIENDS: will you explain what that is to my folks down in South Carolina that don’t really deal with stop and frisk? What exactly is it and what are the pros and cons?

TRUMP: Well, there are different levels. and you have somebody coming up who is the expert on it but basically they will—if they see, you know, they are proactive and if they see a person possibly with a gun or they think may have a gun, they will see the person and they will look and they will take the gun away. They will stop, they will frisk, and they will take the gun away and they won’t have anything to shoot with. I mean, how it’s not being used in Chicago is—to be honest with you, it’s a quite unbelievable, and you know the police, the local police, they know who has a gun, who shouldn’t be having a gun. They understand that.

From a Republican Ammosexual perspective, the right to bear arms is absolute…, but for Caucasians only.

From Media Matters: When we heard that rancid white nationalists were holding a press conference near us, there was only one thing to do: send a gay Latino to cover it.

Barf Bucket Alert!!


A barf bag was much too small for that one!!

From The New Yorker: At a campaign rally on Friday, Donald Trump warned that Hillary Clinton is scheming to “rig the debate by using facts” in their first televised face-off, on Monday.

“You just watch, folks,” Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. “Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that’s how she’s going to try to rig the thing.”

“It’s a disgrace,” he added.

The billionaire drew a sharp contrast between himself and the former Secretary of State by claiming that his debate prep “involved no facts whatsoever.”

Sorry Andy. I’m afraid we already knew that Hillary is sneaky enough to use facts and Rump Dump isn’t.




Everyday Erinyes #44

 Posted by at 10:33 am  Politics
Sep 242016

I have two items today which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."

Two weeks ago I assured everyone I was not trying to pick on Oregon.  Today I am not trying to pick on Kansas City, MO.  Things happen everywhere.  Sometimes the Furies are extra needed if an incident happens where someone we care about lives.

So here's the deal.  The original incident happened in 2014 (the lawsuit was just filed this month.)  Kalyb Wiley Primm was in second grade in a school in Kansas City, Missouri.  Kalyb has a hearing impediment, and being thus different, was often on the receiving end of "teasing" or "bullying," whatever you want to call it.  On this day, in late April 2014, Kalyb called it "messing with me."  He started, in his own description, "screaming."  The ACLU, in the complaint, says he "cried out."  Walter Einenkel over at Daily Kos says he "began to cry." kalyb

Did I mention he was seven years old, barely four feet tall, and weighed less than fifty pounds?

A Kansas City Police officer who was in the building as a security officer evidently heard his cries from the hallway – and I can understand it may have been loud – anyone who has had, or has lived with anyone with, a hearing impairment knows it's not so easy for that person to be certain exactly how loud they are at any given moment.  Anyway, the officer decided the boy needed to be taken to the principal's office.

Apparently, however, whatever sound he was making stopped when the officer entered the room.  Nevertheless the officer instructed him – more than once (I did mention the hearing impediment, right?) – to accompany him.  By the time the child joined the officer in the hall, he was pretty scared.  The sound recommenced and the boy attempted to walk away.

At that point, the officer twisted the lad's arms and handuffed his arms behind his back, then led him to the front office.  In handcuffs.  Where he remained, handcuffed, until his mother could arrive to pick him up.

Now, the Missouri Department of Education has a policy in place against restraints being used except in "emergency" or "crisis" situations.  Nevertheless, the school denied any responsibility.  Why?  Because the Security Officer doesn't work for the school, he works for the KCPD.  Can you spell c-o-w-a-r-d-s?

After this incident, Kalyb was so frightened that his mother home schooled him for two years.  He is back in school now.  But not that school.

Kalyb was seven in the picture, taken from the Free Thought Project.  It was taken about a week after the incident.  But he doesn't look a whole lot older now that he is ten.  Dear ladies, now that the ACLU (which may covertly be the fourth Fury) has committed to this case, your job may be easier.  You may just need to have the ACLU's back and make sure the case gets settled right.  Or you may want to detour and teach some humility to some bullies along the way.  Including the one in uniform.

My other story I saw last week, actually a little before I posted, but I set it aside for a week because I don't want to feature something that everyone's already talking about, and I thought that would happen here.  But it didn't.  Not exactly.  Yes, there have been the usual emails decrying voter suppression, and some of them, and some new petitions, have even mentioned "CROSSCHECK," but I don't feel that the scope of this endeavor has been truly appreciated.kobachnugent

The full name of this system is the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, and it has been adopted by 28 states, including Ohio, Georgia, Virginia, and North Carolina.  You'll recognize these as swing states.  It was designed by Kris Kobach (that's him shown with Ted Nugent).  The system is designed to detect if a person is registered in more than one state.  Now, my opinion is that if it actually did that it would be virtually useless, because, out of all the 28 states using it, they might actually find one or two.  Both (if they found two) would be Republicans, because no one else can afford multiple homes.

However, Kobach promised to foot the bill for compiling the lists, and governors, especially GOP governors, jumped at it.  How they think this is going to happen I don't know – Kansas, thanks to Governor Brownback, as abetted by other Republicans, is bankrupt, and selling sex toys to attempt to put the smallest of dents in their deficit.  But this is Kris Kobach, whose idea it apparently was for Mexico to pay for "The Wall," so of course he did.  (He also wrote Arizona's "Driving while brown" law.  He does get around, doesn't he?)

The lists are supposed to include first name, last name, date of birth, and Social Security numbers.  However, their instruction manual advises that the Social Security numbers "might or might not" match.  Match what, you may ask?  Well, it doesn't say.  You may also notice that list of attributes does not include middle initial/name, or suffix (if any).

So if I live in Georgia and my name is James Brown, and you live in Ohio and your name is James Brown, you might be James A. Brown Jr., and I might be James Cameron Brown – but we are both under suspicion of voting twice.  And those lists are not being released, because, since voting twice is a felony, those on the lists are "suspects" in a "criminal investigation."  Or, as SemDem at Daily Kos puts it,

In other words, a Trump racist can get your state’s voter information, but a publication [Rolling Stone] that wants to ensure innocent people don't have their fundamental, constitutional right to vote purged was told that exact same information is secret.

To give you an idea of the scope of this, we do know that Virginia's list had 342,556 names of people who were supposedly redistered in Virgina and in another state.  Ohio's list has almost 500,000 people.  Altogether, there are about 7.2 million names on these lists.

God help you if you live in one of these states and your name is Garcia.

SemDem did a grand job of writing this up, but if anyone wants to go a little deeper, there is the original article in Rolling Stone.

And a site where, regardless where you live, you can use to check whether you are registered, is here.

I have given my email address to my county election department for them to notify me of important dates and things to know.  If you can, this might be a good thing to do.  I just recently received an email confirming that I am registered and on track to receive a General Election mail ballot.

Treasured Furies, we need help getting out the word and spreading the outrage.  But we also need you to educate Kris Kobach.  Educating him right our of politics would be just wonderful.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4012307


Dems Leading in NC

 Posted by at 1:16 pm  Politics
Sep 232016

Let me begin with the caveat that I consider it too early to be predicting outcomes, and with that said, Rachel Maddow has brought us a very small sample of raw data from early voting in NC.  I’m certainly not going to call it definitive, but it does give some cause for hope.


Rachel Maddow broke some huge good news for Hillary Clinton, as Democrats have an eight-point lead in the early balloting in North Carolina…

…It is a small sample, but this is why Republicans are freaking in North Carolina and nationally:

Maddow said, “Democrats always expect to do better in the early vote. Republicans expect to do better in terms of votes cast on election day, but even given that, that margin, that eight-point margin for the Democrats is really good. According to the Associated Press, Republicans were on this measure at this point in the race four years ago, not Democrats. They had a 43%-38% lead on early ballots at this point in 2012.”

Mitt Romney went on to win North Carolina in 2012.

If Donald Trump loses North Carolina, he loses the election. It doesn’t matter what happens in Ohio or Florida or any of the other swing states. If Clinton flips a red state and maintains her “blue wall,” she will win the election…

From <PoliticusUSA>

Here’s the video from the Rachel Maddow Show:

If Democrats flip NC, that could mean a landslide, but we can’t bank on it.  As I said, it gives some cause for hope.
