Sep 302016

I have time to do a little more than I thought I would, but this is still today’s only article from me.  I’ll publish it after I return from my appointment with Megan.  I leave in an hour.

I’m back.  My 30 minute appointment took only 5 hours.  Megan agreed that I was right to discontinue Cymbalta and is putting me on Lyrica next.  It should come in mid-week, and I can take Gabapentin in the meantime.  I am sooooo pooped!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:52 (average 5:51).  To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes:

From KP Daily Funnies: Colbert takes on Gary Johnson


What a fool! Jill Stein is smarter, but still has no chance to win. It’s too bad she’s in Putin’s (R-RU) pocket for his pro-Trump propaganda.

From The New Yorker: Asked at a town-hall meeting on Wednesday to name his favorite foreign leader, the Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson seemed stumped at first before finally responding, “Obi-Wan Kenobi.”

The host of the town hall, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, initially appeared taken aback by Johnson’s answer, but the former New Mexico governor went on to defend it vigorously.

“Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Master, Chris,” Johnson said. “More than anyone else, he taught me that the Force is already strong with me.”

LOL Andy, but you and Colbert are after widdle Gary?!!? The SPCI is going to get you both!!  That’s Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Imbeciles!!

From Daily Kos: PBS and The Huffington Post have uncovered video evidence of Donald Trump’s long-held beliefs that he (and people like him) are genetically superior:

Barf Bag Alert!!


Do you know of anyone else with similar views on Eugenics? Do you remember what happened?



Originally published 9/30/2011.  Still just as valid today, if not more so.


  21 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/30/2016”

  1. KPDF: Gary Johnson. Really?? W.T.H.?? 'I'm applauding for ignorance too.' Not! LOL.

    NYT: Following Stephen…what a hoot!!! Thanks, Andy!

    DK: He's scary! Seriously.
    Nazi Germany/Hitler used this to promote superior Aryan children from 'racially pure' parents.  
    The Master Race.
    Also,  titled "The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics : The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in, before he went to Auschwitz. – See more at:

    Cartoon: Yep!!!

    Glad that your med appointment produced some positive feedback and remediation for you. You certainly needed it!! Get some much needed rest, have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. 6:37( 5:51)  No bridge for me.  Glad you have something to take anyway – maybe having been off it a while will help until you can get a different one.

    KPDF – What planet did he say he is from?  Tell you what, though, I kind of hope he keeps, because I fear if they drop him they would go to Trump.

    New Yorker – Well, this would have been smarter than what he did say.  Good grief.

    DKos- All the white supremacists think that.  And all the white supmremacists are the most utter DNA/RNA trash anyone could ever imagine.  They'd be better off if A, T, C, and G really were Achilles, Tortoise, Crab and Google.  (Sorry, Doug Hofstadter.  If you're out there.)

    Cartoon – valid today indeed – might be even more valid in a drugstore today though.

  3. Puzzle — 3:35  A bridge to somewhere, but wherever, I'm ahead of you Puddy Tat!

    KP Daily Funnies — This election seems to prove that anyone can run for POTUS!  So, in billions of years the sun is going to swallow the earth, eh?  Science, foreign affairs and geography are not his strong suits!

    The New Yorker — Johnson HAS to be from another planet! A gnat has more brain power than he does.  How did he survive as a governor?

    Daily Kos — Eugenics?!  If Drumpf is superior to everyone else, this world hasn't got a chance at survival!  Hitler felt the same way, and look how that turned out for him!  He needs to be put on a deserted island with absolutely no communication with the outside world.

    Cartoon — As the saying goes, what goes up must come down.  That's a bold face lie!!!!!

  4. NOTE to Gary Johnson: We all know you support THC legalization – so do we!

    BUT PUH-LEEZ cut back  on the tokes  as a sign of solidarity.  


  5. KP Funnies:  Poor Gary Johnson, his mom must have told him he was smart.

    The New Yorker:  Andy does it again! May the force stay with him.

    DK:  No big surprise, everytime Trump opens his mouth he makes it clear he believes he is superior.

    Cartoon:   We spend more on food now in one week than we used to spend in a month.  And…we don't eat as much as we did when we were younger, either.

  6. Image result for Flag of Canada

    Woo hoo!!!  Team Canada is the winner of the World Cup of Hockey having beaten Team Europe 2 games to none in the 3 game finale.  We were down 1 – 0 in the 3rd period when, with 5 minutes to go, Canada scored its first goal.  Then 2 minutes later, Canada added the winner.

    Woo hoo!!!!!  laugh 

     Image result for Flag of Canada

  7. No wonder you're pooped, TomCat; five hours for a 30 minute appointment, what a waste of time and energy. Hopefully it was all worth it and the new prescription will finally give you the much needed relief from nerve pain. Hold on till the Lyrica arrives next week. The name sounds promising enough, let's hope you'll be lyrical about it too in a week or two.

    KPDF: Sounds like many millennials, disgruntled with Drumpf and Clinton, think voting for Gary Johnson is a good thing because they don't look past his view on legalizing Marijuana, which the of course like. They can't see that this clown is about the worst ad libertarians could come up with for legalizing it , as anything that he says sounds like he's bombed out of his skull on too much of the stuff, with incredible memory loss to boot. Let's hope millennials are wiser then Gary is and don't waste their vote on him, ending up giving it to Drumpf instead.

    TNY: You can almost hear Andy's (and Stephen Colbert's) sigh of relief that he can make fun of someone other than Drumpf for once. Drumpf hugging the "stupid" limelight all the time must have become really tiresome for comedians and critics alike.

    DK(PBS/HP): "You know I'm proud to have that German blood. There's no doubt about it. Great stuff." But not proud enough to retain the name Drumpf, huh? This man and his Hitler-idolization scare me, but those Drumpf-worshippers, who haven't got a clue he doesn't include them, those "dumb Republican voters", in his view on eugenics, scare me even more.

    Cartoon: Sticker shock? 2011, before the time I took a greater interest in American affairs., so I don't get this one.

  8. Thanks all!  Very pooped hugs!!

  9. KPDF: Johnson is a total schmuck and a quarter!

    Andy continues to rock.

    DK: I know I am commenting late, though I saw this the other day. But, I had the opportunity to refer to Orange nda?, and his Hitler-like unthinking, last night, over dinner with cousins.  It looks like he's passed some of his badly mutated nda on to his blazingly intelligent boys.

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