After another sleepless night and a busy day of housework with Wendy, I’m just wiped out, so this is my only article today.
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Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: If you have not yet seen this new campaign ad for Hillary Clinton, take some time out to watch it. Then share it with everyone you know.
Barf Bag Alert!!
Rump Dump is a misogynist extraordinaire, and he’s not the president we want for our sons either.
From NY Times: The uniquely uncivil presidential campaign is about to produce one of the biggest civic gatherings in decades: For 90 minutes on Monday night, a polarized nation will pause to watch the first head-to-head encounter between Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump.
The total audience, network executives and political strategists say, could be as high as 100 million viewers — Super Bowl territory. That would surpass the 80 million who watched Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan in 1980, the record for a presidential debate, and rank among television benchmarks like the finales of “MASH” and “Cheers.”
If Trump stays on script, it could be difficult, unless the moderators call him on his lies. If he starts reacting, it will get very ugly, which could be great for Hillary. And I do so hope Hillary does not get overconfident and trip over her… um… self.
From TPM: After Hillary Clinton’s campaign seated notorious Donald Trump troll Mark Cuban in the front row of the first presidential debate, Trump fired back by threatening to invite Gennifer Flowers, who accepted.
Next, he’ll invite Anthony Weiner’s weiner.
17 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/25/2016”
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DK: He's an ass. Plain and simple!!
NYT: I certainly do hope they call him out on his lying and making things up. I'm hoping that HRC can keep her composure too.
TPM: Interesting! I think that Mark Cuban is pretty vocal. I don't see him sitting quietly if something is said/tweeted either.
Cartoon: Sure, they'd love that. Sadly.
Great! I see your prayers were answered with your team. Good job! Surely, you'll even out with your sleep…maybe get some answers from your MD? Hope it gets better for you, and that you have a good evening. Take care, and Thanks, Tom.
5:30 I would not call that a white cat but a bluepoint. The way they educate us on othert hings, going as far as Latin names, I don't know why they shy away from a simple color.
DKos – I have indeed seen it. It's being compared to LBJ's "Daisy" ad, which I have to admit I don't remember, but which was very successful. I hope this one is too. So many out there lack empathy, it is hard to predict.
NYTimes – I don't think I can take it. I will however be reading post mortems.
TPM – There's a meme in (political humor) which is captioned "News flash: Anthony Weiner sent out abither dick pic" wita photo of Anthony holding a phone showing a picture of – Donald Trump. So I'd say he doesn't have to extend that invite. The individual will already be there. At a podium.
Cartoon – Sad truth.
4:18 A little slow today. I think I need a little catnip to perk me up.
3:04 Pretty baby! Contrary to what the Puddy Tat says, this Canuck Sasquatch does not eat or stomp on furbabies of the feline variety, so this one is safe with me.
I know that the Squiatch would never stomp on a kitty. It's just that the feet are soooo big, that she can't see what's under them.

I'm going to be very, VERY interested in how Lester Holt – a registered republican – deals w/ Trump.
Especially in light of how Matt (GOP Sycophant) Lauer had his thumb all over the scale for Trump as a biased "moderator" in his "Commander in Chief" stint/.
… AND in light of how they both work for NBC owned by right-wing loving Comcast.
[Please note: I'm on the record as loathing both Matt Lauer & Comcast]
I know nothing about comcast, but am with you on Lauer.
I am with you on both!
This should be a barn-burner of a debate! #ItsON !!!
Well, actually …
Of paradoxical note is that right-wing pundit Chris Wallace of Fox News (and the final debate moderator) IS a registered Democrat.
And he has a pretty pragmatic explanation why:
I didn't know that. He's still a Republican, in my book.
DK: Any woman who sees this commercial and still votes for Trump needs some serious counselling.
NY Times: A lot will depend on the moderators. If they act like Mike Lauer,Hillary will have to stand up. She has enormous self control, so Trump won't rattle her. I do hope he is called out if he lies, maybe those who support him will wake up if that happens.
TPM: Trump nor Flowers could be called a class act.
Cartoon: Yes they would.The current group are making Nixon look good.
Puzzles — 3:04 Pretty baby! Contrary to what the Puddy Tat says, this Canuck Sasquatch does not eat or stomp on furbabies of the feline variety, so this one is safe with me.
Daily Kos — With views like that, how can Drumpf realistically govern the US when over one half of the population is female? Oh, I forgot, Drumpf lives in another, illogical reality. I hope lots of Drumpf supporters see this ad. Drumpf is such a misogynistic asshole!
NY Times — I don't think that Drumpf will be able to stay on script. But I do think the performance of the moderator(s) will be a significant influence on the outcome. If they don't fact check Drumpf's copious lies, there should be hell to pay. Clinton needs to be confident to keep hammering Drumpf mercilessly.
TPM — Let the games begin . . . er . . . continue.
Cartoon — They would indeed. Get out the vote and stop them!
I hope you took some rest after Wendy made you feel a bit more cat and used the Sunday to take it easy, TomCat.
DK: This is not the president America should want, period. Excellent ad, though.
NYT: I'm sure I'll hear all about it tomorrow morning, Dutch time. I hope Clinton will allow herself to show some exterior emotion, while keeping her cool on the inside. She's experienced enough to keep her wits about her and not let herself be drawn out, but she usually does that by keeping all emotions under control, giving her the appearance of an aloof ice maiden with a superiority complex. If she allows herself to show anger or dismay but not pain, being upset or flustered while keeping rational and focused on her own strengths she should win the debate hands down. That is, if Republican Holt treats both candidates alike and not disadvantage her like Lauer did.
TPM: The baseness of news like that makes me shake my head and contemplating closing the book on American politics. Standards have become so low that it no more than a side show, or a reality show if you will. You know I'm not a religious person, but sometimes I ask myself: God help us all, is this nickel -and-dime charade really meant to give us a new world leader?
Cartoon: Haven't you noticed? The clock has already been running back for quite some time now. And it won't stop in 1957, it'll keep going back until 1933, GMT.
Wise choice of date.
Thanks all. Hugs!!
Darned good ad. Perhaps it will be played before, or after the un-debate? I can dream, can't I?
Lona, perhaps you could be the Dem strategist?