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Short Takes:
From MSN (H/T Squatch): Donald Trump’s campaign chair in a prominent Ohio county has claimed there was “no racism” during the 1960s and said black people who have not succeeded over the past half-century only have themselves to blame.
Kathy Miller, chair of the Republican nominee’s campaign in Mahoning County, who is white, made the remarks during a taped interview with the Guardian’s Anywhere but Washington series of election videos.
“If you’re black and you haven’t been successful in the last 50 years, it’s your own fault. You’ve had every opportunity, it was given to you,” she said.
I found video that can be embedded. Barf Bag Alert!!
There was no racism, the Pope was never Catholic, and bears never, ever shit in the woods.
From Daily Kos: A couple of weeks ago, Wells Fargo agreed to pay $185 million in penalties for perpetrating a massive fraud on customers. Wells Fargo executives boasted that they had fired 5,300 workers involved in improprieties, but not a single executive was punished. In fact, executives that literally oversaw the departments where the gargantuan fraud was committed were very well compensated, and lauded. Yesterday, Wells Fargo CEO—and blame-game champion—John Stumpf went in front of a Senate Banking Committee where he was rightfully castigated by Senator Elizabeth Warren for his “gutless leadership.” Part of Stumpf’s “apology” was to say that Wells Fargo didn’t do this as much as bad apples did it. It’s a similar defense used by people who murder citizens. Well, lookie here:
Now CNNMoney is hearing from former Wells Fargo (WFC) workers around the country who tried to put a stop to these illegal tactics. Almost half a dozen workers who spoke with us say they paid dearly for trying to do the right thing: they were fired.
"They ruined my life," Bill Bado, a former Wells Fargo banker in Pennsylvania, told CNNMoney.
Bado not only refused orders to open phony bank and credit accounts. The New Jersey man called an ethics hotline and sent an email to human resources in September 2013, flagging unethical sales activities he was being instructed to do.
According to Badu, he was fired for “tardiness” eight days after sending his email to the Wells Fargo “hotline.”
It’s good that Bado and others like him were fired for noncompliance with the Banksters’ crimes. Otherwise they would have fired anyway as scapegoats. At least they get to keep their integrity.
From NY Times: The white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black driver here last week as he stood outside his vehicle overreacted during a confrontation captured on video and was charged on Thursday with first-degree manslaughter, the authorities said.
According to court documents, the officer, Betty Jo Shelby, 42, was overcome with fear that the man, Terence Crutcher, 40, who was not responding to her commands and was walking away from her with his hands up, was going to kill her.
Charging her was necessary, because the case is so obvious. I expect we will see an intentionally botched prosecution and/or intentionally tainted evidence.
20 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/23/2016”
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5:23 And that's what happens when you expect me to put together a coffee pot before I can have coffee.
TC, this cat is not doing laundry, but he has taken a step in that direction. Maybe he could learn.
MSN – I've seen this article a couple of places and was so angered by the headlines that I was hoping I wouldn't have to read any farther in (blood pressure, y'know). I can't watch the video. I can't even begin to list how many ways she is wrong, but at least here I don't have to.
DKos – All those 5300 people worked for the same supervisor, Carrie Tolstedt, who is now retiring with a bonus and a pension. There are several petitions to Wells Fargo to "claw back" at least some of this money. One is on Care2: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/769/824/828/demand-wells-fargo-%22claw-back%22-carrie-tolstedts-past-and-future-bonuses/
NY Times – First degree manslaughter my unmentionable body part. First degree MURDER is more like it. But I'm afraid you are right.
Cartoon – Yes, they spell "justice," "just us."
Loved the cat on Youtube. Signed and shared the petition to Wells Fargo. Thanks for helping me get my profile page back on C2.
You're very welcome. Glad I could help.
I taught my cousin my dishwashing technique.
Petition signed. Thanks!
Petition signed. Thanks
MSN: Unbelievably horrible response. Glad she resigned.
DK: I watched the video of Ms. Warren lambasting Stumpf, which he rightfully deserved, and a prison term as well after the investigation(s). I feel sorry for the ones who were fired for having honesty and integrity.
*Thank you, Joanne for link, I signed.
NYT: "Overcome with fear"…..wth??? She and the other police officers who shoot unarmed black men/boys should be incarcerated for their crimes. Period. So sad !!
Cartoon: Scary. Very scary.
My guys had a horrible game. A total blowout! ugh!!
Sure hope that you get your rest. One needs naps and sleep for sure. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
TS: thayt's the story I posted yesterday, I believe, to which I referred in your more recent posting about the blithering idiot Rump supporters. Mine is at http://www.care2.com/news/member/565542931/4012050
DK: Damned shame that good people have to suffer because of the agenda of shitheads!
NYT: Just like the cop who shot that fellow IN THE BACK as he was running AWAY? This must be the "GoTo" excuse for those who tarnish the names of good cops. Sadly, I must agree with your view of the probable script.
Great minds fall in the same ditch, Mitch.
MSN: Too bad she resigned, she was perfect for Trump, ignorant and prejudiced.
Daily Kos: I signed the petiton for the claw back. Bado is a perfect example of what happens to whistle blowers in most cases. The companies don't want to know or acknowledge fraudulent activity.
NY Times: I think your summary of what will happen is correct, and the attorney who filed the charges against her will probably be run out of office.
Cartoon: Yes indeed!
MAN! I live in OK and I am totally embarrassed by the actions of the Tulsa Police department!! She is such a blithering idiot, she shot a man that was being TAZED! Her husband was the one in the helicopter saying that he looked like a "bad dude"! That was inexcusable! He should be flying a desk for the rest of the investigation! At the very least!
No one thinks any less of you because of the actions of others in Oklahoma, so you probably don't need to feel embarrassed. [Something I need to remember myself whenever the news throws up a nut in Colorado.]
Anyway, JD likes to pick on my Oregon and Nameless' KCMO!!

Only as much as you like to pick on Elizabeth Warren's Massachusetts.
Sleep is a hard thing to go without, but unlike other cravings, it seems to get further from your grasp the more you go after it out of need. Strange, isn't it. They don't call it "suffering from insomnia" for nothing, I suppose. No stranger to it myself I wish you all the best and hope with you it'll soon pass. On my way home now, hope to find some time tonight to finish commenting.
You are so right. Have a good trip home.
It's a good thing you have such a wicked sense of humor, TC, because some of the stuff on the news lately is enough to make any sane person just open a vein or two and get it over with. "no racism until Obama" is one of those comments that just proves there is not one brain cell among all the Republicans. In her next life, Ms. DimWit will return as a poor black youth living in the projects who gets shot because his car broke down and he was looking for help.
And Donald Trump will be with him.
And you're implying that I'm sane?
Puzzle — 3:31 What a great vase for wild flowers like daisies! No coffee in this house!
MSN — No racism in the last 50 years?!? Where has she been living? . . . under a rock? Fifty years ago, maybe a few more years, my maternal grandfather, who lived in Buffalo NY, grabbed me by the collar and pulled me close to him as we walked to a convenience store. "Get close to me before the n*****s get you." he said. I hated him after that for his racism. I was not raised that way. As the saying goes, "There are none so blind as those who will not see!" She fits the bill!
Daily Kos — "Part of Stumpf’s “apology” was to say that Wells Fargo didn’t do this as much as bad apples did it." (Notice how Stumpf's name is so simmilar to another fraudster of the presidential hopeful kind!) The Daily Show had a piece on this Wells Fargo debacle in the 2nd segment of 21/09/16 programme under "Balls". This link is under The Comedy Network which is the Canadian version of Comedy Central so I don't know if you will get it in the US or elsewhere. But I am sure Comedy Central will have it. http://www.thecomedynetwork.ca/Shows/TheDailyShow?vid=953237 Stumpf is the chief propogator of this bullshit.
NY Times — Why 1st degree manslaughter? It should be first or second degree murder! And sadly, I think your "we will see an intentionally botched prosecution and/or intentionally tainted evidence." is unfortunately spot on.
Cartoon — Seems to be spot on unfortunately. Can you imagine the sight if Republicans were subjected to their own forms of justice!
Sorry to be late to this party . . . on top of having contractors in the house for three days because of the window replacement project in the complex, I was sick and in bed yesterday, I think brought on by pain and lack of sleep. My babies are home after a 3 day sojourn at their godfather's (their vet's), and judging by their peaceful slumber, happy for it. I sure missed them. TC, you will find your sleep rhythm again. Until then, rest when you must.
I sure hope and pray you feel much better very soon!
Thanks all! Pooped Hugs!!