Sep 222016

Although I tired myself out yesterday, I still could not sleep last night or this morning, so I need to rest today.  This is today’s only article from me, and I won’t be sending link messages on Care2.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:51 (average 4:21).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From KP Daily Funnies: That Darn Trump! Episode 2: What Do You Have To Lose?

Animated Barf Bag Alert!!


I’m not sure about its value as humor, but it sure is accurate.

From YouTube: Warren Presses FBI On Financial Crisis Case | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


Lizzie raises some great points. I also want to know why the Banksters that caused the crisis were not prosecuted.

From Daily Kos: …Bondi’s first political opponent in 2010, former state senator and federal prosecutor Dan Gelber, recently said she should at least have returned the check to Trump while the New York case was pending.

But Bondi on Tuesday said she didn’t return the check because it would have looked as if it were a bribe…

LOL!! If you believe that, then I blew the fart, because holding it in would have looked like I ate Chile.



Republican Supply-side Jesus and Jesus are exact opposites.


  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/22/2016”

  1. 4:49  Let's hope it was raised without antibiotics.

    KPDF – Well, I suppose accuracy is more important than humor in the long run.

    YT – Nice to see your Senator Jeff right there next to her, isn't it?  As a veteran, unless things have grossly changed, they do hold the one in charge responsible.  I was just looking up "Respondeat superior," and I see it is mostly used in tort law.  It should get more use in corporate criminal law IMO.
    I need to watch it again – I got a call from Carrie B that her computer is at the vet so not to worry, she will be back when she can!

    DKos – What on earth does she use for brains!  Wait – don't answer that!

    Cartoon – How VERY Republican!

  2. I hope you get some sleep tonight.

    KP Funnies:  Nothing about him is funny to me, just horrifying.

    YouTube:  We need more like her, but I repeat myself.   If even half our Congress was as honest and intelligent as she is, the country would not be in such bad shape.

    Daily Kos:  She probably has ocean front property in Arizona to sell, too.

    Cartoon:  Absolutely.  The only children they care about are those in the womb, who haven't been born yet.

  3. Puzzle — 3:01  I guess you'll be eating chicken fricassée today.  Poor chickie!

    KP Daily Funnies — I detest Drumpf and everything he stands for, but I did enjoy seeing the black kid saying "Whay you talking about Mr Trump" — shades of Different Strokes.

    YouTube — As usual, Lizzie is right on point!  The Dems need a pitbull in the Senate and Lizzie fills the bill.

    Daily Kos — I bet she thinks the earth is flat too!

    Cartoon — Polar opposites . . . total polar opposites!!!

    I hope you got some rest!  Please take care.  I had to take Tylenol extra strength last night because the knee pain kept waking me up.  I hope that will not happen again tonight, but the pain is still quite strong . . . either that or I am being a wussie.  The weekend will be very low key with plenty of legs up.

  4. Try to get the sleep you need, TomCat and don't worry about PP for a day or two. I'm sure Drumpf and all the Republican missery will still be there when you're good and ready.

    The list of videos to see is getting longer and longer…I'll have such an enjoyable day on Sunday.

    DK: You're remark is so spot on, TomCat, there's nothing left to say, but BS, absolute BS.

    Cartoon: Yes, and Republicans say it with the same smile, fooling their voters in hearing something quite different.

  5. Thanks all!!  Pooped Hugs!!

  6. Thanks, Tom for post.

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