I’m sorry about yesterday. This med still has me pretty wiped out. I slept all morning, and could go right back to bed, if I would let myself. On the plus side, the nerve pain is greatly improved.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:36 (average 4:43). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Religious Ecstasy:
Staff Notice:
It appears that Alternet and Crooks and Liars have dropped the plug-in they were using to request embedded articles contain their banner, so until they put it back, we can go back to Creative Commons Attribution.
Since I started compressing graphics we have a new media library to which administrators (and hopefully authors too) can upload graphics. It’s high in the left hand column of the Dashboard. Please leave all graphics compression to me.
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: Elizabeth Warren was in Columbus, Ohio campaigning with Ted Strickland. If you only have time for a snippet of the speech, you can find one at The New Civil Rights Movement. But the full speech is really worth the 25 [28] minutes.
I’ve said it before. Liz is a national treasure!
From Crooks and Liars: Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson stated over the weekend that he was "just grateful that nobody got hurt" by an explosion that injured 29 people in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood.
During a Sunday interview on CNN, host Brian Stelter asked the candidate to respond to the explosion that left 29 people injured Saturday night.
Barf Bag Alert!!
Duh! He proved with Aleppo that he’s unfit to be President from a foreign policy perspective. This proves the same from a domestic perspective.
From Alternet: …Here’s 11 areas where the differences between Clinton and Trump are poised to take the country in starkly different directions.
1. Will there be a revival of American racism against non-whites? There has not been as openly bigoted, racist and pro-white major party presidential candidate in decades. Trump has modeled a catalogue of racist rants and stereotypes and opened the door to a new era of race-based grievance politics. This is not just about immigration, but start there. He wants to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. He wants to build a wall along the Mexican border. He doesn’t want millions of “dreamer” children of the migrants, born here, to have a clear path to citizenship. He wants all Muslims to face extra immigration hurdles and encourages racial profiling. In sharp contrast, Clinton opposes all those stances, and wants the opposite—comprehensive immigration reform and embraces multi-cultural America. Yet Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Tim Pence, have dropped the pretense of dog-whistle politics, where white supremacists mouth neutral-sounding platitudes, like embracing ‘state’s rights,’ code for unequal treatment of minorities. They have coddled a spectrum of white supremacists, from klansman David Duke to Trump national convention delegates to far right-wing radio hosts, all of whom feel white America should not adapt to the nation’s growing multiculturalism. Meanwhile, Clinton’s campaign slogan, reflected in her policies, is “Stronger Together.” Which way will the country go?…
I shared one, his extreme racism. Click through for the other ten.
7 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/19/2016”
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4:03 Looks more like Port Cape Crowded to me. /s
Glad for the ecstasy!
SN: Cool. In order not to clutter the media, I try to use the insert tool for anything I am going to use just once; of course, if I don't have a URL, that doesn't work, but I generally do.
DKos – A national treasure she is. And extremely knowledgeable. I know that facts don't do much to convince Trump supporters of anything, but she is very smart to keep reminding those of us who know the economic facts of history but tend to forget the details. Sometimes the obvious becomes counter-intuitive. And then it needs to be said, and said, and said again.
C&L – I wonder what it would take for him to think someone had gotten hurt. (Brian also mentioned the stabbing in Minnesota – stabbing generally hurts people.)
AlterNet – Racism, criminal justice, use of force abroad, misogyny, the economy, climate, student debt and high tuition, health care, income inequality, civil rights rollback, and the Supreme Court. Truly staggering. I wish he hadn't made a couple of errors of fact by misstating what a Dreamer is and calling Mike Pence "Tim" under #1, but the other ten seem cleaner. And the comments don't seem to be calling him on that (though they are idiotic in other ways, by and large.)
Cartoon – So true.
DK: Isn't she wonderful? Ms. Warren is excellent of getting her points across too. Thank YOU, Ms. Warren.
C&L: Yes, people going about their business, and a bomb goes off, and no one gets hurt? It was an upsetting weekend, and for those folks affected. And yes, they got hurt. Physically and emotionally.
AN: Depressing to say the least re: DT and his platform. Go Blue!!!
Cartoon: Yep. Spot on.
Glad your nerve pain is reduced. No apology neccessary for resting, and relaxing, and napping. I wish I could do just that… more often, if I could, and got paid for it, I'd be rich. lol. I watched your game, and my fellas won too. It was a good day all around. Enjoy the rest of your day/evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Wow! Liz is at it again! And I hope she keeps going strong!
Good post, TC! I'll have to peruse it later. Kinda busy at the moment.
Daily Kos: We need a thousand more like her! Lawrence ODonnell played part ot the clip tonight and I cheered. I wish the Trump supporters would listen to her.
Crooks and Liars: Johnson's motto must be "open mouth, insert foot". Yet many of Bernie's supporters will vote for him. Inexplicable!
Alternet: I shared this article on Facebook for the enjoyment of my few Blue friends. If nothing else, Trump is a fine Huckster, and has convinced way too many people that he is right for the job. Our country will never be the same again if he is elected, he will let out the hounds of hell on us.
Cartoon: Unless you are wealthy, this is their solution.
I hope you are able to continue the med, since it is helping your nerve pain.
Puzzle — 3:06 No fishing today Puddy Tat! You should have kept that pelican as a pet and let him do the fishing for you!
Daily Kos — WOW!!!
Go Lizzie! Feel the energy!
She is so spot on! 
Crooks and Liars — A major DUH for Johnson! I can hear the music now . . . duh, duh, duh duh . . . and he's out! Should have been out long ago. How did he survive as a governor? And Stelter didn't even follow up on his reply! His journalistic elevator certainly isn't going all the way to the top!
Cartoon — Ain't that the truth!
Very glad the nerve pain is improved!
You should never feel the need to appologize about anything like that, TomCat. What matters most is that your nerve pain is getting less.
Thank you all!! Hugs!!