I have two items today which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."
You have to give Wikipedia – the army of mostly unpaid writers who have taken it under their wing to keep it up-to-date and accurate credit for being prompt. ITT Technical Institute, a for-profit colleges with lots of campuses, folded yesterday, and before the day was over, Wiki's entry was changed from "is" to "was." And I must say it was about time it closed. It harmed a lot of students over its existence, and some are even more harmed by the closing In Nebraska, some students showed up for a scheduled commencement ceremony which had been cancelled. And I do feel for the employees, most of who are innocent of wrong doing, just trying to make a living. But at least closed, it won't hurt any more students.
The closing comes in the midst of a federal crackdown on the school for predatory lending and other practices. The investigation has been ongoing for years. It is a true horrible example. I don't know whether Kristen Trease's lawsuit, which I believe is new or new-ish, though the basis for it is not, was a factor. I do hope her suit is one of the kind which are not discharged by bankruptcy, but I would not make book on it. I just hope so.
Ms. Trease worked at an ITT Tech Arizona campus as a "student recruiter." Her job included interviewing students and helping them enroll. In mid-2011, she was assigned to work with a new student named Carlos Webb. Mr. Webb was at the time on parole for previous offenses including kidnapping, burglary, and rape.
Mr. Webb started hitting on Ms Trease, including interrupting her neetings with other students in order to "engage her in personal discussions." (Can't you just imagine the "discussions"?)
She complained to the school about this harassment, and also expressed her concern about his prior criminal history (well, duh!) Crickets. (footnote – the expression "crickets" originated on Daily Kos as a synonym for no response, no action, just nothing at all.) At the end of the fall semester, Mr. Webb was back in prison for a violation of probation, to wit, removing his ankle monitor.
But he got out, and ITT took him back (over her protests.) His harassment was resumed, only now with screaming and threats. She complained. In February SHE was subjected to disciplinary action for reporting harassment.
In April he shot her. Through the chest. After sexually assaulting her. It took her months to recover. On October 25, 2012, she went back to work. Where she was immeditely fired. For "issues related to your performance." I suppose she can be grateful she wasn't fired by text message while she was still in surgery.
EEOC found that she was discriminated against on the basis of her disability. So she has a strong case. If she and her attorney can only find the defendant. Perhaps, Megaera, you would help her with that, and Tisiphone, perhaps you can go after Mr. Webb. Especially since the state doesn't seem to be doing that very effectively.
In other news, I'm sure every woman here (and many men) has a story of some rapist who offered the defense that the woman he raped was willing, that she "asked for it," yada yada – it happens All. The. Time. But have you ever wondered just how far it can be taken? Well, frankly, I am not sure this is the outer limit, but it is pretty far out.
In Ohio, a former mayor of Hubbard — who says he "dedicated his life to Christ" – has admitted to raping a child for three years, starting when she was four. But, he says, she was a willing participant. She initiated the contact. At the age of four.
Besides having served as a mayor and a city councilman, he has also worked as a probation officer.
Richard Keenan has admittied the abuse to a mixed bag of people, and the prosecutors are trying to figure out who can, under Ohio law, be required to testify. He was indicted last month, and is currently free on $75,000 bond. The trial is pencilled in for April 2017.
Alecto, I know this kind of victim blaming has never ceased, but this particular case – it needs to stop. Knock yourself out.
The Furies and I will be back.
Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4011075
6 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #43”
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Hubbard needs to be locked up and the key lost
ITT: Good riddance!! I knew they were rip off artists long before this.
Pervert: Projedction at its worst.
Thanks JD!
Despicable cretin! Want to bet that Keenan is a Republican right wing pseudo Christian?! Lock him up and throw away the key!
"According to the Ohio Secretary of State, Keenan is also an ordained minister with the NXL Leadership Network Church." http://www.wfmj.com/story/32790091/former-hubbard-mayor-charged-with-raping-young-girl
ITT — I used to see TV ads for them back in the day when I had cable. The place seemed too good to be true, although to be honest, they never tell you the price. As the adage goes, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is!
Pseudo-Christian indeed, but he is registered as a Democrat. Yeah, we as a party surely need to throw him out.
Do you ever get depressed even just looking for miscreants the Furies can help?
These people are SCUM! (Well, and of course "Deplorable" – but that's a given)
Actually yes. But then the whole point of the Furies, like purgatory, or karma, is to provide a belief – a mythology – a faith – that they won't get away with it forever. And that's consoling. (And if it isn't consoling enough, I look for feel-good stories.)