Bernie Campaigns for Hillary!

 Posted by at 1:02 pm  Politics
Sep 062016

One excuse I often heard from former Bernie Sanders supporters is that his endorsement of Hillary Clinton was merely a pro forma political exercise, and that Bernie would continue to fight for his revolution, without actually campaigning for her.

0906bernieBernie Sanders returned to the Granite State Monday, delivering a speech packed with progressive ideals to an adoring crowd at the New Hampshire AFL-CIO Labor Day breakfast.

Democratic Party leaders said the speech was the first that the Vermont senator has given on behalf of Hillary Clinton, who beat him for the Democratic Party nomination earlier this year, a victory that left some Sanders supporters soured on Clinton and the Democratic Party establishment.

But Sanders urged the crowd of labor leaders, Democratic Party candidates and activists to work for Clinton. He did so in a 25-minute speech that began and ended with him thanking them for propelling him to victory in the New Hampshire presidential primary earlier this year.

And he listed a number of issues — campaign finance, higher minimum wage, college affordability, expansion of the middle class, and pay equality — where he said Clinton would be preferable to Republican Donald Trump… [emphasis added]

From <The Union Leader>

Here is the speech Bernie gave.

Sadly, there are far too many that still cling to Bernie's name, because of his progressive ideals, but are putting the progress he accomplished at risk, by not actually supporting Bernie.


  10 Responses to “Bernie Campaigns for Hillary!”

  1. Every issue there is, Hillary would be (and I hope I can say will be) exponentially, order-of-magnitudely better than Donald J Drumpf.  I just find myself wondering whether, when Hillary wins, and turns out to actually not be corrupt, but to be an administrator who is as honest and progressive as possible, the BoBers will be honest enough to admit they were wrong.  I know Republicans won't.  It will be interesting to watch.

  2. Great video!!

    Brings up very good points!  and Thank you, Bernie!

    Vote Blue!!

    Thanks, Tom.


  3. Hopefully, the Bernie or Bust people will get it THIS TIME! 

    VOTE BLUE ALL of the ballot!!! Don't let Rump Dump Drumpf get ANY votes!!!

    Thanks, TC!

  4. Thanks Bernie!

    Bernie may have our Hearts  – but Hillary has our Votes!

  5. I supported Bernie and still like his policies.  However, he did not win the nomination, Hilllary did.  She has been in Washington a long time and knows the ins and outs of the system.  She has been pilloried by the press while they have coddled Trump.  I will be voting for Hillary.  I have nightmares thinking about Trump int he White House.

  6. I personally think Hillary will be an excellent president. Dare I say better than Bernie because he is more one dimensional like LBJ was. Great on domestic affairs, but not foreign. Hillary is able to do both well. She will be one leader many foreign leaders will not want to tangle with.

  7. Thanks, Bernie. This video should settle it: if you are for Bernie, you are for Hillary in November.

  8. Lona, I hope the Luddites on the Left will head your point!  Splitting the vote, by going third party will only help The Empty Man! Maine has a jackass governor, only because of third party voting.  They have a history of great independents, but the last independent did not drop out of the gov's race, as he had SAID he would, if things looked bleak for him, and so there LePage-hole is!

  9. My mom, who hated Bernie when he as running, now thinks both  candidates should resign and Bernie should be the president.

    Heh…lovely idea but at this point, I'd probably vote for a used toothpick before I'd vote for Trump….and to defeat Trump, we need Hillary.

  10. Thanks, hugs and amen to all!

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