Aug 142016

It is Saturday night, the end of a very hot and miserable day as far as I am concerned — 31 C (88 F) late this afternoon.  It is 0100 and 20 C (68 F) with  humidity at 78%.  Days like this just sap my energy and affect my breathing (asthma).  So I have been drinking like a fish and staying quiet.  Later Sunday, I will going to visit my mother so at least I'll have the benefit of AC in the car.  I hope everybody is surviving the heat wherever you are.

Here it is, Sunday afternoon and the temperature is back up to 30 C (86 F) 60% humidity.

Short Takes

Common Dreams — Bernie Sanders bore down on Donald Trump's economic agenda in a series of tweets on Friday morning, calling him "the poster child of failed trade policies."

Photo published for Donald Trump’s new tax plan could have a big winner: Donald Trump’s companies

The social media take-down began with Sanders posting a link to a Washington Post story from earlier this week, which revealed how a "little-noticed provision in Donald Trump's tax reform plan has the potential to deliver a large tax cut to companies in the Republican presidential nominee's vast business empire."

Click through to see a string of Bernie's tweets.  Go Bernie!  I'd also suggest reading the Washington Post story (click on "revealed") because it certainly does outline how Drumpf and other high income earners would disproportionately benefit from Drumpf's plan.  And to the point of these business entities taking those tax "savings" and reinvesting them in the business, according to Forbes, corporations are still sitting on large cash piles on their balance sheets, much of it sitting offshore.  The figures used are from 2013-14.

Raw Story — Mr. Speaker,

When Donald Trump suggested on August 9 that Hillary Clinton could only be stopped from nominating judges by “Second Amendment people,” most of the world gasped, realizing he was inciting violence against his opponent for the presidency. It was unprecedented, beneath contempt. But he didn’t apologize. Given my long experiences with Trump, I knew he would soon string together a babble of words in hopes of twisting his statement beyond recognition. And so he did, with an assist from sycophants like Sean Hannity of Fox News, who nodded like a bobblehead doll as Trump told him he didn’t mean that gun lovers should assassinate Clinton. He only meant they should be voting for him to keep her out of the White House.

That makes no sense, and here’s a crucial thing to know about Trump: He never tries to make his lies or delusions or fantasies make sense. He just spews to explain away the inexplicable.

Call for Assassination

Let’s examine the words that got him into so much trouble: “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

Trump’s post hoc interpretation: He doesn’t know if gun lovers will vote to keep Clinton out of office. Or he hopes gun owners will vote for him. Or only Trump voters with guns could keep Clinton out of office. None of that makes sense.

Read the original statement again. Did he mean it will be a horrible day when Second Amendment people stop her from picking judges? That’s a call for assassination. Or did he mean it will be a horrible day when a President Clinton picks judges and only Second Amendment people might be able to stop it? Another call for assassination.

Trump then blamed the media for applying the rules of grammar and sentence structure to him, instead of being like his acolytes, for whom words and sentences no longer have agreed-upon meanings.

This, Mr. Speaker, is what you would be dealing with in a Trump presidency, and this flagrant disregard for the facts, for the truth, is why I am writing this, my second open letter to you. Trump must be stopped. Let the GOP lose this election. It is the only way to save the Republican Party, and the nation. Even some of his most deranged supporters recognize the danger he poses—one caller into C-SPAN last week said he knew his candidate might start a nuclear war but at least America would win.

Click through for the rest of this fairly long piece.  Author  Kurt Eichenwald goes on to lay out many of Drump's inconsistencies and lies, some of them sworn under oath in depositions or in Congressional hearings.  This is, IMO, the kind of information that needs to get broad exposure, especially with likely Drumpf supporters and voters.  Drumpf is a menace to a civilised society.

Alternet — Nearly 100% of likely voters are set on their November 8 presidential pick and the debates won't even start for another month. So, who really is the media fanfare for at this point? After all, as Noam Chomsky points out, the voting decision is really a lot simpler than the pundits have built it up to be.  …

Chomsky has consistently declared Donald Trump would be a disaster, and urges voters in swing states to cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton. 

There is another video at the end of the article which shows Chomsky giving the same advice to Clinton supporters in 2008.  As Chomsky says in 2016 "… I would vote against Trump … you hold your nose and vote Democrat … I don't think there is any other rational choice.  Abstaining from voting or say voting for a candidate you prefer, a minority candidate, just amounts to a vote for Donald Trump … "  Wise words.

Politico — Republican insiders are more convinced than Democrats that Donald Trump is so far behind Hillary Clinton that he can't win in November.

Roughly half of Republican members of The POLITICO Caucus — activists, strategists and operatives in 11 swing states — believe that Trump’s path to 270 electoral votes is basically shut off after another week in which the GOP nominee appears to have ceded ground in national and most battleground state polls.

Democrats, however, aren’t breaking out the champagne just yet. Seventy-two percent of Democratic insiders said despite Clinton’s clear advantage at this stage of the race, the presidential election isn’t effectively over.

Democrats cited the unpredictability of the 2016 campaign, along with some of Clinton’s own weaknesses, for their bridled optimism. It’s a message that fits neatly with what party leaders are saying publicly and behind closed doors: Don’t get too cocky, even with Clinton well ahead of Trump in the polls.  …

“Trump is underperforming so comprehensively across states and demographics it would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America!’ But in 2016, stranger things have happened.”

Democrats are much less confident about the outcome of the presidential race than Republicans, thankfully.  This is not the time to sit back.  And it is VERY important to get out the vote.

My Universe

No way

… in my own time!

Proof that cats take a message and get back to you, later if you're lucky!


Fifty shades of love

Friends! … not dinner.

vicious treadmill

Dinner on the go!

Aug 142016

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how absurd InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception. 

Katrina Pierson just can’t stop revising history.

0814KatrinaPiersonIt’s very hard for Katrina Pierson to keep track of who started which war. C’mon guys, that’s hard. Especially when these wars go on and on forever. Also history, schmistory. It’s all Obama’s fault.

After being severely dressed down recently for saying that Captain Khan was killed in Iraq under Obama’s watch in 2004—when Bush was president and Obama a senator who had opposed the war—Pierson decided to put her knowledge of recent wars on display again Saturday.

This time, she accused Obama of owning the war in Afghanistan, which is odd, because he was a state senator when that war was launched in 2001.

“Remember we weren’t even in Afghanistan by this time,” Katrina Pierson told a puzzled CNN host. “Barack Obama went into Afghanistan creating another problem.”

Asked to clarify whether she meant he launched that war, she said, “That was Obama’s war.”

Well, no, though he did announce a surge there in 2009 when he actually became president.

Next up? Pierson blames Obama for WWII. Stay tuned…

From <Alternet>

No doubt the Civil War would never have happened, had Obama not freed the slaves forcing the South to secede from the Union.  This is just the first of five listed absurd Republican moments from last month alone.  Click through for the other four.

Aug 142016

Wendi should be here momentarily, and I don’t know how much I can do.  I’m still feeling queasy and quite lethargic, and I think I may have had a reaction to a tetanus vaccine received Friday.  Tomorrow I have an appointment with my Urologist (routine), so please expect no more than a Personal Update.

Wendi just left, so the TomCat is primped and polished.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:35 (average 5:37).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: When you’re busy accusing political opponents of founding terrorist organizations, and you’re tired of saying just kidding, what are you going to do about it? When you finish your political show trials for opponents you’ve accused of consorting with the devil, just where are you going to lock her up?

A President Donald Trump might push for Americans accused of terrorism to be tried in military tribunal at the U.S. Navy base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the Republican nominee told the Miami Herald on Thursday.

“I would say they could be tried there, that would be fine,” Trump said in a brief interview ahead of his speech to home builders in Miami Beach.

Regular US prisons are too good for them. And of course, ordinary justice is too good for them. Those accused by the pointing orange finger get special treatment.

I’ve been calling it the GOP Gitmo Gulag for years. Was I wrong?

From The New Yorker: Clarifying his position on a key national-security issue, Donald Trump said on Friday that as President he would be willing to use nuclear weapons, “but only in a sarcastic way.”

“People who are worried about me having the nuclear-launch codes should stop worrying, O.K.?” Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “If I ever used nuclear weapons, it would be really obvious that I was just being sarcastic.”

Pressed by Blitzer to explain the difference between a sarcastic and non-sarcastic nuclear attack, Trump responded, “You’d use the weapons and everything, but then you’d say, ‘Just kidding.’ ”

Andy, evilly is the only way Republicans would use nukes, but I can sure see them saying that.

From Alternet: Why are they still supporting him? In Krugman’s view, because their proposals are con jobs, and all they want to do is reduce taxes on the rich, which will be much harder to do if Clinton wins. That’s the short answer.

Krugman suggests that the key to Republican thinking lies in one number: 34.

What’s that? It’s the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of the average federal tax rate for the top 1 percent in 2013, the latest year available. And it’s up from just 28.2 in 2008, because President Obama allowed the high-end Bush tax cuts to expire and imposed new taxes to pay for a dramatic expansion of health coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Taxes on the really, really rich have gone up even more.

If Hillary Clinton wins, taxes on the elite will at minimum stay at this level, and may even go up significantly if Democrats do well enough in congressional races to enable her to pass new legislation. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that her tax plan would raise the average tax rate for the top 1 percent by another 3.4 percentage points, and the rate for the top 0.1 percent by five points.

But if “populist” Donald Trump wins, taxes on the wealthy will go way down; in particular, Mr. Trump is calling for elimination of the inheritance tax, which these days hits only a tiny number of really yuuuge estates (a married couple doesn’t pay any tax unless its estate is worth more than $10.9 million).

So if you’re wealthy, or you’re someone who has built a career by reliably serving the interests of the wealthy, the choice is clear—as long as you don’t care too much about stuff like shunning racism, preserving democracy and freedom of religion, or for that matter avoiding nuclear war, Mr. Trump is your guy.

Preserving inherited wealth in a nutshell is the mainstay of the conservative movement. How noble!

Greed from Republicans is expected. It is shocking that they dupe so many on the right and even a few on the left to vote against their own interests.




Everyday Erinyes

 Posted by at 12:10 am  Politics
Aug 132016

I have a few items today which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."

First, though, before handing off to the Furies, I want to follow up on July 30's story about "National Whistleblowers Appreciation Day."  You may recall I quoted from John Kiriakou and Tom Drake, and mentioned Jeffrey Sterling not being available as he is still locked up.  I have since received an email forwarded by Roots Action from his wife, Holly.  She states that he has served a bit over one year of his three-and-a-half year sentence, and there are a few things we can do ourselves. 

The need is threefold.  First, he is not getting appropriate attention for serious cardiac medical issues.  He has a history of atrial fibrillation (in the past he has been hospitalized for it) and is now experiencing chest pains, shortness of breath, and dizziness.  Holly has written to the Warden about his medical conditon, and has received no answer.  She would really appreciate if anyone who can would contact the prison warden, Deborah Denham, to advocate for medical attention for Jeffrey.  The email address is ENG slash ExecAssistant at bop dot gov (I'm spelling it the long way to avoid a link that's not to a site) and the phone number 303-763-4300.  (Personal note from me: if I can come up with any more accuracy or other alternatives I will add it/them in a comment.)

Second – I vividly remember when John Kiriakou was incarcerated how the family, his wife and three little girls, were up against the wall just to try to make the mortgage payments, and on top of that, they did not put him in the nearest prison, so that visiting was a challenge both in terms of energy and financially.  (They also threatened "diesel therapy" – a creative term for moving him between prisons without notice.)  Firedoglake was collecting for John, and, with help, they did not lose their home.  The Sterlings have a Sterling Family Fund set up for them on GoFundMe.  They want to appeal his conviction, and Holly would like to make the 800-plus mile trip to visit him once in a while, and both require money.  (There's also more background information there, should you be interested.)

Third, for those of us who are not locked up, it may be impossible to realize how much words of encouragement can mean.  Even if it's just a card.  He can receive snailmail at

FCI Englewood
Federal Correctional Institution
9595 West Quincy Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123

And, yes, there is a petition .  It also has more background.

Now, moving right along, I'll whip quickly through a few stories of jaw-dropping – something.  First, let's go to Indiana, specifically to South Bend, where, in 2012, Vivian Franklin awakened to loud pounding on her door between three and four in the morning.  Three (warrantless) police officers shining a flashlight in her eyes  barged in.  They were looking for Dan, Vivian's older son, who was not there.  This did not stop them from hauling her younger son, DeShawn, 17, out of bed and assaulting him with fists and tasers.  In the process, a taser probe got stuck in DeShawn's side; the officers were unable to remove it and had to call an ambulance and EMT's to do so.  (I am restraining my snark here.) 

Where the incident goes right through the Looking Glass is that, while DeShawn was shouting he was not Dan, and Vivian was shouting DeShawn was not Dan, and the officers were insisting Dan must be there because they had trailed him to the home – Dan showed up.  Whereupon the officers opted not to arrest him. 

So in March, 2013 the Franklins reasonably filed suit.  Named in the suit were the three officers, the city, the mayor, and the police chief.  Finally, this year, the suit was adjudicated in Fort Wayne.

The jury found that the Franklins' constitutional rights had been violated.  They awarded damages of ONE DOLLAR. Yes, you read that right.  One dollar.

Grudging, I would say.  Megaera, I woudn't stop with the officers, the city, the mayor, and the police chief.  I'd definitely follow up with that jury.  Perhaps Indiana, or at least South Bend, really did deserve Mike Pence.

Let's now go to Watauga, Texas, where an unidentified man made a threat in a phone message to a local mosque, in which he threatened to decapitate Muslims who attended it.

The caller identified as a "Christian."  Police in Watauga are investigating but aren't treating it as a direct threat at the moment.  the FBI has also been notified.

Of course, Tisiphone, you will want to find this person.  But almost more chilling was the remark that "a caller made explicitly violent threats that went well beyond the kind of verbal abuse callers normally level against the mosque." 

It should NOT be "normal" for callers to "level verbal abuse" against ANY person or group.  And it is un-American that this happens.

So you may be digging out a long, long list.

Finally for this week, this happened in Punta Gorda , FL (one of only a few states we might expect it in).  I'll just quote:

A woman, identified as Mary Knowlton, was selected to participate in a “shoot or don’t shoot” training exercise at the Punta Gorda Police Academy. She was selected at random from a group of 35 citizens who were participating in a two hour Citizens Academy—a program created to teach local civics to civilians.

Mary Knowlton, 73, was shot during a role-play scenario in which the Punta Gorda police officer was playing a “bad guy” and fired several times at the woman who was supposed to be playing the victim, according to Sue Paquin, a photographer who was covering the event for the Sun and witnessed the incident.

Knowlton was transported to Lee Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Mrs. Knowlton was originally from Austin, Minnesota and was retired in Punta Gorda. She had been a librarian in Scott County, Minnesota.

This incident may reflect more stupidity than malice (and once again I need to restrain my snark/sarcasm).  But things like this happen all the timeAlecto, maybe you can inject some sense here.  I certainly hope so.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 at

Aug 122016

If you guessed M&M’s – you win!

This year the Mars Candy Company, maker of M&M’s, is celebrating its 75th Anniversary in a big way – with many different options available to “Celebrate With M”.  But let’s take a look at its history and some fun facts.


It’s a fairly well known fact that M&M’s began their existence as an exclusive military ration – yep, ration – for soldiers during World War II at the government’s request.  And that’s because, as their slogan goes, “They melt in your mouth – not in your hand!”  Although that slogan actually wasn’t introduced until 1954 – the same year they introduced Peanut M&M’s.  (Trivia Tidbit: Forrest Mars – M&M’s inventor – was allergic to peanuts, so he never got to taste one of his Peanut M&M’s.)

When the military contacted Mars about supplying the candy, they were originally packaged in cardboard tubes.  They were easier to ship, more durable to carry around and easier to pour and reclose out in the battlefield. 


The cardboard tubes gained a large and loyal following with the GIs, but Mars didn’t switch over to the familiar brown bag until 1948.  And in celebration of their 75th, some stores now carry 12 different types of the retro-packaging (but I haven’t seen it).


But how did they actually come into being?  It all started back in 1911 when Frank C. Mars made his first Mars confections in his Tacoma, Washington kitchen.  Then in the 1920s his son, Forrest E. Mars, Sr., joined his father in business.  But they had such a falling out that in 1932 Forrest moved to England to try going it alone.  On a visit to Spain during that country’s civil war, he observed soldiers eating chocolate candies encased in a hard, sugary shell. 

Forrest Mars was well aware that chocolate sales always drastically dropped in the heat of the summer months – for obvious reasons.  And in addition to observing the Spanish Civil War soldiers enjoying their coated chocolates, when he got back to England he noted the British candy maker Rowntree’s of York had come out with Smarties, a similar hard-shelled chocolate candies.  So borrowing both the inspiration and the actual product, Forrest Mars developed a manufacturing process for M&M's Chocolate Candies, moved back to the States, patented it, and in 1941 began making them in a factory in Newark, New Jersey.

So what does M&M actually stand for?  Well, “Mars” would certainly be one of the Ms.  And the other is for “Murrie”.

After Mars came up with his patent for M&M's, he approached Bruce Murrie who happened to be the son of Hershey’s Company president William Murrie, about a joint business venture.  Not only was Murrie good for the money, but he was also a strategic partner for Mars since Hershey’s had major control for the production of rationed chocolate during World War II.  And for the first few years M&M's were made using Hershey’s chocolate.  But Forrest Mars, as with his father, had another falling out, and so in 1949 Mars bought out Murrie for $1 million and took control of the company.

Later, Mars moved his main manufacturing to its current site in Hackettstown, NJ in 1958 – and the plant is HUGE!  It encompasses over 460,000 square feet and its 1,500 employees produce about half of all the M&M’s made in America.  Two other plants (Cleveland, TN and Topeka, KS) make the rest.


The New Jersey factory – the company’s largest – produces 2 billion M&M’s every eight hours … or more than 4 million made every minute … or 69,000 every second.  And it takes about 8 hours to make just one!  Most of the time is spent tumbling in the shell-coating vat where they are constantly sprayed for 5-7 HOURS. 

While plain M&M’s are the #1 selling candy in the world, the peanut variety are #2 in the US, behind Reese’s Pieces, with Snickers (also a Mars product) #3 and plain M&M’s #4.  And M&M’s account for over $1 billion in sales of Mars’ $33 billion annual sales take.  (Mars does make a lot of other things besides candy.)

And M&M’s might not be second to Reese’s Pieces if they hadn’t blown their chance for cinema placement stardom.  While preparing to film his movie “E.T.”, Steven Spielberg first approached Mars to see if he could use M&M's in the scene where Elliott tries to lure the shy alien out from the forest with candy.  For whatever reason (and it’s not clear exactly why), Mars turned down the offer.  BIG MISTAKE!  So Spielberg then went to Hershey’s, who pounced on the opportunity.  But Spielberg had actually wanted to them use Hershey Kisses – but the Hershey’s insisted he use its new Reese’s Pieces candies. The result, as they say, is history.


But while Mars missed a major promotional opportunity with “E.T.”, they did recover a bit with “Candy the Cow” – an M&M cow made of 67,000 M&M's, all of which were painstakingly individually placed by hand.  “Candy the Cow” made her debut at the 1990 Erie County Fair, and even appeared on Live with Regis and Kathie Lee.


The original M&M's colors were red, orange, yellow, green and violet.  But the now-iconic signature “M” wasn’t stamped on the candies until 1950 – nine years after its inception.  And originally it was in black rather than white – the change to white happened four years later, in 1954. 

Forrest Mars demanded that the “M” appear perfectly in the center of each candy, and would go around buying bags to ensure his demand was carried out.  His employees speculate that his split with Murrie just one year earlier is the reason why there is just one “M” on each piece.

Back in the early ‘70s, there was a Russian study that link the red food dye amaranth (popularly known as Red No. 2) to cancer in humans.  Before subsequent testing showed the results to be erroneous, the Food and Drug Administration “out of an abundance of caution” decided to ban its use in America in 1976.  And although red M&M's didn’t actually even use Red No. 2, the company pulled the color and replaced it with orange to avoid any confusion.  For an entire decade the favored red M&M stayed on the bench, until reintroduced in 1986.

In the mid ‘90s, Mars concluded that there was no need to have both a tan and brown M&M. so the tan ones were eliminated.  But to counter the disappointment, they decided to have a contest for its replacement with selection between pink, purple or blue where customers got to vote for the winner.  It was a huge promotional success, and blue won.

Many of us are familiar with Van Halen demanding that there be lots of M&M’s available at their concert venue – but NO BROWN ONES!  He’d check, and if he found a brown one, he’d cancel the concert.  But I wasn’t aware of this tidbit, and no one know how or why, but a rumor began circulating that the green ones had aphrodisiac properties.  Taking advantage of this apocryphal story, Mars launched a limited-edition run of all-green M&M’s for Valentine’s Day in 2008.

Interestingly, Google headquarters had a unique problem with M&M’s.  Google provides LOTS of perks to their employees, and one of them was an unlimited and ubiquitous supply of M&M’s.  And their employees were eating too many of them … costing them a fortune!  So in true to Google-mode, they brought a team of PhDs in to look into the problem, and they concluded that it was all a matter of easy access.  You could hardly travel anywhere in their offices without running into an attractively displayed bowl of M&M’s.  So they cut back on the opportunity for easy-snacking, put them in opaque bowls and started offering fruit as an alternative.  And amazingly enough 3.1 million fewer calories were consumed over a seven-week period among the New York office’s 2,000 employees!

It’s mind-boggling the variety of M&M products available.  According to the M&M’s website the list includes: Peanut Butter, Crispy, Pretzel, Dark Chocolate, Almond, Dark Mint, and Dark Chocolate Peanut varieties, as well as an M&M’s Chocolate Bar and M&M’s Mega, marketed as “The World’s Biggest M&M’s” with three times more chocolate than usual. There are also the M&M’s Minis, White Chocolate, Triple Chocolate, Coconut, Orange Chocolate, Raspberry, White Chocolate Candy Corn, Wildly Cherry, Mocha, Cinnamon Milk Chocolate, Razzberry Chocolate, Strawberried Peanut Butter, and Raspberry Almond varieties, among others. And just last August, M&M’s unveiled Pecan Pie and Pumpkin Spice Latte M&M’s for the fall season.

But if you didn’t think there were enough combinations and permutations already available, to help “Celebrate the M” for its 75th, they had another consumer contest this spring that closed June 17 to select a new flavor between Chili Nut, Honey Nut and Coffee Nut.  And Coffee Nut won.  (Has anyone tried any of these?)


And as part of their “Celebrate With M” (and unlike Trump) Mars is honoring its origin as a military ration during World War II by actually donating $750,000 of products to Operation Gratitude that will be placed in military care packages throughout 2016.

So pop an M&M of your favorite variety and in one of its TWENTY-FIVE available colors, and “Celebrate With M”



Aug 122016

I’m about to leave for my routine appointment with Megan, my PCP.  Now that she’s back from maternity leave, I won’t be the red headed step child, passed from hand to hand, anymore.  I’m quite tired after yesterday, but it was great to get out for a few hours.  Terry and Sandi tossed my power chair into the trunk, and we went to Denny’s for a chat, mostly about the unfair Parole Board practice that allows prosecutors and those opposing release unlimited witnesses to testify, but allows prisoners only one witness to testify for them.  The prisoner can have only an attorney or a witness, not both.  One of my guys went to the Board a while back, and his victim’s family were not allowed to speak on his behalf.  JD, Terry returns your greetings.  She also sends greetings to the gent with whom she spoke.  I presume he needs a name.  Portland is under an excessive heat warning, so I’ll wait to publish this until I return, so you’ll know I made it home safely.

I’m hone, hot, and pooped!!  Hugs!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:00 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do.



Aug 112016

I don’t know whether or not I’ll get this published before my prison  volunteer friends get here.  The plan is to fold up my chair, toss it in the trunk, and discuss plans over lunch.  Tomorrow I go to my Primary Care doctor.  Today’s high is forecast at 85° and tomorrow’s, 99°.  There is no cool weather forecast through the 20th.  I’m ready for Autumn, but not Winter.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:35 (average 4:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From KP Daily Funnies: Watch Trump Contradict Himself On Almost Every Issue

Barf Bag Alert!!


Rump Dump clearly gets a PhD in Bullshitology: Piled Higher and Deeper

From The New Yorker: The Republican nominee Donald Trump tore into the media on Thursday for what he called their “extremely unfair practice” of reporting the things he says.

“I’ll say something at a rally and I look out and see all these TV cameras taking every word down,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “No one in politics has ever been subjected to this kind of treatment.”

“It’s unbelievable and, frankly, very unethical,” he added.

At a rally in Florida, the candidate lashed out at a TV cameraman whom he caught in the act of recording his words for broadcasting purposes.

“Look at him over there, picking up everything I’m saying, folks,” Trump shouted. “Get him out of here.”

In his interview with Fox, Trump hinted that he might drop out of this fall’s televised Presidential debates if the media continues its practice of reporting the things he says.

Andy still hasn’t returned to satire.

From Daily Kos: This morning I received a message from one of our Coffee Party USA Newsroom monitors about a prescient message from one of our readers. The message touched me because unlike many notes that we receive and read in the social media ethos and listen to from a politically charged narrative, this message shows that candidates and the laws they support have a real, measurable socio-economic impact.

Following is the entire well-written note he sent us in its entirety.

A message to the millennial LGBT’s I see on my feed bashing Hillary on a daily basis by re spewing the republican lies and propaganda about her & vowing to vote for Jill Stein or write in Bernie….

My husband Steve & I have been together over 26 years now, & btw it’s been less than 3 years that I’ve been able to call him that, and though it’s about so much more than the money, we’ve saved over $42,000.00 in that short of time by being able to file taxes as a married couple, and by having him on my health insurance.

We’ve been waiting & fighting for that equality since before most of you were born.

Your third party or write in vote only helps elect Donald Trump, check your history books, when was the last time one of those won a presidential election?

You often quote that Hillary stated that she was against marriage equality, she did, but that was years ago when just about every other liberal politician had to say that too just to get elected, btw we’ve received more equality in just 7 years under our current president who also evolved on marriage equality.

Though you don’t hear about it much in the so called liberal media, Trump vows to appoint supreme court justices that will overturn marriage equality, says he’s ok with the anti LGBT law in North Carolina & other states & has selected the countries most hateful anti LGBT Governor as his running mate.

Often the younger generations thank Steve & I for helping pave the way for acceptance & equality, as we appreciate & thank the ones that came before us.

To see you, however inadvertently it might be, help pave the way back to the 50’s is just unfathomable to me, I’m closing in on 60 years old & really don’t want to have to start over from square one.

#lovetrumpshate Robert Hansen

Steve Schneider Oakbrook Terrace Illinois

I could not have said it better.


