Aug 212016

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how sick InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Joe Scarborough makes really lame defense of Trump’s racism.

Trump is just playing, Joe Scarborough said on his morning show Friday.


The Morning Joe host has been on the outs with Trump for the past few months, exchanging withering tweets with him and withdrawing his endorsement. But maybe the bromance isn’t all together over. Scarborough not only bought Trump’s lame, blanket, scripted apology this week for saying things that “may have caused personal pain,” he said that much of what Trump has been doing on the campaign trail has been an act. “This loud, screaming, racially insensitive, at times race-baiting buffoon that gets behind microphones at political rallies, that’s Donald Trump playing a role,” Scarborough said.

His guest, adman and fellow white man Donny Deutsch added, “I’ve always found him to be charming, smart, generous of spirit if you ever called him up.”

So, maybe the Mexicans he maligns and tosses out and the Muslims he bans would just call him up?

“Having said that, this man I’ve seen up on the stump is repulsive to me,” Deutsch hastened to add.

Scarborough bought into the narrative that the feeble Trump apology represented the long-awaited and prayed-for pivot that desperate Republicans are longing to see in their nominee.

Not bloody likely.

Like Bill O’Reilly, Donald’s white male pals have never heard him say anything racist behind closed doors. Selective hearing is a wonderful thing.

When people are out committing hate crimes and invoking your name, and children are chanting “Build the wall” to their tearful Latino classmates, playing a role just does not cut it, Morning Joe.

From <Alternet>

Trump is not serious.  The Pope is not Catholic.  And bears never, ever shit in the woods!  Republicans call MSNBC librul propaganda.  Ha!

This is just the fifth of five listed sick Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.

Aug 212016

It looks like we have three days in the high 70°s, before the excessive heat returns to Portland on Wednesday.  We had our blog’s fantasy football draft yesterday.  By lot, I drafted last.  Even though, it was the worst position, I think I did well.  Wendy just left, and I feel so clean.  I was getting really stinky.  Tomorrow I have a routine appointment with my Podiatrist, so please expect no more than a Personal Update.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:23.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Donald Trump is heading to November like a certain zeppelin heading to New Jersey, in a darkening sky that crackles with electricity. He is fighting crosswinds and trying new tacks — hiring the head of Breitbart News to run his campaign, trying on a new emotion (regret) in a speech on Thursday night, promising to talk more this week about immigration, his prime subject. There’s still no telling what will happen when the gasbag reaches the mooring.

It could be that the polls are right, and Mr. Trump will go down in flames. But while that will solve an immediate problem, a larger one will remain. The message of hatred and paranoia that is inciting millions of voters will outlast the messenger. The toxic effects of Trumpism will have to be addressed.

In this case, I disagree with the Gray Lady. Trump is the symptom, not the disease. Racial hatred is not Trumpism, nor is Rump Dump even it’s messenger. Racial hatred is Republicanism. And Trump is just the disobedient parrot of that message, as he squawks when he’s supposed to be dog whistling.

From PoliticusUSA: Yes. It is true. Conservatives are freaking out because lesbians can be farmers too. And apparently there is something wrong with that. What has them all worked up is the “Iowa LGBT Rural Summit,” which took place on August 18 at Drake Law School. To make matters worse, the summit was co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which joined with the National Center for Lesbian Rights…

…So yeah. Pretty scary stuff for right wingers who can never find enough stuff about which to be frightened. Rush Limbaugh launched into one of his famously incoherent rants over it, exclaiming,

“Have you heard the latest Democrat scam? Have you heard about the Agriculture Department’s financial grants to lesbian farmers? You think I’m making this up? See, this is how they do it.”

Dang!! I’d better check to make sure my breakfast cereal doesn’t have a wet spot! Seriously, I could not make this stuff up!!!

From The Oregonian: It looks like Donald Trump won’t be coming to Portland, after all.

The Republican presidential nominee on Saturday canceled his plans to appear at a fundraiser in the city and a public appearance that was slated for the same day. Trump’s Oregon campaign manager, Jacob Daniels, told OPB that the nominee’s schedule was adjusted to omit the Portland appearance after a visit to Louisiana.

Woooo Hoooo!! This proves that there is a God!! Winking smile




Is Trump Putin Lite?

 Posted by at 1:51 pm  Politics
Aug 202016

I trust nobody is surprised that Paul Manafart has been booted from the visible side of Trump’s campaign, since he has been caught with his fingers caught in Putin’s Kremlin Kookie jar.  I have no doubt that he will remain involved in a hidden capacity, and that Putin (R-RU) will continue to manipulate Trump and his Republican Party.

Obama UN Russia

Paul Manafort may be gone, but that’s not a leading indicator that his candidate will change much about how he’s running his campaign. After all, when you’re an "unwitting puppet" of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the strings can always be pulled.

Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, sent out this statement earlier today along with the video above [below].

"Paul Manafort’s resignation is a clear admission that the disturbing connections between Donald Trump’s team and pro-Kremlin elements in Russia and Ukraine are untenable. But this is not the end of the story. It’s just the beginning," Mook wrote.

"You can get rid of Manafort, but that doesn’t end the odd bromance Trump has with Putin. Trump still has to answer serious questions hovering over his campaign given his propensity to parrot Putin’s talking points, the roster of advisers like Carter Page and Mike Flynn with deep ties to Russia, the recent Russian government hacking and disclosure of Democratic Party records, and reports that Breitbart published articles advocating pro-Kremlin positions on Ukraine."

"It’s also time for Donald Trump to come clean on his own business dealings with Russian interests, given recent news reports about his web of deep financial connections to business groups with Kremlin ties.”…

From <Crooks and Liars>

I won’t be holding my breath as I wait for that disclosure.

Also, note the active help Putin is giving Trump’s Campaign by continuing to urge progressives to support Jill Stein, through his state-owned propaganda network, RT.  Because support for Gary Johnson tends to come from Republicans, RT is not mounting a campaign for him.  Putin is working to help Trump.  As much as I have liked Jill and her policies, I am shocked that she has allowed herself to become a willing pawn in Putin’s scheme in return for the exposure Putin is giving her.

Aug 202016

Yesterday the temperature hit 102°.  Today may well be worse.  My A/C is holding it’s own, but the building’s hallways and restrooms have become super-heated.  After my morning regal trip to the throne at 5:30 AM, taken to contemplate the odor of the Republican Party, I had to change my shirt to one that wasn’t sweat-soaked.  Today I plan to write, attend the live draft of our fantasy football league, care for personal needs, and as little else as I can.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 5:03).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Nation: If you watch cable news, you’ve seen someone from an outfit called the “Independent Women’s Forum” promoting a conservative take on the women’s issue of the day. It’s no secret that the group leans right; it grew out of “Women for Judge Thomas,” which formed during Anita Hill’s testimony about Clarence Thomas at his 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearing, and was formally launched in 1992 by the late Barbara Olson and Rosalie “Ricky” Silberman, along with a cadre of powerful conservative women that included former second lady Lynne Cheney. Still, it’s always billed itself as “non-partisan” and “independent.” In its early years, it promoted IWF-affiliated author Christina Hoff Sommers’s brand of “equity feminism” and opposed the “radical feminism” of the ’90s women’s movement, which it argued was pushing myths about sexual harassment, pay inequities, and discrimination in the workplace and widespread abuse on college campuses. For years it played no formal role in electoral politics.

But an analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), provided exclusively to The Nation, reveals that since 2010, IWF and its political arm, Independent Women’s Voice, have become aggressive players in Republican politics, embedded in the network of organizations backed by Charles and David Koch, advocating for the Koch brothers’ myriad concerns, and playing on their “independent” label to elect GOP candidates. If this country is to elect its first woman president, Hillary Clinton will have to face down this powerful conservative women’s group to get there.

RepubliSpeak Dictionary
Independent Nonpartisan: Koch Sucker

From Media Matters: The Fox Cycle is the process by which Fox News pushes right-wing fringe stories into the mainstream news. Fox distorts facts, spreads myths as truths and devotes heavy, one-sided coverage to make viewers believe in baseless, manufactured stories — and, worse, to convince mainstream media outlets to cover these lies.



Barf Bag Alert!!


That’s exactly how the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, deceives the Black SheepBlack SheepBlack Sheep.

From Daily Kos: Yet another story whose full import won’t be discussed anywhere that the majority of Americans are likely to see it:

After the Director of the FBI fully exonerated Hillary Clinton and made clear that she broke no laws and told no lies, House Republicans took the extraordinary step of demanding copies if the FBI’s notes from its interview with Clinton. That request was granted, and almost immediately, information from those notes began leaking to the media. The trouble: every word of those notes is, by definition, classified information.

Jennifer Palmieri, the Communications Director for the Hillary Clinton campaign, tweeted this evening that she “Would remind all that this material is classified. So this is leaking of classified material.” Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta added that he’s “Already hearing from people who have been contacted by reporters with knowledge of the content of their interviews in FBI 302’s.”

This is GOP SOP. As a rule Republicans break the law, leak classified information, and threaten national security to gain even a slight political advantage. Don’t take my word for it. Just remember Valerie Plame.



Never has a village idiot felt so wanted!


Everyday Erinyes

 Posted by at 12:04 am  Politics
Aug 202016

I have two items today which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."

First stop Raleigh, North Carolina, where a family in the Neuse Crossing neighborhood was having a y'all come party, and a neighbor (and probable Trump voter) named Chad Copley was having hallucinations.  If our nation had appropriate understanding of mental health issues like hallucinations, and adequate ways to treat said hallucinator without continuing to endanger the neighborhood, I might not be telling this story to the Furies.  But, with things as they are, I see no alternative.

So let's talk about Copley's hallucinations.  To begin with, he hallucinated that there was a Neighborhood Watch program in his neighborhood, and that he was in it, and on duty,

…residents and a manager of the Neuse Crossing Homeowners Association say the neighborhood where the fatal shooting happened does not have a neighborhood watch. And police say that where homeowners do organize neighborhood watch programs they are told to call 911 when they see suspicious or criminal activity, rather than take matters into their own hands.

Then, he hallucinated that guests at the party two doors away were "racing up and down the street," that they were armed, and that "there's some devil in them."

Jalen Lewis, who hosted a party at his home, two doors down from Copley’s, on the night of the shooting, said the victim was one of roughly 50 guests at the party, he told CNN affiliate WTVD.

He didn’t know Thomas personally, he said, and he didn’t see anyone armed or causing problems outside his home that night. Lewis told WTVD he has never interacted with Copley in the seven years he’s lived in the Raleigh neighborhood.

Thirdly, he hallucinated that there was a legal requirement for him to fire a warning shot (prior to doing what else, he didn't say.)

I yelled at them, ‘Please leave the premises,’ ” he said. “They were showing firearms, so I fired a warning shot and uh, we got somebody that got hit. …

“I fired my warning shot like I’m supposed to by law. … They do have firearms, and I’m trying to protect myself and my family.”

The dispatcher pressed for more information: Who’s been shot, how badly are they injured — and where, exactly, is the victim?

“Please just send a car,” Copley responded. “There’s friggin’ black males outside my friggin’ house with firearms. Please, send PD. Thank you.”

His "warning shot," which, it transpired, had been fired from a window in his garage, did kill someone: 20-year-old Kouren-Rodney Bernard Thomas, who was out near the street.  Thomas’s mother says he worked at a waffle house, and had a girlfriend about to begin college.

Copley has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder.  I would call that a step in the right direction.  Tisiphone, perhaps you can help keep this direction on track and ensure the one step is not the only step to secure this vengeful destroyer away from the public.

Meanwhile, over in Oklahoma – and I must say we all know there are many wonderful people in Oklahoma; this guy just isn't one of them – a retired agriculture teacher named Larry Long has made the news.  It seems that at a retirement presentation they were giving for him at the Oklahoma Career Tech Summer Conference in Oklahoma City he decided to show off what a fine sense of humor he has.Long

So he called a black colleague (probably not a coincidence that the colleague of color is the ONLY black agriculture teacher in the entire state) up to the stage with him, and presented him with a white robe and white hood (complete with Klan insignia), which he placed on the teacher, and then added a Confederate flag (as the bow on the package?)  Wow.  What a barrel of laughs.  Hundreds of people attended this "program," by the way.

I should be specific that CareerTech was not his employer, and he was not retiring from CareerTech.  CareerTech is a state agency, and it does not employ teachers to teach; it oversees them.  The employer from whom he had retired during the year was Elk City High School, where he had apparently worked for 49 years.  He must have been appreciated there, since the board of Elk City Public Schools recently voted to  name the high school's new agriculture building after him.

Those at the meeting were instructed not to speak of it, and to erase any and all cell phone video.  But someone sent an anonymous email to state lawmwkers, and it is now out in the open.

Retired teacher Larry Long issued a statement … in which he said he was trying to make a joke with a colleague who he respected and that he never intended to convey any racism.  He says he realizes his actions were "harmful, offensive, and hurtful."  Long says he has requested a meeting with members of the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus, who expressed outrage at the incident.  A member of the caucus, Democratic Rep. Mike Shelton, says the group welcomes the meeting.  The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology says it is investigating the incident.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Nothing to see here, just move along.  Alecto, if that meeting hasn't already happened, maybe you'd like to be present at it.  Could be interesting.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 at /member/101612212/4006109

Aug 192016

Have you actually tried to have a conversation with a Trump supporter?  Even when it’s not about politics, you can’t reason with them.  The other day one that works in the building told me that my A/C would work just fine with the tube that carries the heated air out the window disconnected.  No explanation about how an A/C works would convince him.  To get my A/C reconnected, I had to end run around him to another staff member.  I’ve known this for some time, but this morning I say a video that shocked even me.  It was of a mock focus group.  The material was absurd by intent, but the Trump Supporters, were quite real.


Triumph the Insult Comic Dog has been running a “Triumph Summer Election Special 2016” on Hulu. It’s kind of amazing. One of the bits Triumph and crew did was bring in a group of Trump supporters, ostensibly to be a “focus group” for a new set of campaign advertisements that Donald Trump wanted to roll out. However, the advertisements are outrageous—even for Donald Trump (maybe?).

The first advertisement takes on the issue of transgender people and bathrooms. A voice actor doing a pretty good Trump impression can be heard over the commercial. The turn in this first ad is the proposal to put guns in every women’s bathroom.

The second ad takes on the “women’s issue” for Trump. It starts with a voice over by Trump:

I’m a big fan of women and they’re big fans of me. Some want to vote for Crooked Hillary just because she’s a woman … but it she?

From there it goes into a series of conspiratorial questions wondering aloud whether Barack Obama is actually a woman and Hillary Clinton is actually a man. It’s kind of extraordinary. At every point, they show the people being “focused grouped” try to bend their minds to the concepts being put forth in these “advertisements.”…

From <Daily Kos>


I call these Trump Supporters Republican Rectumites, because of the place they store their head to keep any light from getting in.  But before you laugh at them too much, consider this.  They are common.  They breed prolifically.  And they will ALL vote and work tirelessly to get others of comparable intellect to do so.

Aug 192016

Today is the worst day of the heat wave so far.  It’s before Noon and already 90°.  97° is forecast, but it will be hotter.  My A/C is holding its own, albeit barely.  While not comfortable, I’m not miserable either, as long as I remain quiet and expend little energy.  Would you all please keep Nameless in your thoughts and prayers?  He has an important medical appointment.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:50 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football:

Lefty Blog Friends players, our live draft is tomorrow (Saturday) at 1 PM PDT (2 PM MDT, 3 PM CDT, 4 PM EDT).  Feel free to contact me with questions.

Short Takes:

From KP Daily Funnies: Funny or Die: The Great Wall of Trump

Barf Bag Alert!!


Rump Dump target practice? Now that’s what I call a happy ending!! Winking smile

From The New Yorker: President Obama is vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard when he should be hard at work running ISIS, Donald Trump charged on Thursday.

In an interview with Fox News, the Republican Presidential nominee said that Obama’s preference for golfing in favor of the demanding day-to-day work of running a terrorist organization shows “what a disaster he has been” at the helm of the Islamic State.

“Frankly, he doesn’t deserve to call himself the founder of ISIS,” Trump told Fox’s Sean Hannity. “He is a disgrace.”

Dang Andy!! That’s absurd enough for him to say! If Rump Dump were running his eternal resting place, Hell would need to import portable heaters for frost abatement.

From Alternet: The reign of record hot months in 2016 continues, with last month claiming the title of hottest July on record globally, according to data released by NASA on Monday.

The streak means that 2016 is still well on its way to upsetting last year as the hottest year on record. Or as Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies, said on Twitter, there is still a 99 percent chance 2016 will take the top slot.

Every month so far this year has been record hot. In NASA’s data, that streak goes back to October 2015, which was the first month in its data set that was more than 1˚C hotter than average.

I can name two people who believe it: the Squatch and I.



It’s no surprise that they like Trump too!

Aug 192016

Who knew that the Hans Christian Andersen’s story “The Emperor’s New Clothes” – a parable about a ruler so full of himself that he believes he’s wearing the finest raiments of the realm when in fact he’s naked – would be the inspiration for “exposing” Donald Trump for the blathering blowhard he is … in clay … NUDE!


Five cities – New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco and Cleveland – were the lucky locations for the display of the life-sized statues of a naked Trump titled “The Emperor Has No Balls” – a performance art installation created by the artist Joshua Monroe.


Monroe was commissioned by self-described “American Activist Collective” INDECLINE because of his skills at creating monsters for Halloween Haunted Houses as well as in movies.  The irony of that fact doesn’t get much sweeter.

The artist, who goes by “Ginger”, said

“When the guys [INDECLINE] approached me, it was all because of my monster-making abilities.  Trump is just yet another monster, so it was absolutely in my wheelhouse to be able to create these monstrosities.”

It took Monroe over 1,500 hours, working since April while also holding down a full-time job.  He says he was only getting “three hours of sleep a night.”

Monroe explains the two phases to create his statue: He first sculpted the original in 700 pounds of a specialty modeling clay using a six-foot-two “hired model with similar proportions” to Trump.  (We’ll let that one ride.)  Then once the prototype was completed, he made a giant silicone mold so that he could create identical replicas.

The project ended up requiring 300 pounds of Monster Makers Oil Clay, 400 pounds of Concrete and Rebar, 400 pounds of Walter E. Disney Clay (for the mold), 1 gallon of smooth cast 300 (liquid resin), and ten gallons of Foam It, costing around $6,000. 

While explaining that INDECLINE had very specific criteria set as to “what the statue would include – and what it would not,” he noted Trump’s “constipated scowl” was actually the hardest part to get right. 

Each statue including the base weighs 80 pounds, and was secured to the ground with an industrial-strength epoxy glue that dries in minutes at 8 AM ET yesterday.  INDECLINE reported that their so-called “Insult Teams” (they’ve done other projects) had no problems with the installations, explaining they all wore hardhats and neon-colored construction vests.  And although they were all installed on public property, they also knew they wouldn’t be up for very long.

The New York installation in Union Square was removed not long after its installation.  But at least the Parks Dept. provided a classic, cheeky explanation as to why:

“NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small.”



… And sweeping up the remnants where the statue was glued down


Ginger says he did a great deal of online research to get the likeness correct, down to the lizard-like peach-colored skin, protruding belly and veins.  But shares that he’s a bit concerned with his computer browsing history, because how many people are Googling “saggy old man butt”.


So enough with the teasing – I know you all are wanting "The Full Monty"


Oh, and INDECLINE says they may very well do a similar type of “Exposé” involving Hillary – so stay tuned for more “EWWWWWs” to come.



Naked Donald Trump Statues Populate American Cities

