Fifteen Foul Facts

 Posted by at 1:27 pm  Politics
Aug 312016

This morning I ran across a very interesting article listing facts about, thoughts of, and lies by about the Fuhrer of the Republican Rectumite Reich, Rump Dump Trump.  Never has there been a candidate who personified the Republican Party so well, but I don’t understand how the author limited the list to fifteen.

0831trump-shrugAs Election Day approaches, it is important that every American know some basic facts about Donald Trump, to try to understand what his campaign means to us all. Sadly, you won’t get a lot of that from the mainstream media, which doesn’t want to kill the golden ratings horse.

I’m not talking about Trump’s upbringing and his education, or even his marriages, but about the claims he has made. There are all kinds of things said about “talk” – that talk is cheap for example, or that the less said the better. Shakespeare said, in Henry V, “Men of few words are the best men.”

I would quibble by arguing that what is said is far more important than how much.

Here then are my thoughts about not only Trumps words and deeds, but their context, the essentials that define the man:

1. Think about this: If Donald Trump had a lie detector with an alarm on him that went off every time he lied, he’d never get through a speech; possibly not even a sentence, without being interrupted. At this point, sadly, that is precisely what is needed in order to highlight the rapidity with which Trump tells untruths. Like his lies about inner city crime, or immigrants, or Muslims. You pick the topic…

From <PoliticusUSA>

I just ate, so I only had the stomach to share one with you.  If you dare, click through for the other fourteen.


  15 Responses to “Fifteen Foul Facts”

  1. He limited it to fifteen because he hoped if he made it small enough most people wouldn't forget the whole list.  If he'd made it a hundred, no one would remember any of them.  He only made it as big as fifteen to maximize the chance that everyone would see at least one that resinated with him or her.  The number is probably about right.

    I don't know that I would call Trump a thistle, though.  Besides being the badge of Scotland, I have it on good authority (a Canadian bear) that thistles are very nourishing to donkeys.  At least to donkeys named Eeyore.  I would love for a donkey name Democrat to eat Trump alive, but I would fear for its health with all that toxin.  Besides, I hear God hates figs.  I'd call him a thorn.

  2. Very disturbed individual.

    Thanks, Tom.

  3. Wow. I got to #7 and had to stop because I just couldn't handle the one about Ivanka! That is his own daughter! How can he talk about his OWN DAUGHTER 27th sexual overtones like that?? If, and a really BIG if, he ever got in the White House, he would have to be watched CLOSELY when he got around high school kids on WH Tours!!! #CREEPYOLDMAN!!!

  4. Sorry, a long trip ahead tonight and airplane barf bags are not made for this, so saving this article until industrial size barf bags are within reach again.

  5. I was just thinking, I think Drumpf is more orange that John Agent Orange Boehner!

    "Donald Trump’s words and deeds are his testament; it is by them he wishes to be known." — His words and deeds say he is a liar, totally lacking in compassion, a xenophobe, racist, and a narcissist!  So if that is all he has to offer, I'll pass!

  6. All the proof in the world will not change the minds of his supporters.  They want him, thinking he is like them, when he "says what he thinks".  I shared this on Facebook, tomorrow should be interesting.  I will never understand how he got this far.

  7. The problem is the Mad-for-Trump crowd never sees the fact checking….he says everything with such authority that it appears to be all true…. unless, of course, you have a brain and think for yourself.

  8. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

  9. Those who are still in his camp, most of whom, I will venture, have been there from the start, can not think…by definition.  That whathe says is supposedly what he thinks does not make it true, but then has said "I love the uneducated!" 

    The shame of it all, is that he IS the GOP candidate, and the MSM thus has every excuse, perhaps even need, to keep him in the spotlight.  How did he get here?  He played the media like a piano!  One of the, perhaps the only true thing he has ever said is about how good he is at getting publicity.

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