Fifteen Foul Facts

 Posted by at 1:27 pm  Politics
Aug 312016

This morning I ran across a very interesting article listing facts about, thoughts of, and lies by about the Fuhrer of the Republican Rectumite Reich, Rump Dump Trump.  Never has there been a candidate who personified the Republican Party so well, but I don’t understand how the author limited the list to fifteen.

0831trump-shrugAs Election Day approaches, it is important that every American know some basic facts about Donald Trump, to try to understand what his campaign means to us all. Sadly, you won’t get a lot of that from the mainstream media, which doesn’t want to kill the golden ratings horse.

I’m not talking about Trump’s upbringing and his education, or even his marriages, but about the claims he has made. There are all kinds of things said about “talk” – that talk is cheap for example, or that the less said the better. Shakespeare said, in Henry V, “Men of few words are the best men.”

I would quibble by arguing that what is said is far more important than how much.

Here then are my thoughts about not only Trumps words and deeds, but their context, the essentials that define the man:

1. Think about this: If Donald Trump had a lie detector with an alarm on him that went off every time he lied, he’d never get through a speech; possibly not even a sentence, without being interrupted. At this point, sadly, that is precisely what is needed in order to highlight the rapidity with which Trump tells untruths. Like his lies about inner city crime, or immigrants, or Muslims. You pick the topic…

From <PoliticusUSA>

I just ate, so I only had the stomach to share one with you.  If you dare, click through for the other fourteen.

Aug 312016

I took a nap this morning and still need more, but at least I’m enjoying the cool.  It’s a busy day, as I’m waiting for a grocery delivery and have to put them away.  Then Wendy will be coming to de-stink the TomCat.  Tomorrow, I may be late in getting my articles up, as I have to collect all the data and make the graphics for Friday’s Monthly Report.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:43 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From KP Daily Funnies: Trump’s Doctor Is The Scientist From Independence Day (ft. Brent Spiner)


Having four sphincters instead of a heart explains how he became a Republican Rectumite!

From The New Yorker: President Barack Obama defended his decision on Wednesday to issue a payment of five billion dollars to Mexico to compel that nation to retain custody of Donald J. Trump.

The payment, which will be delivered to the Mexican government in hard American currency by Wednesday afternoon, will insure that Trump will remain in Mexico for the rest of his natural life.

“I have been assured by the government of Mexico that Mr. Trump will be well taken care of and, if he proves to be a productive member of their society, will be provided a pathway to Mexican citizenship,” Obama said.

While the transfer of funds to Mexico sparked howls of protest from some Trump supporters, it was hailed by congressional Democrats, as well as by over a hundred Republicans currently running for reëlection, including Arizona Senator John McCain.

Dang Andy!! That would be cheap at double the price!!

From Daily Kos:

Someone wake Mr. Fermi, and tell him the paradox may be resolved.

SETI researchers are buzzing about a strong spike in radio signals that seemed to come from the direction of a sunlike [sic] star in the constellation Hercules, known as HD 164595.

The signal conceivably fits the profile for an intentional transmission from an extraterrestrial source – but it could also be a case of earthly radio interference, or a microlensing [sic] event in which the star’s gravitational field focused stray signals coming from much farther away.

This is far from the first time that researchers have received a signal that at first looked hopeful, only to discover that it was either an Earthly source masquerading as extraterrestrial, or the result of some natural phenomenon.

I hope it turns out to be real. I would be a real shame for a universe as large as ours to be completely devoid of intelligent life.



Aug 302016

Prior to the election of 2012, Karl Rove was confident of a Republican victory and kept claiming that he had "the math"  As election wound down, and the GOP loss in Ohio pushed Obama over the top, Rove refused to accept the results.  Later we learned why.  Anonymous hackers claimed to have blocked Rove’s attempt to steal the election by flipping votes in three swing states.  This year may bring more Republican attempts to steal our election with help from people far more competent than Rove.

0830VotingThe Senate minority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, asked the F.B.I. on Monday to investigate evidence suggesting that Russia may try to manipulate voting results in November.

In a letter to the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey Jr., Mr. Reid wrote that the threat of Russian interference “is more extensive than is widely known and may include the intent to falsify official election results.” Recent classified briefings from senior intelligence officials, Mr. Reid said in an interview, have left him fearful that President Vladimir V. Putin’s “goal is tampering with this election.”

News reports on Monday said the F.B.I. warned state election officials several weeks ago that foreign hackers had exported voter registration data from computer systems in at least one state, and had pierced the systems of a second one…

From <NY Times>

Cenk Uygur has more on the story.

Wherever you live, do everything you can to make sure that counting your vote is secure.  Your future depends on it.

Aug 302016

This is the first day in weeks that I’ve made it until Noon without having to turn on the A/C.  I took a much-needed nap, and am ready for more.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:36 (average 5:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From KP Daily Funnies: How ISIS Really Feels About Trump


I have no doubt that the Daesh would be almost as happy to see Rump Dump in the White House, as Putin would.

From TPM: Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) — the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and thus a major player in the GOP Senate’s refusal to confirm President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee — opened the door to confirming Judge Merrick Garland in a lame-duck session, even as he continued to defend Republicans’ stance that the successor to the late Justice Antonin Scalia should be chosen by the next president.

At a question and answer session in Sioux City Monday, Grassley told attendees that, "It had nothing to do with Garland," but there was an "understanding" that Supreme Court vacancies that opened in up in a president’s final year should not be filled by that president, according to the Sioux City Journal.

But, he added, his blockade on considering Garland might lift if enough of his GOP colleagues express a desire to push the judge through after the election.

This is what Snake in the Grassley is actually saying. If Clinton wins the election, and if Democrats win control of the Senate, Republicans are likely to confirm Garland, a moderate appointee, so that Hillary cannot replace the currently sizzling Injustice Sturmbannführer Scalia with a more liberal Justice than Garland would be. Once the election is over, I hope Obama will remove Garland’s name from nomination, since Obama originally nominated him as someone he thought Republicans might accept.

From PoliticusUSA: Donald Trump and his for-profit presidential campaign thought they had the market cornered after winning the Republican nomination, but an enterprising fellow grifter invaded Trump’s turf and stole $1 million from his supporters (marks).

Because Donald Trump has no digital campaign operation to speak of, a grifter by the name of Ian Hawes was able to establish a super PAC and begin raising money by running a contest that promised the winner would get to have dinner with Donald Trump.

The money came pouring in, but there was a problem. Donors (marks) thought that they were giving to the Trump campaign. Democrats have run fundraising contests like this one for years, so donors (marks) were easily fooled into believing that the man who lives in Trump Tower would come down from his penthouse and share a quick trip through the McDonalds drive thru with them.

The donors (marks) never read the fine print of the contest that stated that the super PAC was only going to purchase two tickets to a future Trump fundraiser. There was no dinner alone with Trump.

Trump was livid that someone was smart enough to exploit his donors (marks) better than he could so he did what Donald Trump does best.

FOMCROTFPIMPLMAO!! Stupid Black SheepBlack SheepBlack Sheep!!!




Goal: 50 Blue States

 Posted by at 12:09 pm  Politics
Aug 292016

When a Presidential election year becomes focused in an individual, who is thoroughly evil to the core, it’s far too easy to lose sight of the fact that Trump is nothing more than a an unfiltered reflection of Republican policies and values. In reality, there are Republicans at every level of government who are just as cruel, making every red state an open wound in need of repair.  Fortunately, we have Paul Krugman to point out such things.

0829medicaidSomething terrible has happened to pregnant women in Texas: their mortality rate has doubled in recent years, and is now comparable to rates in places like Russia or Ukraine. Although researchers into this disaster are careful to say that it can’t be attributed to any one cause, the death surge does coincide with the state’s defunding of Planned Parenthood, which led to the closing of many clinics. And all of this should be seen against the general background of Texas policy, which is extremely hostile toward anything that helps low-income residents.

There’s an important civics lesson here. While many people are focused on national politics, with reason — one sociopath in the White House can ruin your whole day — many crucial decisions are taken at the state and local levels. If the people we elect to these offices are irresponsible, cruel, or both, they can do a lot of damage.

This is especially true when it comes to health care. Even before the Affordable Care Act went into effect, there was wide variation in state policies, especially toward the poor and near-poor. Medicaid has always been a joint federal-state program, in which states have considerable leeway about whom to cover. States with consistently conservative governments generally offered benefits to as few people as the law allowed, sometimes only to adults with children in truly dire poverty. States with more liberal governments extended benefits much more widely. These policy differences were one main reason for a huge divergence in the percentage of the population without insurance, with Texas consistently coming in first in that dismal ranking.

And the gaps have only grown wider since Obamacare went into effect, for two reasons. First, the Supreme Court made the federally-funded expansion of Medicaid, a crucial part of the reform, optional at the state level. This should be a no-brainer: If Washington is willing to provide health insurance to many of your state’s residents — and in so doing pump dollars into your state’s economy — why wouldn’t you say yes? But 19 states, Texas among them, are still refusing free money, denying health care to millions.

Beyond this is the question of whether states are trying to make health reform succeed. California — where Democrats are firmly in control, thanks to the GOP’s alienation of minority voters — shows how it’s supposed to work: The state established its own health exchange, carefully promoting and regulating competition, and engaged in outreach to inform the public and encourage enrollment. The result has been dramatic success in holding down costs and reducing the number of uninsured… [emphasis added]

From <NY Times>

I’ve been using the joke, "Please don’t Californicate Oregon!" for around thirty five years.  That needs to be updated: "Please Californicate Texas!!!"

Every Republican in office is

one Republican too many!

Aug 292016

Today is the last day in the 80°s, and then we have over a week of low 70°s forecast, and I’m really ready for the change.  Last night I slept well for the first time in a week, but feel almost as if I had no sleep at all, so I’m adding a nap to today’s to-do list.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:56 (average 4:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: When Dr. Amjad Bahnassi, a psychiatrist who lives in the central Massachusetts city of Worcester, wants to visit his son’s grave, he braces for the drive to the Muslim burial ground in Enfield, Conn., about 60 miles away. It is the nearest cemetery devoted solely to Islamic burials — and, he said, it is filling up.

Dr. Bahnassi, the chairman of the board of the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester, knew the area’s Muslims needed a closer place to bury their dead. The group thought it had found one in rural Dudley, about half an hour away: a patch of more than 50 acres, past a sweet corn stand and deep blue ponds, where there is unused farmland and wetlands hidden from the road by trees and tangled bushes.

But the organization’s proposal to build a cemetery there became a lightning rod in this small town. It was denounced at meetings and ultimately turned down by the Zoning Board of Appeals, prompting charges of bigotry and drawing scrutiny from the United States attorney for Massachusetts, who announced a civil rights investigation on Aug. 18 into the town’s actions.

“I’ve been here since 1983,” Dr. Bahnassi, 56, a Syrian immigrant and an American citizen, said last week as he stood on the land. “I don’t deserve to die here?”

I wonder what bogus explanations Republicans have for this bigoted cruelty. Do they fear being haunted by Radical Islamic Terrorist ghosts?

From Daily Kos: Rudy Mancuso has just put out a clever, funny, and all too real YouTube video showing those of us who have inquiring minds — just what the world might look like through the eyes of a Trump voter.


Funny, but all too true. When he reached the bathroom, he should have flushed the glasses, or better yet, flushed Trump.

From The Guardian: Climate change is going to halve the area suitable for coffee production and impact the livelihoods of more than 120 million of the world’s poorest people who rely on the coffee economy, according to a new report by the Climate Institute, commissioned by Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand.

The report findings follow stark warnings by some of the world’s biggest coffee producers, including Starbucks and Lavazza, who have said climate change is posing a severe risk to the industry. [emphasis added]

Dang!! When I regained consciousness after three weeks in a coma last September, the very first thing I asked to be given was coffee. They explained I could not drink it with my tracheostomy ventilator. I pointed to my IV. It’s time to get serious about climate change!!!




Keep Dreaming His Dream!

 Posted by at 12:20 pm  Politics
Aug 282016


Martin Luther King, Jr. influenced my political thinking more than any other individual.  I was fortunate to have worked under him on Vietnam Summer and to have been present on the Washington Mall fifty-three years ago today on August 28, 1963. It’s hard to believe that we are once again fighting the battle to secure the voting rights won as a result of his dream, and to restore them, where racist Republicans are outlawing the right to vote. After his speech, I need say nothing more.

Aug 282016

Wendy is already on her way here, and I want to get as much as I can written, before she arrives.  Other than dusting and polishing the TomCat, we’ll be cleaning, cooking, changing printer toner, tightening nuts and bolts on my wheelchair, and doing the dreaded task.

That’s as far as I got.  Wendy has come and gone, having accomplished all of the above.  I’m quite tired, so please pardon my brevity.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:34 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: One day after an audio popped up incriminating Maine’s Republican governor for saying 90% of drug dealers are black and Hispanic, a second video was posted on Friday exposing even more extreme racist and dangerous hate speech. Here is the text is the short 34-second video along with the text where Gov. LePage is basically saying to shoot the enemy — and the enemies are blacks and Hispanics.

“That guy’s a bad guy. I don’t care what color he is.  When you go to war. If you know the enemy, the enemy dressed in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red — don’ t shoot! Kem, you’ve been in uniform. You shoot at the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority of people coming here (to the United States) are people of color, or people of hispanic origin.”

Barf Bag Alert!


The only reason this Republican racist keeps winning is that opposing votes are split between a Democratic candidate and a third party candidate.

From Alternet: Sarah Palin, still feeling the Trump love from afar, but a teeny bit worried.

Like Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin loves her some Trump, even if his campaign has done its darndest to keep her at arm’s length after she made some truly incoherent speeches on his behalf. But like Coulter, Palin is a little worried that Trump might be going soft on all those rapists Mexico is sending here.

On Thursday, Palin decided to phone it in to Fox’s Eric Bolling, who was sitting in for Bill O’Reilly. Her main point: Donald is still going to build that wall. “Donald Trump understands that enforcing the laws and building that wall are paramount to what the will of the people is, and thank God, he’s still preachin’ that!” she reassured the worried Fox audience.


Apart from the wall, Palin also had some carefully considered, reality-based plans to discourage people who are here illegally. “Well, we have to quit incentivizing those who are here illegally, keeping them here, by not employing them, not giving them free health care, free college, free phones, free Happy Meals, free anything!” she said.

WTF is she talking about!

Perhaps Katrina Pierson summed up the whole Trump campaign words-to-reality-relationship best this week when she explained that contrary to appearances, Donald Trump was still the same old bigot he always was. “He hasn’t changed his position (on immigration),” she said. “He has changed the words he is saying.”

Well, that certainly clears everything up!

Maybe Bloody Bullseye Barbie will try labeling minority areas with gun sights. It worked when she did it to Gabby Giffords. This is just the fifth of five listed dumb Republican assertions from last week alone. Click through for the other four.

From Crooks and Liars:

Meet Jessica Jin. Texas Tribune:The Cocks Not Glocks movement was created by UT alumna Jessica Jin last October after she learned that sex toys, but not firearms, would still be banned in classrooms.

“As long as you have a dick on your backpack, people will be thinking about the guns inside of other people backpacks” Jin said Tuesday, dildo strapped to her backpack.

On the Cocks Not Glocks Facebook event, Jin wrote: “The State of Texas has decided that it is not at all obnoxious to allow deadly concealed weapons in classrooms, however it does have strict rules about free sexual expression, to protect your innocence. You would receive a citation for taking a dildo to class before you would get in trouble for taking a gun to class.


Kudos to the protestors, but they better not point their dildos at TX cops!! They’d be gunned down.


