All things considered the Democratic National Convention kicked off to a positive start, despite some poorly coordinated attempts at disruption by regressives, who were acting in opposition to Bernie;s wishes and request. The night would down to the three main speakers: Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders. Each of them outperformed all the speakers at the Republican Hate Festival last week.
First was Michelle.
My first response was, "I sure feel sorry for the person who has to follow that!" Then I remembered why I didn’t have to worry. It was Elizabeth Warren.
Many wanted Liz to be chosen for VP. I did not. The job of the VP is to go ONLY wherever told to go, to do ONLY whatever told to do, to say ONLY whatever told to say, and NOT to make waves. I just don’t want that kind of a muzzle put on Liz! At last Bernie spoke.
Bernie made it clear that he does not intend to give Hillary the nomination by unanimous consent, as she did for Obama in 2008. I’ve seen some commentators suggest that Bernie is hurting party unity by not doing so. I disagree. Bernie and his supporters achieved a stellar accomplishment to come as close as they did, and they have earned the right to show the world just how close they came. Casting their votes at the convention should also give his supporters closure. Then those that truly are his supporters will follow his lead in good conscience and throw their support behind Hillary. Those that do not, never were his supporters, with the rare exceptions of those few, who are also long term active members of another party and are returning there.
12 Responses to “The Big Three”
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I saw Michelle's this morning – and need a hanky. Then read a lot of comments on Kos and AlterNet, most from people who also did. Elizabeth – So right on.
Bernie – What a guy. Headline from the Nation – "Bernie Just Showed Us What a Mensch Looks Like." Yes. We need closure. But yes. We need to support Hillary now. I cited this in your Open Thread – but it moved me so much I will cite it again. It seems Donald Trump is not alone in being a narcissist. Let's us not be.
Michelle sure is wonderful, isn't she? Loved her speech!! "Let's get to work!"
Spot on, Liz!!
Bernie, you're awesome!!
It's so refreshing to watched these videos, with no hate, lying, screaming and bigotry!
Well, here I am. I lied. Kinda. It's better to stay busy, than to not be. Thanks, Tom.
I think you might get more unity by not having unanimity…..I am bothered by the bernie backers who still are conisdering not voting for hillary especially when they are considering trump, can't figure out the logic……..and please don't say its just trade deals……….union busting preceded trade deals and the negatives of prior trade deals maybe over-exaggerated……..although TPP has some newer "poisons"…..
What a stellar lineup of speakers! And unlike the Trump convention, not one of the speakers was the second cousin thrise removed by marriage to Donald – or w/e family member he was able to force to speak.
And Michelle Obama made history: The first and only person to have ever given a speech at BOTH the RNC AND DNC Conventions … in the same year!
You got that right and Michelle Obama did make history by speaking at both conventions. lol.
I watched all three and they made me proud to support them.
Michelle — Without using the name'Drumpf', she sure did nail him and contrasted Hillary to the vile Republican. Passionate, from the heart. Outstanding!
Warren — Unfortunately, this video is not available for viewing in Canada so I googled and . . . please don't throw stones at me . . . I found it on Faux Noise
without any editorialising by Faux's talking heads
. It is probably the only good programming decision they have ever made. Bill O'Lielly came on next saying the only celebrity who spoke was Lena Dunham. I don't know if O'Lielly was caught in the infotainment wheel of his cage, or if that was a slight against Michelle and Warren, but it doesn't matter because O'Lielly is a brain dead idiot. Warren was pumped and she too nailed Drumpf in her usual style, including a reference to Twitter. Great!
Bernie — What a guy! I liked that he reminded everybody, but especially his supporters, just how far they have come and just how much he has been able to influence the platform. I noticed that the 'Bernie' signs had the 'i' dotted with a little bird. Brilliant!
Yes–all three are real people with real hearts. One other worthy speech from yesterday:
Diane Russell's super delegate speech can be found at:
And one not on the floor providing an essential perspective Clinton supporters fail to see in their blind fear:
Portia Boulger, Featured in Viral Video Viewed by Millions, Explains her Anger at DNC
Boulger tells Paul Jay that DNC leadership attacked democracy itself; she still implores superdelegates to support Sanders or risk a Trump victory
Today's nomination speeches (especially Tulsi's) are worth watching (and try to catch what besides first woman any of Clinton's claim is why she should be nominated)–the rest the media seemed to agree is a Clinton infomercial I couldn't stomach watching (yet)
definition of regressive from Oxford:
proceeding from effect to cause or from particular to universal.
Urban dictionary actually seems to mean you TC and not Bernie supporters by that term:
"Liberal who believes s/he is a progressive, however their ideas are backward, lacking enlightenment. Regressive's believe their ideas are forward thinking and evolutionary however the ideology lacks moral guidance, invoke divisiveness, and is plagued with narrow mindedness. The existence an alternate ideology is unacceptable to a regressive.
Lacking the mental capacity to accept freedom of religion, his regressive ideology finds acceptance of a religious freedom for an employer unacceptable. "
I actually made up the term, as I use it. Since Bernie said that the Democratic Platform is the most progressibe in the party's history and is urging his supporters to accept that progress, I coined the term to describe people who claim to support Bernie, but continue to help Trump, evfen after Bernie asjed them to stop by joining his attacks on Bernie's endorsee. If regressives succeed in keeping Hillary out of the White House, they will do so by installing Trump, causing our nation to regress into the dark ages.
This is your only warning. We argue ideas here. We do not attack each other. For you to attack me by applying the Urban Dictionaly definition to me personally (both insulting and untrue) violates those rules. You are welcome to disagree with ideas here, but you may not attack anyone who posts or comments here. There is no second warning.
Finally, please do not place the same speil in multiple threads. That is SPAM. I will be deleting the duplicate.
Thanks for the video's, TomCat. I'll watch them one at a time the coming nights. As a foreigner not born into Convention culture I have to dose myself a bit, three in a row is likely to overwhelm me. 😉
Thanks all! Hugs!