Jul 032016

Yesterday Julie and I shared a small feast of BBQ baby back ribs.  The store brand was nowhere as good as the Tony Roma brand, but Killer Dawg did not seem to mind.  Julie says I have created a spoiled monster, but she spoils him just as much.  I’m running a bit late, because I overslept.  I must have needed it.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:33 (average 5:39).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Well there you have it…  He thinks he is King of the World and she poses like she in an auditon for a James Bond movie.  The NRA endorsed Trump..  HA.  totally classless and  they call themselves conservative.  Hypocritical  right wing trashed our First Lady because she bared her arms differently.


Michelle Obama has more class than any Republican, let alone their Presumptive Rectum and its nearly naked wife!

From Think Progress: A report by Mic revealed that the image originated a few days ago on the white supremacist message board /pol/.

Trump later deleted the tweet, keeping the original meme created on /pol/ but crudely replacing the star with a red circle.

Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, defended Trump’s use of the white supremacist meme Sunday morning on CNN’s State Of The Union. He said that critics were “reading into a thing that is not there.” He also blasted the “mainstream media” for buying into “political correctness run amok.”

Barf Bag Alert!!


All claims to reading something that isn’t there disappear with the revelation that the presumptive rectum of the Republican Party plagiarized the image from a White Supremacist site.  Are the mainstream media being politically correct? Hell NO!!! Otherwise they wouldn’t be paying Rump Dump’s shill.

From Alternet: Fox Newsians got very upset about minimum wage going up.

Highly punchable, smug Fox Business Newsian Stuart Varney thinks that raising the minimum wage is just terrible, and will probably lead to Armageddon.

He made no secret of his feelings about people possibly being able to make a living wage when he kicked off a panel discussion thusly:

“How about this one? It is July the 1st, minimum wage increases go into effect today in 15 cities spread across five states. I think this is the march towards $15 an hour. Want to go around the block here with everyone. First to you, Tammy. What do you think about this march to $15 — legislated wages?”

Ooohhh, scary. A march toward $15. Legislated wages.

Then, fellow panel member Tammy Bruce brought up another scary thing: Robots. “It’s a march towards robotics, is what it is. You’re going to have kiosks that are going to be able to sell things to people.”

Don’t tell her there are already kiosks selling things to people.

It could be worse than robots, Varney suggested, we could turn into Bermuda, which is a very expensive place.

Yikes. Not Bermuda.

Several agreed it was sad that 12-year-olds don’t bag groceries for tips anymore. Those were the days.

Varney did some quick math in his head. He’s a business guy, so he’s good with numbers. “$15 an hour, for a 40-hour week, is $30,000 a year. I mean, what—“

Someone interrupted. It’s hard to know where Varney was going with that. Was he suddenly realizing you can’t support a family on that? Or even a single person, in most places?

Hard to say what thoughts blew in the wind through those ears.

Oregon has been a leader in raising the minimum wage for years, and it hasn’t hurt a bit. This is just the fourth of five worst Republican moments listed this week. Click through for the other four.




  16 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/3/2016”

  1. 5:02 (5:39)  A second chance for horse fricassee.

    All good pets are "spoiled."  Pets are not egoistic enough to respond with arrogance like some humans do.  They remain grateful and are all the better for it.

    DKos – I'm not sure whether they were married when that was taken, but it's hardly the point, is it?  I certainly find it off-putting, whereas I find Michelle to be the Real Thing.  Beauty and Brains.

    TP – Yes, saw that.  Ugly.  Lewandowski wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the butt.  BTW I though he was fired.

    AlterNet's five worst –

    1.  Janet Allon is getting so good at this that it's becoming very difficult to find anything snarky to say that she didn't already say in the article.  Although Katrina Pierson does make it easy.  How obvious does it have to get before Faux Noise sheeple recognize a lie?  Obviously, worse than this.

    2.  Oh, yeah, the entire British Parliament definitely signed up for emails from Trump.  Yeah, right.  Somehow I think they have enough on their plate.  I didn't opt in either, but I am getting them too.  Any bets that his base believes this?  I didn't think so.

    3.  This one already came up.  Someone suggested the only way to make that work mathematically is for Trump to give all of his appointees 3 votes to each of the other justices' one.  Of course then it doesn't work constitutionally, but when has he ever cared about the Constitution?

    4.  "Legislated wages"?  What do they think the current minimum wage is?  Oh, never mind.

    5.  I saw this – but – prbably because my mind rebelled and merged her into Doctor Laura, who has always been awful about LGBT, I didn't quite grasp that she was expanding her franchise.  Along with her diapers.

    Cartoon – Straight reporting again.


  2. While it's not clear where Herr Drumpf got the Star of David format, there is a Twitter account by FishBoneHead1 (which is no longer accessible) that had Tweeted that image even  earlier than the white supremacist site.



    Either way, the source is a supporter/purveyor of some awfully vile bigotry – which would match Trump's bigotry  to a "T".

    • Thanks for the links, Nameless. Drumpf twittering this image straight from a supremacist site gives us some further, but unsurprising, insight in what he's following on Twitter and/or Facebook. Of course we also already knew that he was stupid and arrogant.

  3. 3:04  No horsie fricasseé today Puddy Tat!  I think you would have to jump a lot of fences to get at that horsie."

    "I bet that Sasquatc h eats hy horsie today too!" — It seems you're clairvoyant!  Hang out a shingle and you may be able to make a dollar or two!

  4. DK: Mrs. Obama has more class in her little finger than Drumpf's better half. By a mile!

    TP: Lewandowski: He's as sick as his old boss. And, he's getting paid for this??? ugh! Trump's tweets are offensive to say the least. What a jerk.

    AN: All of them 1-5 are barf baggers!

    Cartoon: Yep, like it or not….that's the Repug way!

    Aww…sounds like you had a good time with Julie, and Killer Dawg!
    Speaking of ribs, while I do like Tony Roma's ribs, you have to try Sweet Baby Ray's Ribs. His BBQ sauce is the only sauce I use now. Either brand is delicious though.

    Rest/relax, and enjoy your evening. Take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  5. Glad dawg liked the ribs.

    The skin pix is a rerun I believe…

    So much controversy over symbols (upside down or not, etc.)…sometimes it seems like we protect symbols better than we do people.

    Can we send them through the Bermuda Triangle?

    I guess they thought they were negotiating at Gitmo, too.

  6. Daily Kos:  Since Trump is totally without class, we should not be surprised that his wife is too.

    Think Progress:  Trump is a racist, misognynist, xenophobic buffoon.  CNN has hired his surrogate.  They are merely Faux lite.  The mainstream media can plead guilty to contributing to Trump's popularity.  They have covered every event, every tweet, every word he has said since he started the campaign.

    Alternet:  I would like to see Varney try to live on $30,000 per year, he would be crying.  Pierson would not recognize the truth if it slapped her face.  Landowski, also, and shame on CNN for hiring him. Ingraham reminds me of Bachman, about as smart.  Trump's math skills are as good as his plans for running the country, non-existent.

    Cartoon:  Yep!

  7. Speaking of elections–this is how the CA primary was handled (almost 300,000 votes not processed by counties yet–no telling how many not reported yet, including mine):


    • I thinlkCA shouls go to vite by mail only elections, like Oregon .  That would avoid the confusion.  I don't like the rule gagging poll; workers about requesting crossover ballots, when they said they wanted to vote for prersident.  If memory serves, that rule originated when Reagan was running unopposed in the primaries for his second term.  Republican poll workers were telling Repuyblican voters to request crossover ballots to muck up the Democratic primary.  Previous candidates have done a good job of instructing their NPP supporters to request the crossover ballot.  I wish Bernie's staff had done so.  The problem is that they failed him, not that the rule was designed to rob him.

  8. Puzzle — 3:04  No horsie fricasseé today Puddy Tat!  I think you would have to jump a lot of fences to get at that horsie.

    Daily Kos — Michelle Obama IS FLOTUS!  She is poised, confident and beautiful.  Drumpf's scrumpet is FSOTUS, based on this photo! (well she looks the part).  And this is Republican family values?  Republicans need a new dictionary!

    Think Progress — Lewandowski is just as foul as his old boss, and stupid to boot.  Political correctness indeed!  Amazing how Drumpf railed against PC for so long, and now uses it to his own benefit as do his moronic mouthpieces.

    Alternet — I read this yesterday.

    1) Katrina Pierson — Does she even know what reality is?

    2) Lewandowski — Speaking of reality, I believe Lewandowski is trapped in the Outer Limits . . . by choice!

    3) Drumpf — His math skills are a prime example of his real business acumen.  A failure as a human being, a failure as a business person, and soon to be a failure as a political candidate.

    4) Varney — I'd love to see Varney live on $15/hour!  He couldn't!  Faux Noise is full of a bunch of useless twits.

    5) Laura Ingraham — WTF?  Indeed.

    Cartoon — Isn't that the Republican Congressional Lounge?

  9. I thought as much, you spoiled that little dawg rotten, TomCat. Making sure he's going to miss you too, huh. I was wondering if you were allowed to have pets in your apartment at all. Wouldn't you like the company of another feline? Glad the little feast was such a success that you had to sleep in to recover from it 😉

    DK: Of course the Republicans have no problem with unlimited amounts of white skin, it's when they're confronted with a pair of bare, and very classy, beautifully toned but black arms they throw a fit. It's all about the same thing: that black man, and his black family, in the White House.

    TP: Someone has given Drumpf some sound advise for once and told him to drop Corey Lewandowski as campaign manager, but keep him on the payroll and have him infiltrate CNN to pick up the pieces whenever Drumpf goes off the rails again. So Lewandowski is a daily guest now and gets to defend his boss wile CNN is also paying him for it. And gives Drumpf another load of free air time. Because for people like Drumpf any publicity is good publicity.

    Alternet's 5 worst of the week:

    1. Katrina Pierson: It seems that she's allowed to appear on CNN only to make the hosts look unbiased, have their fact-checks at the ready and contradict her as much as they can. But we all know that's child's play as the first truth has yet to come out of her mouth.

    2. The British politicians – there were more across the UK, even among Scottish PM's who hate his guts – complained about the spam they were receiving. Spam isn't something you opt-in to, not even in America, is it?

    3. When he's King, Drumpf sure is going to make 4 bigger than 5. That's the way he made his fortune, right?

    4. I don't really want to see it, but the conversation sounded very much like one by a bunch of 1%ers who had cut the last threads keeping them connected with reality (that of the 99%). It made me wonder if any of their viewers, who are all in the 99% bracket, are either fast asleep or (brain)dead in their chars.

    5. Enough said about Laura's diapers.

    Cartoon: Interrogation room?

  10. Killer Dawg is not as fussy about eating yummy food. lol. 

    KOS: Hypocrisy abounds in the GOP/TP people. There is no end to their hypocrisy. 
    By the way, Michelle looks awesome!

    Think Progress: Is "political correctness" the key phrase here? Corey Lewandowski tries very hard to defend the use of a plagiarized image from a White Supremacist site. Poobah. lol. Maybe Lewandowski is a closet White Supremacist. 

    1. Katrina Pierson: See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. A Drumpf  spokesperson with a complete communications breakdown. 

    2. Corey Lewandowski: Whoever had the idea and offered Lewandowski a job at CNN should be fired. Lewandowski is obviously unfit to have a job at CNN as he is separated from reality and is a known bully for roughing up reporters. 

    3. Trump and his math skills: lol. pitiful attempt to appease the antiabortion people. 

    4. Fox Newsians: The faux newsians, with the help of Rupert Murdoch lowering their pay to the lowest minimum pay scale/salary, should try to live on the lowest  minimum wage. We'll all benefit from the dead silence ensuing thereafter. If they cannot live on a low minimum wage, they should shut their mouths and quit  crying. 

    5. Laura Ingraham: Needs a huggie stuffed in her mouth. 

    Cartoon: What negotiations?

  11. Thanks friends!!  Hugs!!

  12. Any of the idiocies spilling from the orifices of Trump, or any of the robots on conservative TV/radio are virtually scripted, utterly predictable in their spin, though, somehow, not predicable in their increasing stupidity…except that one could predict that the stupidity will continue to amaze!

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