Jun 282016

The elevator is finally fixed.  I’m running late, because Julie and I went to the bank, and we’ve been planning her cross country exodus next week.  I will miss her terribly.  Please pardon my brevity.  I will need the Squatch to do the Monthly Report for June.  I’ll learn what we need to do to correct this double vision on 7/6.  Pardon my brevity.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:53 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: The billionaire Donald J. Trump’s bid to become a born-again Christian failed over the weekend after Jesus Christ turned down his friend request, campaign officials have acknowledged.

Jesus, who has not generally been active on Facebook, made a rare appearance on the social network on Monday to announce His decision to ignore the presumptive Republican nominee’s request for a personal relationship with Him.

In a brief post, Jesus offered the following explanation: “Just everything.”

The turndown from Jesus Christ, the inspiration behind one of the world’s most prominent religions, caps what has been a tough month for the Trump campaign.

Privately, campaign staffers fretted that the candidate would pen a disparaging tweet about Jesus, which might alienate evangelical voters in key battleground states.

I think Andy is making fun of us. If Jesus really had responded to Rump Dump Rectum, He would have said LMAO!!

From Daily Kos: Trump gave 5-minute sales pitch about his resort, was surrounded by swastika golf balls (seriously)



Read the article!

From NY Times: In the most significant victory in a generation for a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, the Supreme Court on Monday struck down Texas’s harsh and dishonest anti-abortion law by a vote of 5 to 3.

The justices’ reasoning in overturning the law applies to hundreds of other attempts in recent years by Republican lawmakers around the country to restrict or destroy constitutionally protected reproductive rights.

While the decision was unquestionably correct, the vote should have been unanimous. The 2013 Texas law — which forced abortion clinics and their doctors to meet absurd, pointlessly strict medical standards — was the textbook definition of what the court had prohibited in a major 1992 ruling on abortion: “unnecessary health regulations that have the purpose or effect of presenting a substantial obstacle to a woman seeking an abortion.”

Roberts, Scalito [sp. intentional], and Thomas were in the minority. If regressives successfully sabotage the Democratic Party, and allow a Republican win, as they did in 2000, this will be overturned, and women’s rights will be history.




Liz Thumps Rump Dump

 Posted by at 12:24 pm  Politics
Jun 272016

Liz Warren (D-MA) went on the campaign trail with Hillary Clinton.  She invested most of her speech introducing Hillary to tearing Rump Dump Trump a third rectum.  Why third?  The first is in the normal place.  The second is the one he uses to speak, and the one she tore is right between  his eyes.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) just torched presumptive Republican presidential nominee in a blistering speech where she pulled zero punches.

Among other things, Warren called Trump “a nasty man who will never become president” and “a small, insecure money-grubber who fights for only himself.” She also made a sly reference to Trump’s nickname of her as “Goofy Elizabeth Warren” by throwing it right back in his face.

“You want to see goofy, look at him in that hat,” she said…

From <Raw Story>


Liz is still a National Treasure.  Perhaps we should change Trump's name to Rump Dump Rectum!

Jun 272016

For the first time since my second surgery, I could take a shower this morning, and I can’t tell you how good it felt.  The heat wave continues, and Otis hasn’t come to fix the elevator yet, so I remain stuck here.  If they fix it today, I can get out to the bank tomorrow.  The pain in my eye is improving, but otherwise, the best thing about it is that with both eyes open, I see two Killer Dawgs.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:03 (average 4:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee [Republican Reich delinked] are moving quickly and aggressively to head off the fledgling effort to stage a revolt at their convention next month in Cleveland, hoping to spare the party an embarrassing spectacle that could deeply wound the presumptive nominee.

They are employing hard-nosed tactics, warning delegates that attempting to undermine Donald J. Trump’s [Rectum delinked] claim to the nomination violates party rules, and threatening to deny speaking slots to Republicans they deem disloyal for not backing him.

“If there’s no endorsement, then I would not invite them to speak,” Mr. Trump said in an interview, adding that former rivals like Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio should not expect to address the convention if they continue to withhold their support.

The R.N.C. and the Trump campaign are also installing loyal party stalwarts in key party positions to help ensure that they maintain control of the convention if rogue delegates attempt a disruption. And they are trying to discredit Republicans who are advocating an interpretation of party rules that would allow delegates to vote for anyone they want on the first ballot.

If there ever was any question, the RNC has made it crystal clear. Rump Dump Trump is the embodiment of what the Republican Party believes and how the Republican Party behaves.

From CNN: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential race, two new polls of registered voters show — but they differ on the size of her advantage.

A Washington Post/ABC News survey shows Clinton ahead by 12 points, 51% to 39%.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll [Murdoch delinked], meanwhile, pegs Clinton’s lead at 5 points, 46% to 41%.

There is one other key difference between the polls. Murdoch owns the WSJ

From Think Progress: Actor Jesse Williams, best known for his role on the TV series Grey’s Anatomy, accepted the Humanitarian Award at the 2016 BET awards on Sunday for his work raising awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement. After receiving the award, Williams gave a profound speech on black lives and human rights that brought the audience to its feet.


I agree with almost everything he said, except that he seemed to imply that only Black people have a stake in Black equality. I have to say that my stake in Black equality is my blood on the streets of several American cities, shed fighting for Black equality hand in hand with Black Americans, so I will not shut up, and I will advise. Had the Black Lives Matter movement, not torpedoed Bernie Sanders and had Black Americans not overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Presumptive Nominee would do more to promote Black equality than the one we now have. That said, if Rump Dump Trump defeats Hillary in November, police who don ‘t want to murder unarmed Blacks will face termination because of it. Vote Blue!



It could not be more tragic that Clarence TEABAG Thomas replaced this American hero!

Jun 262016

Since TomCat posted two articles for Saturday, I relaxed a bit with the furbabes . . . lots of scritches and belly rubs for them and headrubs for me.  No rain today and lots of sun and breeze.  I hope tomorrow is the same because my car is so dirty that a neighbour is going to help me wash it.  I only hope that the removal of the dirt does not cause it to fall apart! 

Short Takes

Alternet — While the British vote on Thursday to leave the European Union has inspired concern—and in some cases, regret—among not only British citizens but international observers, several conservatives took the moment to instead put out statements that went beyond the pale.

2. A Fox News regular uses the “no-go zone” canard to defend Trump’s response.

Jedediah Bila, who regularly appears on Outnumbered and The Five, tried to justify Donald Trump saying that “there’s nothing to talk about” with his foreign policy advisors regarding the British vote during an appearance on The View. She said:

"What he’s defending is the right of a country to make decisions for itself when it comes to immigration, when it comes to finance. If you look all over Europe, there is a problem right now with terrorism. There are areas of Paris that you can’t go into, these sections are quartered off. And what this country is saying right now is, ‘Look, we want to be responsible for our own decisions.’ It’s a very American concept—Manifest Destiny, so to speak. We want to determine the fate of our country."

Bila failed to mention that the idea of a “no-go zone” in Paris was debunked so thoroughly that Fox News aired four separate apologies for spreading that allegation. She also did not mention that Manifest Destiny caused what Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Daniel Walker Howe called “bitter dissent” within the country, and was opposed by both Ulysses S. Grant and Abraham Lincoln before James Polk was elected as president.

Her comments, as aired on Friday, can be seen here.

This is the second of Five Dumbest Reactions by Nutters to the Brexit Vote.  "Dumbest" does not do justice to them.   Click through for the other four. Of course Bullseye Barbie had to have her say too which can be found in Alternet".  In a FB post, she compared the Brexit referendum to the US Declaration of Independence.  This is one of the holes that the articles author poked in Palin's rant.

"Britain’s vote wasn’t an expansion of rights or a declaration of freedom from a tyrannical ruler who forced people to pay taxes without granting them the right to vote. It was a fearful and cowardly expression of the rising tide of nationalism that perfectly characterizes the ultra-right-wing movement currently permeating Western democracies."

They are NUTTERS without doubt!

The Nation — Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has been ripping into the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for president with the precision and focused fury of a great prosecutor.  …

 No Democrat does a better job of prosecuting Trump’s political wrongdoing than Warren. As Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin told The New York Times, “What she is doing right now, focusing on the outrageousness of Donald Trump is really important. In the universal sense I am always saying, ‘Go, Elizabeth, go!’”


Tiny Paralyzed Kitten Gets Wheelchair Made Of LEGO

Click on the picture and it will take you to the video.  If that doesn't work, click here and you go directly to the site.

Jun 262016

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how jarringly idiotic InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.


Idiot Fox Newsians celebrate gunman in German movie theater.

Monica Crowley and Stuart Varney made themselves comfy in the fact-free zone as the incident in Germany where a gunman stormed a movie theater was unfolding. But the lack of any information whatsoever did not keep them from speculating and celebrating a little bit.

First, British ex-pat, arch-conservative business commentator Stuart Varney admitted he knew nothing, and said he was “not going to speculate,” but, “Is this another, somewhat similar, terror-related case? I don’t know that. I don’t know who the shooter is, his name, nationality, or wherever he came from. I don’t know that, but the incident is very similar. Therefore, there could be political repercussions to the shooting…”

Ooh, Monica Crowley jumped in too, also not to speculate, but, “I don’t want, I’m not going to stretch this, but a terror, if it’s a terror incident or an incident of this kind, that’s for Trump. That is a plus for Donald Trump, isn’t it?”

Yes! Varney didn’t speculate, because every bad thing that happens, including Trump himself, is good for Trump, because he projects all this leadership and decisiveness and strength and never troubles himself by actually knowing about things.

Meanwhile, Trump rode around his golf course in Scotland, wondering what the Brexit is, speculating on whether it could benefit him, and protecting his perimeter from knowledge.

Maybe we can we arrange a Vexit? (Varney exit.) And a Crexit? (Take Crowley with you too.)

Or maaayyybe, and this is just a thought, a full-scale Foxit.

Can we get a second to that motion?

From <Alternet>

I was able to find the actual video.

Barf Bag Alert!!

In fact, the shooter turned out to be just a Caucasian German teenager with no links to terrorism at all.  Foxit is a great idea!!

This is just the fourth of five listed jarringly idiotic Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.

Jun 262016

We’re having a heat wave here in Portland, and I’m writing with my right eye shut.  The vision is still quite blurry and I’m seeing double, which are things the doctor told me to expect. At the rate Killer Dawg is getting fed, we may start calling him Killer Donut.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From KP Daily Funnies: Samantha Bee on GOP, Trump and Fascism


BEElicious!! Sam could not BEE more right!!

From Daily Kos (Classic 10/2014): 

Michael Price, counsel in the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, has a disturbing article up at Salon.com.

Turns out, he bought a new "smart" TV, but is now afraid to turn it on.

You would be too — if you read through the 46-page privacy policy.

The amount of data this thing collects is staggering. It logs where, when, how and for how long you use the TV. It sets tracking cookies and beacons designed to detect “when you have viewed particular content or a particular email message.” It records “the apps you use, the websites you visit, and how you interact with content.” It ignores “do-not-track” requests as a considered matter of policy.

It also has a built-in camera — with facial recognition. The purpose is to provide “gesture control” for the TV and enable you to log in to a personalized account using your face. On the upside, the images are saved on the TV instead of uploaded to a corporate server. On the downside, the Internet connection makes the whole TV vulnerable to hackers who have demonstrated the ability to take complete control of the machine.

More troubling is the microphone. The TV boasts a “voice recognition” feature that allows viewers to control the screen with voice commands. But the service comes with a rather ominous warning: “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party.” Got that? Don’t say personal or sensitive stuff in front of the TV.

The technocracy, in the employ of Wall Street corporations, has fully jumped the shark. Sharing the audio from the microphone with third parties?

Are liberals really going to allow this steady march into dystopia to continue? And if liberals and Democrats aren’t willing to fight it, who will?

This issuer needs to move to front burner.

From NY Times: With British politics in turmoil, there were already clear indications on Saturday of a tense and bickering divorce from the European Union.

Britons woke up to a diminished currency and much confusion about the consequences of their vote on Thursday to quit the European Union, including who would be their next prime minister. The leaders of the campaign to exit the bloc, or “Brexit,” continued to disagree over what kind of relationship they wanted with Europe, and thousands of Britons started signing a petition asking for a second referendum.

Meeting in Berlin, European leaders told Britain to hurry up and begin the formal process of exiting the union, while Prime Minister David Cameron said that process could wait until his replacement was chosen in October and leaders of the “Leave” campaign suggested it could come even later, after a new round of talks with Brussels.

I can’t say that I blame other EU leaders, but it sounds like many in the UK have buyers’ remorse.





 Posted by at 10:28 am  Politics
Jun 252016

I have not been able to follow the Brexit news as closely as I wanted to, but felt dismayed to learn that the Brits have surrendered their prerogative to call Americans stupid, as Andy put it so well.  However there are a couple silver linings.  First, the UK Tory government is toast.  More important the secessionist seditious Republicans in Texas want to follow suit.  That’s the one really good thing for the US!


They’re at it again. Sarah Palin was encouraged by the Brexit vote to call for the US to divorce the UN. But in Texas, they aim for something bigger.

Never mind that the United States Constitution forbids it: Inspired by Brexit, the Texas Nationalist Movement [Republican seditionists delinked] wants to #Texit. Just as Donald Trump failed to realize Scotland did not vote to leave the EU, Daniel Miller, president of the TNM, doesn’t seem to realize that not only do most Texans not want to leave the Union, but they couldn’t if they wanted to…

Miller irrelevantly lamented to news.com.au,

“The vast majority of the laws, rules and regulations that affect the people of Texas are created by the political class or unelected bureaucrats in Washington.”…

…Honestly, given how Texas is governed, it’s not surprising that the uneducated and poorly informed would think it’s the Federal Government and not their own Republican Party running their state down…

From <PoliticusUSA>

Republicans love the idea! Here’s a Republican fascist calling for Texit!!

Barf Bag Alert!!

There is one thing about this that boggles the mind.  If Texas secedes, they could make Rump Dump Trump correct about Mexico cooperating with the US in building a wall… a wall to surround Texas!

Jun 252016

Yesterday the day started out well, removing the plaque under twilight anesthesia.  When I returned home I learned that the Otis Elevator Company had screwed up my life.  They came to fix the elevator and told the managers they would be done that day.  They disassembled the elevator, told the managers they needed a part that they could not get until Monday and left.  When I returned from surgery, nobody knew how to get me up to the third floor.  The manager called the Fire Department and asked for help.  They refused.  They suggested I go stay with a friend.  The one I could have stayed with ism in NJ.  Finally, they collected four husky guys, who work at other company buildings.  I put on George, and with my arms around the shoulders of two of the guys, I climbed up to the third floor.  Two more guys carried my chair.  That’s the first time I’ve climbed more than three steps.  I was thoroughly winded and sweat soaked.That was the last thing I was supposed to be doing the day of surgery.  Today I removed the patch from my eye for the first time, but I still need to wear it to sleep for protection.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:27 (7:41).  To do it click here.  How did you so?

Killer Dawg and Eye Update:


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Across the United Kingdom on Friday, Britons mourned their long-cherished right to claim that Americans were significantly dumber than they are.

Luxuriating in the superiority of their intellect over Americans’ has long been a favorite pastime in Britain, surpassing in popularity such games as cricket, darts, and snooker.

But, according to Alistair Dorrinson, a pub owner in North London, British voters have done irreparable damage to the “most enjoyable sport this nation has ever known: namely, treating Americans like idiots.”

“When our countrymen cast their votes yesterday, they didn’t realize they were destroying the most precious leisure activity this nation has ever known,” he said. “Wankers.”

Andy could not be more literal!

From Daily Kos: Look out, Sen. Richard Burr. Democrat Deborah Ross is nipping at your heels. From Public Policy Polling:

We continue to find him with just a narrow lead over Deborah Ross for reelection—40/37, with Libertarian Sean Haugh at 5%. The overall state of the race remains steady—Burr is unpopular, with only 30% of voters approving of the job he’s doing to 40% who disapprove. That makes voters open to a change. But Ross is currently unknown with 62% of voters having no opinion about her one way or another. They’re open to the possibility of replacing Burr but don’t know enough about Ross yet to decide if they think she would be an upgrade.

“Richard Burr’s the most vulnerable Republican Senator that no one’s talking about,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “His numbers aren’t any better than those of folks like Pat Toomey and Rob Portman who are widely accepted to be facing tough reelections.”

That puts Ross within the 3.2 percent margin of error in this poll.

Here’s what I need to know about Ross. She isn’t Burr!!  Vote Blue!!

From Media Matters: A review of coverage of major speeches this week by presumptive presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump finds that CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News all devoted at least twice as much coverage directly before and after the speeches to commenting on Trump’s speech than they did Clinton’s two speeches combined.

Media Matters counted how much time the three networks spent discussing the speeches before and after they aired. Comparing how much attention the networks give to the speeches is a way of determining the relative importance they are assigned. In their coverage of this week’s speeches, the networks have treated Trump speaking as a major event worthy of substantial coverage both before and after he begins speaking. They did not afford the same status to Clinton.


And the Republican Reich calls MSNBC librul!


