May 282016

Republicans have been after the Clintons with one conspiracy theory after another.  Now that Hillary is close to clinching the Democratic nomination, they’ve been coming on strong.  I almost expect to hear a Republican revelation that Monica gave Hillary a BJ when Slick Willy wasn’t looking.  One thing should be clear to all.  Violating State Department work guidelines for email could not even justify misdemeanor charges, let alone a felony indictment.


Practically every week, we are inundated with futile attempts to reinvigorate Hillary Clinton’s ’email scandal’ by rival Democrats, the Mainstream Media and Republican opponents. This week’s revelation was just another nothing-burger deluxe with a side of lies. Late Show host, Seth Meyers does a phenomenal job explaining this ‘scandal’, or as he says, ‘the story that just won’t die.’

Let’s face it, they’ve got nothing new. That’s because this is a problem about work rules regarding email, rather than a VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW! ,,, [emphasis original]

From <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.

I have to add that it saddens me to have seen some fellow Bernie Sanders supporters hoping that a felony indictment over the email scandal will drive Hillary from the race, clearing the way for Bernie.  Fortunately, that won’t happen.  There could not be a worse situation for Bernie and the Democratic Party.  I can see the attack ads claiming that Bernie is second best even in even a criminally flawed party, and therefore, does not deserve to be President.  Other attack ads would tie Democrats way downballot to the indictment. Those attack ads would work, probably well enough to install Trump in the White House.

I want Bernie to win, but I want him t win fair and square.  I’ve voted for him, campaigned for him on the phone, given him money, and written several positive articles about him.  But the one thing I will not do is stoop to promoting Republican conspiracy theories.  I could not stand the shame.


  21 Responses to “The E-mail Scandal”

  1. Using government equipment for personal business is considering defrauding the government and is a felony.  Government employees sign documents acknowledging that and that if they violate that rule they can expect to be prosecuted.

  2. I concur with your comments, Tom.


  3. A reminder that the full report is available to anyone at  If you want to read it yourself, you can.  I agree with TomCat, with Seth, with George Takei, with Noam Chomsky, and a host of others – including Bernie himself. 

    There is a significant number of "Bernie supporters" who are new to being Democrats and even new to politics who IMO do NOT support Bernie, because because Bernie has been clear since Day One that if he does not get the nomination, his recommendation is that his supporters vote for Hillary.  Therefore, I put "Bernie supporters" in quotes, because these people will not vote for Hillary, and therefore are not supporting Bernie.  I don't understand them, but I can acknowledge them.  Long time Democrats, however, who are not willing to Vote Blue No Matter Who, literally turn my stomach, not because they are repulsive (they are not – they are wonderful people), but because Trump is, and they are de facto voting for, and even promoting Trump.


  4. Tom, you have put it correctly. 

    Tom, of late, you have made me watch some…very funny shit!  thanks.

    Hillary will be in New Jersey next week.  I might go see her talk.

  5. "It is very demoralizing that our Fourth Estate is downright desperate to legitimize this fabricated scandal. By entertaining every half-baked conspiracy theory contrived by Hillary's detractors, they reveal that they are driven by viewership and money, not integrity. What's worse is that this same media gives a free pass to her pathologically dishonest Republican opponent, a man who is perhaps the least qualified and mentally fit candidate to ever run for office in our nation's history. "

    The above quote from the article says it all.

    • You got that RIGHT, Edie! Rump Dump Drumpf is NOT qualified to run, let alone win, the presidency! He can't even run his companies, accept in to the ground! Ugh! This race is getting old, quickly! But I am a devoted DEMOCRAT and will be VOTING BLUE, NO MATTER WHO! 

  6. There comes a time when enough is enough.  That time has come and gone.

    Sleazy Republicans, aided and abetted by some Bernie supporters, will flog this dead horse in hopes of manufacturing an over blown scandal that will kill Clinton's candidacy.  It is time that Democrats push forward without further ado.

    • The facts and evidence emerging indicate that this is a significant legal issue for Clinton that is very much alive–the GOP ignores such facts, but I didn't expect it here like would be true of them.

    • I fully agree with you, Lynn.

  7. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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