May 212016

I'm waiting for Julie to arrive.  She's now almost two hours late, and since she lost her phone, I cannot contact her.  I'm very worried.  Phew, she made it 2 1/4  hours late.  We made me a polished puddy tat, did the dreaded task, cleaned the apartment, made a 4 – 5 day supply of γέεννα chili, and talked.  Now it's late and I'm pooped, but that's OK.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today;s took me 5:03 (average 7:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily KosWhile washing her hands in a Connecticut Walmart bathroom, a woman named Aimee Toms, 22, was harassed by another customer who said:

“You’re disgusting!”
"You don’t belong here!”


We can put her argument against Republican bigots another way. "Thou shalt not commit TEAbuggery!!"

From KP Daily Funnies: The Liberal Redneck tells conservatives how it is in language they can understand


Even Bubba Bagger could understand that!

From Daily Kos: Louisiana state Rep. Kenneth Havard from Jackson proposed an amendment to a bill yesterday, then pulled it, which would limit the age and weight of exotic dancers. The Louisiana House was discussing bill No. 468, that would raise the minimum age of exotic dancers from 18 to 21. But that wasn’t what the amendment was about.

On page 1, line 14, after "shall be" delete the remainder of the line and insert the following:
"between twenty-one and twenty-eight years of age and shall be no more that one hundred sixty pounds in weight."

In my younger days, I knew a stripper, who went by "U.C. Moore". She weighed over 250, had a humongous chest, and was far a far better comedienne than this Republican asshole is a Representative.



Given the chance, Rump Dump Trump will guarantee that more will be exploded.


  20 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/21/2016”

  1. DK: I'm glad she got this out there. WOW! This is so sad. People (narrow minded), show their true colors, don't they? They need to be quiet, and mind their own business, imo.

    KP: Said it so well.

    DK: Nice to see that LA (TX), lol, is taking time and money from taxpayers for something like this. What a creep.

    Cartoon: The cost of this, and that poor island and it's environment. "The first such nuclear device dropped from a U.S. aircraft, moved upward through a heavy cloud and came through the top of the cloud, after the bomb was detonated over Namu Island in the Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. The hydrogen bomb was never dropped on any targets. It was first successfully tested in the 1950s by the U.S". Sad. *boston herald.

    Relieved to read that Julie showed up, and that you got your needs met. Hopefully, you have contact w/her too. Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. I am glad so many savvy people are speaking truth to bigotry so eloquently.

    Maybe the GOP politico who left his porn sites open on his screen shot needs to move to LA for good company.

    Obama is to visit Hiroshima on this Japan visit–have signed several petitions to make it have added value (apology, new nuclear reduction pledge, etc.)

  3. DK: So well put!  And age, as in the idea that older folks "Don't get it," is mistaken…I am past 70, and I get it…am sure I'm not the only one.  Not only are those fighting the transgender, and lgbq issues,  probably the ones who used to fight racial integration, or are their spiritual descendants, but both groups used to, or still do, use the same bible to support their idiocies! 

    KP Daily Funnies: Still laughing!  Separate bathrooms for priests?  Yeah, maybe.

  4. 7:29 (7:30) Under the wire, but I certainly can't be accused of average-raising.

    Glad everything got done.

    Daily Kos – Normally we don't believe in ill-wishing people, but I have an ill wish for the harasser that I am betting that everyone here will get behind.  I wish that the harasser finds out EXACTLY why this woman's hair happens to be short, and as a result, feels no taller than two inches for the rest of her life.

    KP – Love this guy.  Wish they'd give him a standup show on Fox.  BTW there is a real petition I'll bet Mitch would sign –

    DKosII – Another Republican who thinks size matters.  Sigh.

    Cartoon – Could someone explain to me why it is so hard for some people to grasp that a product created to cause destruction will destroy things?

  5. Well, Louisiana clearly does  NOTcare much about creating guidelines dealing with their abysmal high school graduation rate (45th), college graduation rate (46th) or graduate degrees (48th) …

    But when it comes to guidelines dealing with ensuring “Hot Strippers” they can loudly proclaim – “We’re #1! … We’re #1! …We’re #1!”

  6. Glad Julie got there!

    Daily Kos:  I am so glad she posted this on Facebook, maybe a few yokels will read it and take a step back from their persecution of transgenders.  I wear my hair short, too, and I dare anyone to tell me I cannot use a public bathroom.  The result would not be pretty.  All this uproar is just another way of distracting people from the real issues, and they are falling for it.  That doesn't say much for our intelligence, does it?

    KP Daily Funnies:  He is so right, and even though I don't  use the expletives he did, he made me laugh, and delivered the message in a way that is clearly understandable.

    Daily Kos:  Apparently, this representative has little else to worry about.  Sorry, bud, you need some help sorting out your priorities, like, I don't know, infrastruture, jobs, rising sea levels?

    Cartoon:  And that is one of many reasons we don't need Trump in the White House. 


  7. Puzzle — 3:30  Pretty flowers.  Obviously I did the puzzle on my desktop using a mouse . . . it is much faster!  Glad to know that I haven't lost my jigsaw mojo.

    Daily Kos — I agree with everything Aimee said except one point . . . older people don't get it.  Many of us do get it.  Age has nothing to do with it.  It is about understanding, compassion and respect.  Last time I looked, there is no age limit about that.

    KP Daily Funnies — He's spot on, but I still doubt Bubba Bagger would understand.  He's using multiple words of more than one syllable.

    Daily Kos — There are those Republican family values again!  Obviously Louisiana state Rep. Kenneth Havard has his priorities screwed up, just like all Republicans.

    Cartoon — What a total waste of money and resources!

    Glad that you have made the necessary adjustments to Windows10.  I haven't had too many problems with it.  What problems I've had are more likely due to the laptop and lack of mouse so far.

  8. Thanks all!!  Hugs!!

  9. Bubba Bagger is SO RIGHT!!! What makes them think a law is gonna keep them from doin what they want to do? Child molesters come in ALL forms!!! Your best friend could be one and you not even know it!!! 

    The girl in the video was right ON, too! Unfrigginbelievable!!! Effing RED state people!!! I am disgusted to be living in a red state!!! 

    And the "weight limit" on STRIPPERS??? SOME men like some meat on their strippers! Not that I would know about strippers, but some men prefer some one with CURVES!!! 

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