Midweek Musings May 11, 2016

 Posted by at 3:28 pm  Politics
May 112016

In politics it is said, that when not fueled by hope there is a vacuum for fear to fill. Since artists turn to the muses, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope we are exploring what they can offer us for inspiration to have the hope fueling politics.

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. “
-Desmond Tutu

“Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.“  forgotten-muses-1226788
-Samuel Smiles


Let us first turn to justice from Calliope:
Supreme Court Delivers Victory For Seattle Living Wage Law and Fight Against Corporate Claims of Constitutional Rights

A project in rural India shows the life-saving power of something we use every day.


A homeless man was tried for stealing $4.50 worth of food. Here's what the judges said.


India’s Wedding Industry Unites to Fight Child Marriage (hat tip Joanne)


Rekindles my hope that justice may be experienced, how about you?


Now for some rhetoric courtesy of Calliope:
Dress for Success: Apparel Brand Uses T-Shirts to Destigmatize Mental Illness (hat tip Joanne)


Gave me a kind of hope, how about you?


Erato would claim (love):
Daughter Finds Out Mother’s Amazing Secret After She Dies, Helps 150,000 People (hanky alert & hat tip Joanne)


An open letter to my ex-husband's future wife.

Did you grab a hanky like me?


On to Ourania (celestial):

Oodles of orange and purple starfish have appeared. And that might be worth celebrating.

Looks wonderful to me, how about you?


Who would claim this one?
Take a Virtual Reality Trip to the Top of Grandfather Redwood


I feel hope after watching these, how about you?

Thank you dear reader for joining me on this journey of discovery and quest for hope.


  8 Responses to “Midweek Musings May 11, 2016”

  1. Well, good for the Supremes.

    I have been known to re-read stories that I enjoyed, which were contemporary when they were written, but that was before cell phones – and squirm uncontrollably at the lack of ability to communicate which, as the article says, we now take for granted.  And I still don't have a smartphone – just the basic.

    I was so impressed that these business people are SERIOUS.  They have put in all kinds of controls to make sure they catch attempts to skirt the law.  I can see them thinking their businesses might be hurt, but they are just not going there.  Wonderful.

    So much a better use for T-shirts than sarcasm!  Funnty though they can be.

    The open letter – This reminds me so much of Guy Hovess and Ralna English, who were on Lawrence Welk for so long. At some point, after the show had ended, they split up, but are still friends, and Guy remarried.  His new wife calls Ralna "my wife-in-law."  (Personally I think Welk was underappreciated as a person, as a musician, and as a leader, but that's just my opinion.)

    As a native Californian, I have redwoods in my blood – both S. sempervirens and S. sequoia (and I understand there is a thirdsecies in China, and that is IT.)  Please, Oregon, as our trees move into your territory (and out of protected territory), be kind to them.

  2. Calliope: Great news for the workers in Seattle.
    Amazing what a cellphone can do for the health & welfare of those who need it the most.
    Humanity & compassion is what's needed more in the world today.
    Great to see the Wedding Tent Dealers getting on board regarding minors being married underage.
    Glad to see 'Wear Your Label' and others getting on board w/mental illness and spreading awareness.

    Erato: Mama Hope: Beautiful !!!! Just Beautiful. One day at a time, with Love.
    Open Letter: Simple, yet kind words of encouragement…"Say anything. Or say nothing at all. Please be you."

    Ourania: I've not seen these beautiful starfish colors before. Wonderful little creatures for sure!

    Redwoods are absolutely stunning. I fell in love with Northern California when we lived in Lompoc for a little over a year. If I had the money, I'd live near Pismo, or SLO, it's beautiful there. Love the beaches, and visiting w/the sea lions that were there.

    Thank you, JL for posting, so enjoyed it!!!

  3. Minmum wage: Oh, how those Republicans and their corporate masters missed Scalia today. It probably was a draw between left and right in SCOTUS which meant it was referred back to the lower court and the verdict they made stands. Great news.

    Cell phones: Brilliant idea on how a simple cell phone can save lives. If they also hand out solar rechargers – which cost next to nothing now – with the apps, both mothers and health workers can always stay in touch.

    Homeless man stealing food: If Roman Ostriakov was sentenced in 2015 to six months in jail, turning his conviction back now on humanitarian grounds seems a bit empty if he's served his time by now. Nevertheless, as the article says, it is better to use taxpayer's money now spent on keeping for-profit prisons in profit to make sure the poor and hungry don't need to steal food in the first place.

    Child marriages in India: (thanks Joanne) The only way to put an end to these illegal marriages is exactly what the wedding industry has done by refusing to be complicit in these illegalities and even inform the police about the intentions to marry minors. Next step is of course the police who shouldn't demand a bribe to look the other way, but who should look into it to make sure the wedding arrangements aren't taken to somewhere else who likes to make some money.

    Mother's secret: Inspiring and beautiful story.

    Starfish: Good to see the population is bouncing back again. On the Great Barrier Reef sadly a very voracious flesh-eating starfish population is booming too, it is devouring the inhabitants of the reef, killing it off. Divers go out there to pick off as many of these killers as possible, which is the only thing that seems to help. The Crown of Thorns Starfish isn't purple, however, but white I believe. Let's celebrate purple and orange!

    Thanks for posting so much hope, JL.

  4. Thanks for the mostly good news, JL.

    In contrast, I know men sentenced to like. under CA's 3 Strikes law for a stealing food.

    • I, too, remember the media blitz on the slice of pizza third strike…

      • You'd be amazwed how many similar cases there were.

        • no I wouldn.t–the first study of the 3rd strike cases done on early cases (don't recall if 6 months, 1 yr. or 2 yrs.) said the majority were for minor offenses…only partially attributable to the longer average case time for more serious offenses

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