May 032016

William Rivers Pitt | "Boots on the Ground" in Iraq: Here We Go Again                  16peace.jpg


How Trauma Therapy Can Help to Reduce Cycles of Violence


Hidden Costs of US Air War


Air Strikes on Aleppo Hospital Indiscriminate or Targeted?


UN proposal demands combatants protect hospitals and doctors


District court holds Amazon misled consumers with in-app charges; opinion inappropriately redacted


Straight out of college, women make $4 less per hour than men—and the gap is getting wider


Who Can Go After Banks for the Foreclosure Crisis?


What is shadow lobbying? How influence peddlers shape policy in the dark


Why are there so many anonymous companies in Delaware?


Meet 8 precious kids who have rare diseases — and learn all about them.


She landed a deal with Whole Foods, has a plan to save the bees — and is in sixth grade.


Faith-based programs help former convicts get jobs


Dutch Parliament: the Netherlands needs to negotiate an international nuclear weapons ban treaty


A Bus and Sliding Prices Help Bring the Same Great Food to Everyone


It’s Funny Because One Guy Is Muslim And The Other Is Jewish. You’ll See What I’m Saying. (video)


  9 Responses to “Terse Tuesday Tidbits May 3, 2016”

  1. Sorry for the delay, I must have failed to hit "submit."

    amazon – OMG, that was sloppy editing, wasn't it? I wonder if the Court Stenpgrapher did it on purpose, knowing that redacting it for the public was just more cheating. But if I knew that, I would certainly never tell!

    Delaware – Short answer – because Delaware's incorporation laws are almost as favorable for corporations as off-shoring is. I wouldn't say, "Everybody knows that," because I don't believe that even close to everybody does. But it's not all that difficult to know, either.

    Netherlands – Excellent plan. Is it feasible? By which I mean do Republicans have to sign on?

    Vid – BOOK THESE GUYS ON COMEDY CENTRAL! Or if all else fails, maybe PBS. SRSLY< they need wider exposure.

  2. Wow!  What a collection!!  I wish I had time to follow all those links!

    Thanks JL!!

    • since they are here, some night you can't sleep you can peruse as you choose my friend

  3. Trauma Therapy: "The World Health Organization recognizes only two effective, evidence-based, scientifically validated therapies: cognitive behavioral therapy with a trauma focus, or TF-CBT, already well known; and the more recent eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy."   I hope that they continue towards assisting those in need, and learning the interventions needed for these victims.

    UN: . Lordy, it's about time. I sure hope that this gets passed

    Women & College: What Gloria said so well.

    Upworthy: Bless our little ones, with care, and tenderness. I wish them nothing but Love.

    Whole Foods: What a sweet young lady!! I read about this, and am excited at this. Kudos for her entrepreneurship!!

    Upworthy2: Wonderful, wonderful !!! The "Language of Humor" needs to be be spread to the far corners of our land.

    Lot of work and links. Thank you, JL for these and your post.

  4. Thank you, JL for the update.

    "The Security Council unanimously adopted a new resolution demanding that all parties in conflicts protect medical staff and facilities."

    Stopping wars, period, would be the answer, imho.


  5. Williams Pitt is so spot on and for that reason so terribly depressing. The whole world is going to hell in a handbasket when either Hillary or Drumpf take the Oval Office.

    Trauma Therapy: Mental Health a global priority, fight world famine that's about to unfold, lower CO2 emissions by 50%… save our seas, save… Where to start, how to prioritize?

    Air strikes on Aleppo Hospital: Without question definitely targeted. So UN proposal: better late than never, but really long overdue. But who's going to enforce it and who is going to mete out punishment if perpetrators are ever caught and sentenced?

    Salary gender gap: Sigh… next some states will order us back into the kitchen, but also making us pay back the loans that got us through college in the first place.

    Shadow lobbying: as if lobbying isn't shady and bad enough.

    Dutch parliament  for nuclear weapons ban: I'm confused; is this a Terse Tidbit or a Musing? I would have thought it quite hopeful though rather unrealistic.

    The odd couple: Just loved that video. Humor is the best foundation for building bridges. It is universal and when people laugh they can not hate.

    Thanks Judi for another great set of links.

    Please accept my apologies for commenting so late, I've just been too busy this week.

    • No problem Lona…and TTT will occasionally include positive news that doesn't fit a muse–especially when other content is heavy-duty

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