Monday Musings May 2, 2016

 Posted by at 7:25 pm  Politics
May 022016

In politics it is said, that when not fueled by hope there is a vacuum for fear to fill. Since artists turn to the muses, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope we are exploring what they can offer us for inspiration to have the hope fueling politics.

“Hope is the pillar that holds up the world. Hope is the dream of a waking man.”
-Pliny the Elder

“Hope is like peace. It is not a gift from God. It is a gift only we can give one another.”   forgotten-muses-1226788
-Elie Wiesel

Let us first turn to some history courtesy of Clio:
This chef is much bigger than her 'Lemonade' cameo, though that was pretty great too.

Robert Scheer Talks With Eddie Conway About Making Real News After Prison

Gave me a kind of hope, how about you?


Now to Euterpe and Polymnia (musical instruments and divine “hymns”):
Musicians Raise Their Voices in Song to Help Children in Gaza

My hope for the future in hands such as these went up, how about yours?

Erato would claim (love):
This Australian guy is buying 300 charter buses for an incredible reason.

Did you grab a hanky like me?


On to Ourania (celestial):

The Amazing Sky

Looks wonderful to me, how about you?


Who would claim this one?
Scientists gave a camera to an octopus, and she only needed 3 tries to learn to use it.

I feel hope after watching these, how about you?

Thank you dear reader for joining me on this journey of discovery and quest for hope.


  7 Responses to “Monday Musings May 2, 2016”

  1. Wow, Judi, you did a lot of research for this one.  I enjoyed them all.

    Clio:  I definitely plan to visit Dooky Chase next time I am in New Orleans.  I was there  not long after Katrina and it was pitiful.  We went there last year and most of the town looked great, but the poorer areas are still in bad shape.  My son lives 45 minutes from NOLA so we always visit there when we visit him.  The article from Reak News Network was gripping.  I have written down the names of Eddy Conway's books, plan to order them tomorrow. He is an amazing man, to still want to do good after all that he has suffered.

    Euterpe and Polymnia:  Still don't have sound, couldn't listen to them.

    Erato:  Love this idea and shared it on facebook.

    Ourania:  Love this one, also shared it with a friend who is fascinated by the moon.

    As for the octopus, did you see the recent video of the octopus escaping?  They are really amazing creatures.


  2. Leah Chase – living history – living fairy tale – living gumbo – does it get any batter than that? (P.S. I doubt if I would add hot sauce to gumbo , but DEFINITELY not before tasting it.  But ya gotta give him credit for guts.)

    TRNN – Good for them.  Thank you, JL, for finding one that had a transcript.  So many TRNN articles are just video or just sound and I can't deal with them.  Reading works so much better for me.

    Simon Rowe – As he says, it's a start.  Sometimes putting together pieces of an incomplete puzzle leads to people realizing they have some of the missing pieces and coming forward with them.

    Rambo – "(I)t's happening. The great Cthulhu has sent his minions to catalog his future worshippers."  I so admire octopodes, and they are so intelligent.  Sometimes one wonders whether those in "captivity" have allowed themselves to be "captured" in order to do reconnaissance work for the rest of the gang, so tha eventual takeover will be seamless.  (Apparently they can easily escape.)  I don't mean to spread fear.  I for one welcome our new cephalopod masters.  They couldn't be any worse than Republicans.

  3. Clio: Ms. Chase is an amazing woman, in many different facets. Kudos to her. And…for her gumbo.

    Euterpe and Polymnia: Passing this on, this is our future. And what better way to show the way, than children? Excellent video.

    Erato: A Heart of Gold! Kudos to Mr. Rowe for his endeavor(s).

    Ourania: Beautiful !!!

    Rambo: What a sweet video. Octopuses are considered the most intelligent of all invertebrates, and they are sentient creatures. They learn easily by observation, use tools, make forts/gardens around their lairs, and have an amazing ability to hide in plain sight from predators, by camouflaging. I want one, or two.  jk.   😉

    Wonderful post!  Thank you, JL for these links.

  4. Is the Chef in that short Beyonce "Lemonade" GIF?  I couldn't make her out if she were.  But it was interesting.

    And when I saw that picture of the Gaza singers, I was very curious what sort of lesion/nevus that boy in the turquoise shirt had on the left-side of his forehead, because it was quite large and ominous looking.  (He's on the far-right side in the still photo.)

    So I watched the YouTube video – and fortunately if you fast-forward to the 3:05 mark I could see it's just the way he combs his hair!  Seems a bit unusual style to me – but better than a nevus!

  5. Good good news, JLA.  I'm sure that ocropus has too much skill and integrity for faux noise.

  6. Lots of rays of hope there, Judi. Thanks for collecting and posting them.

    I was especially moved and impressed by the Aussie who is planning on transforming 300 busses into sleeping places for the homeless, their children and their animals (!) and which can reach people where there is a need for them, which is an absolute necessity in outback Australia where people tend to wander. This is brilliant on so many levels and can only be the brain-child of someone who has been homeless himself in Oz. I hope he gets the funding together to get all 300 on the road.

    I'm not sure about the picture-taking octopus. It's not that I don't believe octopuses are smart – I've been saying that animals are far smarter than we give them for since I started university to become a psychologist – we just need good research to understand just how smart they are – and Rambo sure has learned to use the camera very quickly, a sure sign of intelligence, but there's little or no evidence she knows what she's doing and consciously makes a picture instead of just getting the camera to flash. I think it's the flashing she likes best.

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