Some Fun with Bill

 Posted by at 10:10 am  Politics
Apr 232016

As I have said many times, I like to share Bill Maher clips with you almost whenever I can, because he is not only spot on 90% of the time, but also, because he’s funny as hell.  Unfortunately for us, Fecal Dump Trump and TRUSed Uranus Cruz, not to mention other Republicans, provide him an endless stream of material for ridicule.


Admitting that he has a secret passion for tabloid magazines that dispense tidbits of inside information on celebrities, Real Time host Bill Maher ticked off a selection from his own 25 things you didn’t know about GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

Using a recent article in US magazine that disclosed that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enjoys hot sauce on her meals, Maher’s writers came up with a similar fun fact list for the Texas senator.

“We have something called ‘equal time’ in America so now the other candidates are getting their 25 things you don’t know about me,” Maher explained before sharing a few…

Inserted from <Raw Story>



And from about a month ago…

Now we know Bill’s cocktail of choice, when he sees that he needed a Barf Bag Alert!!


  23 Responses to “Some Fun with Bill”

  1. Cruz – I don't believe he smells with his tongue.  That's too much like a cat, which he is nowhere good enough to be (of course I am referring to cats flehming with their Jacobson's organs, which are located in the roofs of their mouths).

    Choice – I think this was done before Gordon Klingenschmitt endorsed Cruz.   Or maybe not, maybe Klingenschmitt just isn't prominent enough for Bill.  But you talk about crazy …

    • If you can stand just a little more about Gordon Klingenschmitt, who is either chairing or some leadership position in the Cruz campaign in Colorado, a poster by the name of jkarov posted this in Mother Jones last week, and, my gosh, I just don't think it could have been said better!


      Gordon Klingenschmitt is one of the most immoral and despicable members of the Christian Taliban tribe in the USA. He is a hateful nasty and viciously prejudiced creep.

      He was court martialed out of the US navy for preaching while wearing a uniform in direct violation of his superior's order.

      Klingenschmitt has compared President Barack Obama to a demon and claims that Obamacare can cause cancer

      To show you how truly detestable this pig is, he actually said, in response to an murderous assault where a woman from Longmont, Colorado had her 34-week-old fetus cut out of her womb, that incident was the result of the "curse of God" for abortion.

      Other Republicans denounced Klingenschmitt's comments,'As a result, Klingenschmitt was removed from the Health, Insurance and Environment Committee in Colorado, and he suspended his television ministry for six weeks

      He has publicly advocated that only Christians should serve in government, and is a Dominionist. That particular cult believes that evangelical Christians must literally establish their dominance by force over every aspect of society, including government.

      There are few more hateful humans alive on this planet than this skinful of rotten maggot infested sewage than Gordon Klingonschmitt (sic).  End of quote.

      Source for this gem:

      • Dominionism is strong in Cruz' family.  His father is a minister in this version of the Grand Delusion, and believes that Teddy may be the next Prophet!  Why in hell don't these people take their medicine, and shut up?

      • I had not read anything about Klingenschmitt before.  What a monster!  How did he ever get  elected?

    • Maher Settles the debate: He actually mispoke the line on his hat, he drank so much bleach!

    • No, Joanne, be nicer to cats, snakes, smell with their tongues!

    • Snakes smell with their tongues.  We don't.

      • No, but you can smell with the roof of your mouth.  I didn't say it was the same, I said it was close.  Besides, he's not even good enough to be a snake.

  2. Thanks very much for these Bill Maher video's, TomCat. He is one of my fouvorites and his 25 Things you don't about Ted Cruz hilarious. Every one of those 25 was sooo Ted Cruz, but my personal favorite was: "Jesus once decended from heaven just to punch me in the face." Brilliant.

    And yes, someone needs to stay behind and eat all the kale.

  3. Bill's the MAN.

    Thanks, Tom.

  4. The best thing I can say is  


    Excuse me now, I have to go change.

  5. Loved the show last night! It was a laugh-fest from start to finish!!! I laughed so hard, I just about fell of the bed!!! He even got my husband to laugh, out loud! That is a feat, for sure! Not to say my husband doesn't laugh. He is just a very quiet person, unlike me, because I gotta laugh every time Bill comes on!!!

    Thanks for the clip, TC. Glad you found someone that is more regular help. That has give you a little piece of mind, thankfully. You are about in the same bind I'm in. Thank goodness I have my husband to help me! Take care, TC! Peace, love and HUGS!

  6. I wish he'd said something about Cruz's war on vibrators and dildos!

  7. Barf bag=BB…which feels like it should remain hidden in a gun so I won't see it…

  8. Maher Settles the debate: He actually mispoke the line on his hat, he drank so much bleach!

    Lynn, what the heck is that, up to the second P?  Are you suggesting that Cruz is pimping his "Don't you touch me, Daddy, daughter?

    • I'm not Lynn – but, I know what it means.  But look it up.  Someone might clutch their pearls if I spelled it out here.

    • Mitch, it stands for:

      Falling off my chair peeing in my pants rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.


      I learned that from TC right here at the site.

  9. Cruz scares me far worse than Trump does.  Bill Maher always knows how to punch out their lights..

  10. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

    Trump ot Cruz is like Hiler or Torquemada.

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