Apr 172016

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how bad InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.


And from the lunatic Christian fringe, this just in.

The mystery of Stonehenge has been solved, at long last. Turns out that giants created by Satan built it.

Yeah, that makes sense.

This exciting revelation—and when we say "revelation" we mean it in the biblical sense—comes courtesy of televangelist Jim Bakker, who hosted one Dennis Lindsay [pseudo-Christian talibangelist delinked]on his program on Wednesday [pseudo-Christian talibangelist delinked] in order to discuss Lindsay’s latest "discovery" in the realm of Creation Science.

So what happened was, Satan made these giants who moved those big ol’ rocks into the structure we now call Stonehenge. That was pretty smart of Satan to create a supersized labor force.

That’s the reasonable part. Here’s how Lindsay explained how the devil wants to destroy God’s creation, Israel, and "contaminate the whole human race," per RightWingWatch:

Satan wants to “have his own seed and make his own family,” Lindsay explained, and so he created a race of giants who would attack Israel.

“He build his little squatter’s hut up there on the Temple Mount, you know that temple, because he knows what the Bible says about that place,” he said. “I weaved through why and what is the evidence for giant beings on this earth. We all know about Stonehenge, right? That’s just one of hundreds and hundreds of gigantic places around the world that testify that some sort of supernatural power or giants were involved in its construction.”

So there you have it. Satan has a "squatter’s hut" and you have Satan’s giants to thank for those all those "gigantic places in the world."…

Inserted from <Alternet>

I have one major bone to pick with this author for calling these nut-jobs “the lunatic Christian fringe”.  They are Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians.  Nothing could be further from authentic Christians.  They are as representative of Christianity as the Daesh is of Islam: not at all!

That said, this is the fifth of five worst Republican moments listed from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  13 Responses to “This Week’s Worst Republican Moments”

  1. 1.  "bringing Trump to Patchogue is 'akin to inviting Osama bin Laden to speak at Ground Zero.'"  Except that Osama bin Laden is dead.  One type of petition I am less enthusiastic about than others is the kind to get awful people who have said or done awful things to apologize.  I think I prefer them to be public in all their awfulness, and hope that will bring them down.  The petitions do call attention to how awful they are, though.

    2.  Well, now here's an example.  How could any opponent hurt him as badly as he hurt himself?  Goysplaining – that's a good one.  Almost as good as the Guardian saying that a bulfighter gored in the gluteus maximus had been gven "the bum's rush."

    3.  Inconsistent, isn't she?  If Bill Nye is "a kids' show actor … not a scientist," then Donald Trump is "a reality show host, not a candidate."  Oh, wait.  That one's accurate.  (Incidentally, did you catch the implication that baby goats watch TV?)

    4.  Bill O'Reilly is going to "keep speaking his truth"?  Sort of like Cliven Bundy's "truth"?  Would Bill O'Reilly know the truth if it bit him in the gluteus maximus?

    5.  More inconsistency.  Forgive me if I dip into the theology for a moment to make a point.  Satan's origin is as Lucifer, and angel of light.  Angels are created beings of pure energy.  They don't have "seed."  They can take on human (or other) form as a costume, but they aren't human, or made of matter at all.  I could, for instance, put on an elephant costume, but that would not change my essential nature nor make me able to impregnate an elephant.  What I am saying, is no one needs to bring up one's own world view to refute this nonsense.  It can be refuted with their own world view.

  2. In the cartoon at the top, was that verse cited from "One" Republiconnians 13:2-4 or "Two" Republiconnians 13:2-4?

    Donald Trump wants to be sure, so he doesn't make the same mistake twice.

  3. Wow, the cartoon says it all for the ID sanity!

    Passing this one on too.

    Thanks, Tom.

  4. I saw this on the Alternet e-mail, earlier, and my amazement at Jim Bakker is huge.  It may take a family of giants doing a water ballet routine in the upcoming Olympics, to shake this from my mind, and stop saying 'WTF?" every few seconds.  It is sad that one of the saints of the religious right, St. Ronald, helped to destroy the mental health system in the country, otherwise Bakker, and that other champion of delusion, Pat Robertson, might be able to get the anti-psychotics they need!  

    It is sad that Palin has an almost automatic entry to publicity, given the level of intense idiocy that emanates from her vocal apparatus.  But, wait! If any of her drivel survives in some recorded form for another, say, 500 years, some jackass preacher type will be able to proclaim that she must have been a product of the devil's mind!  Evidence will be presented citing that as she could see Russia, from her home in Fairbanks-not-by-the-sea, it HAD to be the devil's doing!

  5. Who would think that Trump could "out Trump" himself?  The Republicans in the area should have stopped this, but they seem to fear The Donald.  This is high on the list of insensitivity, but the man has nothing else going for him.

    Kasich just cannot help himself.  He is stuck in the fifties, when good girls stayed home and only went to church and young men just sowed wild oats.  Jeez, haven't his daughters been able to teach him anything?

    Sarah Palin is certifiable, but so is the media that keeps publicizing her idiotic rants.  Even the Donald is running from her now.  Please, someone, run her back to Alaska and don't let her leave again.  I will never forgive John McCain for foisting her on the rest of us.  Poor Bill Nye, he should never have had to hear this nonsense.

    Jim Bakker:  I wonder if Satan also created all the rock formations on the mountain behind my house?  Giants must have put them there.  I wish I were still young enough to climb the hill to see if they left graffitti.

    O Reilly:  Why can't he go the exact way as Glenn Beck?  They were equally obnoxious.




  6. Stupid is as stupid does!

    . . . and these guys are all sooooooooooooooooo stupid!

  7. 1. Drumpf must be over his top and on the way down, because the op-ed for Wall Street Journal and his refusal to move the location of his rally from a sensitive area where a Latino man was killed in a hate crime were just little fire crackers compared to his fireworks in the past months. Soon all Drumpf can manage will be birthday-cake candle sized. I'm sure he wil whine about being asked to move venue at his next rally at the Long Island street, but that's about all he's doing lately: whine.

    2: Kasich: Does anyone still calls him the "reasonable Republican candidate"? I know Rachel Maddow made this faux pas early on in the race, but she soon regretted it and he's done nothing since to warrant this description at all. Can anyone call a Republican who only won in one state – his own – but refuses to quit "reasonable". Hoping that he'll be the candidate the GOP leadership pushes forward at their convention isn't reasonable either, that is sheer lunacy. And so is glibly "debating" the Torah with Torah students on who is most important for the Jews. Barking up the wrong tree for votes there, Johny. Although it would get you some points with the OT bible thumpers, I suppose.

    3. Sadly Sarah Palin made it into the news in Europe and Australia and the scientific communities in both are buzzing with her remark. Virtually no one had ever heard off Bill Nye before (I got him confused with British actor Bill Nighy earlier on), but scientist all over the world are now loudly proclaiming he is a renowned scientist and Sarah Palin is an ass. But I think it rather sad that all this conundrum takes the attention away from the fact that she made her remark promoting a bogus film called Climate Hustle made to deny Climate Change and which even goes as far as to maintain that carbon emissions are good for the planet, and that this promotion "was hosted in Congress by Lamar Smith, the Texas Republican who chairs the House committee on science, space and technology." That to me is far more shocking and nauseating than attention seeker Palin's remark.

    4. O'Reilly: Even Faux News must start to wonder how they can break this man's contract open and remove him from the TV screen. He's an embarrassment, even to them.

    5. No, no, no… too tempting. I won't go there. Stop posting things like this, TomCat, I might start to say things I'm sure I will regret later. Your Republiconnians cartoon is great, though. I'm sure many pseudo-Christian Republicans would want a copy above their dining table.

    • Now, Lona.  You get along fine with people of authentic faith, vecause we honor the beliefs of those who do not shatre our beliefs.

  8. People who live outside USA must wonder what has happened to American politics. It has gotten to the point where I can no longer stomach what the GOP has done over the past seven years. The GOP has, for one thing, proven that it is a racist group. It also has been the most obstructionist of any kind of legislation action. It has shut the government down at a cost of $24 billion dollars. Some countries don't have that kind of money to waste. Other countries must wonder what kind of people, politicians the US are producing these days. Some countries are laughing at us and I don't blame them, not at all. sigh…

  9. Thanks all!!  Hugs!!

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