I was hoping to be able to give the Furies a week off this week. As it happens, I can't, but I can lighten the burden a little, in what I consider to be a most interesting way. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."
At least, ladies, you won't have to go to Indiana. Or – have you already been there, and been holding training town halls?
As Jen Hayden says, "Indiana Governor Mike Pence recently signed bill HEA 1337 into law, making it one of the most intrusive and extreme laws governing women’s health in the United States…. It’s so extreme that many so-called “pro-life” Republicans refused to support it. Indiana women aren’t taking this new attack on their healthcare lightly…. A group called "Periods for Pence" recently sprang up. They decided that if the governor was so interested in what is happening with their bodies, he deserved more frequent updates. The ladies of Indiana have been busy calling the governor’s office with details."
And here are some of the calls –
Me: "Good morning. I just wanted to call and let the good Governor know that I am still not pregnant, since he seems to be so worried about women's reproductive rights."
Irritated lady on the other end of the phone: "And can I get your name, please?"
Me: "Sure, it's Not Pregnant Laura."
Just got through to Governor Pence's office. (The operator must be on break.)
Me: Hi, is this the operator, or the Governor's office?
Them: Um, this is the office, but I am covering for the operator right now.
Me: "Oh, good. I need to get a message to the Governor that I am on day three of my period. My flow seems abnormally heavy, but my cramps are much better to–"
Them: (Seriously pissed and trying to keep their voice down, but not quite succeeding) MA'AM, WHAT IS IT THAT I CAN HELP YOU WITH? Me: Oh, I don't need your help, I just wanted to keep Governor Pence informed of my reproductive cycle, since he seems so concerned. Them: "Ugh." *click*
I called to let him know that I am a lesbian so I won't be needing an abortion (or legal protections, for that matter lol double whammy! Thanks, Pence!) also mentioned that I'm not currently menstruating but I might be ovulating.
Them: "Good Morning, Governor Pence's office"
Me: "Good Morning. I just wanted to inform the Governor that things seem to be drying up today. No babies seem to be up in there. Okay?"
Them: (Sounding strangely horrified and chipper at the same time) "Ma'am, can we have your name?"
Me: "Sure. It's Sue."
Them: "And your last name?"
Me: "Magina. That's M-A-G-I-N-A. It rhymes with–" Them: "I've got it." *Click*
Someone from Pence's campaign literally just rang my doorbell, wanting to know if I was likely to vote republican or democrat in the upcoming election. I let him know that I wasn't sure, and that I'm going to be ovulating soon, and that I was unclear on whether or not I was legally required to fertilize the egg. He started cracking up.
Operator: Governor Mike Pence's Office, please hold… >6 minutes later< Operator: Governor Pence's office, thank you for waiting… Me: Hi, I'm a native Hoosier who derives from the uterus of another native Hoosier… Operator: >clears throat< Me: I now live in California and I'm wondering if my uterus still falls under the juridiction of Governor Pence or– ? Operator: Please hold. >click<
Now that's a campaign I can get behind.
Unfortunately, not all the news is that good. I still have a project for the Furies, as well as one situation they may need to keep an eye on for possible follow-up. The project is in Australia, and it also has to do with gender, but with money instead of reproduction.
So, in Australia, at the University of Queensland, every semester they hold a Feminist Week with multiple events. Two campus organizations collaborate on this – the Women's Collective, and the women's department of the student union. This semester, the scheduled events included a seminar, a picnic, a movie screening, and a bake sale.
The bake sale, full title "Gender Pay Gap Bake Sale," was meant to generate discussion in a fun way about Australia's wage gap – or, really, wage gaps, because there are other factorsbesides gender which affect wages. All cupcakes were base priced at $1.00. A white, straight, abled man would pay $1.00 for one. A white, straight, abled woman would pay 83¢ for one (a little more than in the US, where that figure would be 78¢). A woman of color in the legal profession, however, would pay 55¢ for the same cupcake.
Sad to say, this fun event led not just to fun, but to on line accusations of "reverse sexism," denial of the existence of any pay gap, wistfully yearning for the "good ole days" when a good ole boy could "beat a woman with a stick," and miscellaneous threats of death, rape, and other sexual violence. I said "on line," because that's where they were. No one showed up to physically protest the actual sale. {Not to trivialize cyberbullying, which is widespread and dangerous.)
The silver lining?
“We have had a number of students contact us stating, ‘I didn’t believe feminism was still relevant until I started reading all the comments,’” said Madeline Price, vice president of gender and sexuality at the University of Queensland Student Union.
Most of the negative reactions seem to have been in one place, a Facebook group called UQ StalkerSpace. I can't be the only one who wonders why a group with such a name is even allowed on Facebook, can I? Granted, requiring it to be taken down would "upset" their tender fee-fees even more than currently, and could lead to acting out. Dear Furies, I think you are the ones to educate this group and its members.
Finally, this situation in Texas is one to keep an eye on – yet no one should be holding his or her breath. That's because the FBI is doing the investigating. And I'm sure we all remember how long it took the FBI to hand down any kind of indictment for Cliven Bundy. That's because they put a lot of time and effort into identifying both exactly what has happened (and can be proved) and also exactly what charge or charges are appropriate to the actual event. And this IMO will lead to even more serious charges than Bundy's.
It seems there is a medical company in Frisco, TX named Novus Heath Care Services Inc., owned by a certified accountant named Brad Harris. Some of the allegatons against Harris include that he "sent text messages like 'You need to make this patient go bye-bye,'" that he "told a nurse to overdose three patients and directed another employee to increase a patient’s medication to four times the maximum allowed," that he "told other health care executives over a lunch meeting that he wanted to 'find patients who would die within 24 hours,'" and that he "made comments like, 'if this f— would just die.'"
Leslie Salzillo, who wrote the story for Daily Kos, briefly explains how the laws are written so that statements like the above make perfect economic sense – if not ethical sense, or compassionate sense, or human sense, or avoiding-barf-bag sense. She also points out it's important for a story like this to be republished widely. But at the moment, what we probably need most to do is keep a watchful eye on the FBI (and HHS who are helping them) to see where the story goes.
Oh yes – one follow up – the 90 year old veteran in Wisconsin who was not allowed to vote – an email from the AFSCME informs me that before, before the Presidential primary, the Governor relented and ordered that veterans' ID cards be acceptable ID for the primary. Thanks, Erinyes!
The Furies and I will be back.
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Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/3972795
Love the Hoosier humor…hope it has occasionally been heavy enough to tie up the lines in addition to the staff impact (wonder if it is also finding evidence of gender discrimination in hiring clerical/receptionist staff in the Governor's Office)…
I hope Australia has cyberlaws law enforcement enforces for dealing with the perps in this case…
Glad we've beefed up Medicare investigations with ACA to help handle the TX case.
Periods for Pence or DK: Outstanding! Kudos to those women calling the Gov's office, with a 'just checking in' to him. Keep it up, Ladies!
Cupcakes: Glad that it had responses, for awareness of the gender pay gap for women, but also to discuss the cyberbullying and threats that women endure today. UQ StalkerSpace needs to shut down. Signed petition also. "Thank you for joining I Am That Girl to help us inspire girls to be, love, and express who they are!"
Frisco: WOW!!! I'm stunned that a person (??) would actually say/text this to nurses & employees. Why hasn't this psycho been charged YET? These poor dying folks need compassion and empathy for hospice care, at the very least. Side note: A friend of mine, her elderly dad had a home health care aide taking care of her father for a while, and noticed bruises on her dad when she came home one day. Come to find out, the aide was slapping him, throwing food, not washing him, or taking care of his daily needs, and telling him to 'shut up' and threatening him daily. Finally, her dad told her after she questioned him with prompting. Speaking of Furies…she works for the Sheriff's office as a patrolwoman, and has filed charges against the lady(?). There's a special place in Hell for sick and soulless abusers, and I hope all the Furies assist them to make sure they get there. I'm passing this article on to friends also.
Speaking of dignity,….glad to read that the elderly Veteran can vote with his ID Veteran's card. Geesh, finally!
Thank you, Joanne for your great post!!
I would send Pense the used products too!
Kudos to the Ozzies!
There's a name for that technique. RepubliCare.
Are there Tampon-sized coffins?
Those would be appropritate & good things to send to Pence.
I had a plastic "coffin" once that came with Halloween candy in it, which would have just about held an unused tampon. A used one, maybe not so much. But I know there has been discussion of sending him used supplies, and I believe some women are. And more power to them.
I think your furies went ahead without you, Joanne, and inspired a lot of women in Indiana to take action after bill HEA 1337 turned law. This kind of trolling is the only kind I make allowances for, LOL These women are truly inspired and I hope they keep Pence's office line so busy nothing else will get through for a long, long time.
Unfortunately there are "Republicans" everywhere, and Oz is no exception. Internet has made it all too easy for these cowardly males to vent their frustrations, something they wouldn't dare looking a woman in the eye. Knowing the Aussies a little, it won't stop these female students from having another bake next year or find an equally humorous way of starting a discussion on the wage gap. I hope they've reported any threats made on UQ StalkerSpace; Australian authorities are fare less tolerant of the right of free speech in cases like this, and students who threatened with (sexual) violence should be expelled from UQ even if they do so on Facebook, because they did it under a group name clearly referencing UQ. Go get them, furies.
Let see if I get this right: There's this certified accountant, Brad Harris, in Texas who OWNS a hospice, i.e. a man without any background in medicine, nursing or care whatsoever owns a medical facility. So my first guess is: he's in it for the money and only for the money, right? Then he tells staff to terminate the lives of some of the patients, sometimes in a more covert way, sometimes in no uncertain terms. Again: to make money, even more money, right? Because these patients take too long to die, cost too much, don't bring in enough insurance pay, whatever. The question is, have people died or come to harm after their medication was quadrupled? Sad to say, if this is not the case, the FBI investigation won't come to much, I'm afraid. It's very difficult for them to get someone convicted for just being a greedy SOB, it seems and your furies need to step in quickly and have the hospice closed or under supervision before people do die before their time, Joanne.
Joanne these articles ought to be published far and wide, maybe more women would pay attention to what is being done to them. I wonder if we could get women in Kentucky to start calling Gov. Bevins office every day to tell him they are not scheduling an abortion this week. He immediately started suing or shutting down the few clinics left in Kentucky as soon as he took office.
Good for the Aussie girls. I doubt the Facebook page will be shut down. We have been trying for months to get a page shut down that shows animal abuse. No results so far.
I hope there really is an investigation of Brad Harris. If the story is correct, he needs to be in prison.