Some Much Needed Laughs!

 Posted by at 10:09 am  Politics
Apr 062016


With only the Wyoming caucus before the big New York primary on the 19th, and several more state primaries on the 26th, I decided to give you some laughs instead of my usual daily dose of outrage.  I was feeling a bit politically constipated anyway/  So here are a couple video clips that accurately highlight the intellect of Republican voters.

In the first, a fake reporter tells Trump supporters that quotes from Adolf Hitler are from Trump.

Heil FecalDumpenFuhrer!!

In the second, fake Faux Noise reporters fooled Republicans into believing some really absurd lies.

To me it was obvious that none of those reporter were from Faux Noise.  Not one showed off their legs or cleavage.

In the LIFT bus yesterday, I told a woman about university studies from Maryland U and Fairleigh Dickenson that showed Faux Noise viewers are more poorly informed than people who have no access to news. She called me a liar.


  16 Responses to “Some Much Needed Laughs!”

  1. First – Can you say cog-ni-tive dis-son-ance?

    Second – They certainly are convincing to me as Fox reporters – I couldn't get too far in – but just the first one – "Buddha" and "Mohamed" are not gods, for God's sake.  Islam has a god, named Allah – but Buddhism just doesn't work that way.  Although there are probably a lot of Americans besides Republicans who don't know that, we are so under-educated.

    You have just described the Republican way – when in doubt, yell "Liar!"

  2. 1. Wow! Ignorance is bliss to some.

    2,  I'd have stayed and watched Christie get out of the 'school chair', outrageously funny!

    The lady on the bus must have been a Faux news viewer then.

    Cat enjoying the sun, is he/she on a trampoline? Whatever the case, I see enjoyment on it's face!!

    Thanks, Tom.

  3. 1. The logic of these people when confronted with the fact that these quotes were from Hitler and not Drumpf is astonishing: If these quotes were from Drumpf I'd support them, but I don't support Hitler (!?) Go figure. The gap between holding on to Drumpf as their man and agreeing with Hitler's statements is so wide not even a truckload of denial could fill it.

    2. The power of a camera and a microphone: stick them in anybody's face and they lose their capacity to listen, process and reasoning immediately. Everyone is so caught up in their "Look Mom, I'm on television" moment that all their senses fail them, including their sanity.This was so over-the-top fake that I felt rather sorry for them.

    3. Isn't it strange, all the people in these videos believed every lie they were told, because it sounded a lot like what they were thinking, but as soon as you confront them with the truth they call you a liar. The truth hurts, doesn't it.

  4. Probably none of us needed any studies from Maryland U. or Farleigh Dickinson U. to tell us that.

    Hell, I got mold growing in my shower grout that's better informed than people who watch Fox News.

    You know why Fox News never labels White Supremacists as "Terrorists"?  Because they refer to them as "Our viewers".

  5. Laughter is always welcome medicine.

  6. Maybe it's the fact it has become overwhelming..but stupidity isn't as funny as it used to be.

  7. ROTFLMAO!!! Thanks for the TICKLES!

  8. The cat was the best part.  The rest was depressing because it showed how dismally ignorant so many of us are today.  The "dumbing down" of American has worked too well. 

  9. Dumb and Dumber . . . I'm just not sure which is which!  And the idiot who said that Democrats don't think . . . blindly supporting Drumpf without thinking?  Every country has them, but how did the US get so many?  If I were an American, I'd be despairing for the very survival of the country!

  10. Love the kitty cat!

  11. Critical thinking in US has gone down the tubes into less than a 5th grader education. Yup, dumb and dumber have taken over as part of US politics courtesy of faux news and their ilk. This, unfortunately, has become the standard in understanding politics and laws of US. The teaching of civics is only being taught in 9 states. Civics is one of the programs that are being cut back as schools face financial cutbacks. sigh…

    • When I was being educated, it was about learning how to think and how to learn.  Today. it's mostly about learning how to think as directed and how to stay ignorant!

  12. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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