Lu did not show up yesterday, but I was able to get ahold of her daughter last night, who told me she will be coming this afternoon. I sure hope so. I also have lots of paperwork to do today.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:26 (average 5:16). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: Utah will become the first state to require anesthesia for women receiving abortions after 20 weeks gestation. Let’s be clear: This is not about sparing women pain. The law is based on the (scientifically questionable) claim that fetuses can feel pain after 20 weeks, and requires that women be anesthetized in order to spare fetuses the pain that science says they probably do not have the neural development to feel. That has serious implications for women’s health:
Dr. Sean Esplin of Intermountain Healthcare in Utah said anesthesia or an analgesic would need to go through the woman in order to reach the fetus. Doctors could give a woman general anesthesia, which would make her unconscious and likely require a breathing tube, or a heavy dose of narcotics.
In case you had any doubt that this law is about punishing women for being sinners in the eyes of the lawmakers who passed the law, there’s this:
The new law would not apply to women who must have an abortion because their life is at risk or the fetus will not survive outside the womb.
And the Republican war on women never ends.
From The New Yorker: Donald Trump, the Republican Presidential front-runner, touched off a firestorm of controversy on Wednesday by suggesting that, if elected, he would build a wall inside the uterus.
In proposing an addition to the uterus, a major female reproductive sex organ, Trump sought to draw a distinction between such a wall and the wall that the uterus already has, commonly referred to as the uterine wall.
“No, no, no, this would be a much better wall than that wall,” Trump said. “People are going to love this wall.”
Gee, Andy! That idea might have been quite practical, had the wall been installed in Fecal Dump Trump’s mother!!
From Upworthy: This woman’s must-watch speech just settled the whole ‘bathroom bill’ debate.
I could not have said it better.
13 Responses to “Open Thread–3/31/2016”
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DK: Why don't they just brand her with a Scarlet Letter and be done with it?!?! What about the father?!?! Doesn't he have to share some of the blame on this? Why isn't he taken and put under anesthesia also? That would be sharing the "blame", wouldn't it??? UGH!!! Women have no rights as long as the RepukkklicanTs are in charge!!!
Andy: I wish that Drumpf's mother had had a "wall" instead of open country!!! Good one, Andy!
4:52 Being a rerun didn't make it any easier.
DKos – Aren't they getting a little careless when they telegraph their intentions with exceptions like this?
New Yorker – Just a fancy way of describing a IUD, isn't it? I'd love to see his design. Oh, wait – no, I wouldn't.
Upworthy – Except that apparently it didn't settle it – since it was overwhelmingly passed, and signed into law. Even Georgia's governor was smarter – but Georgia will do its best to override his veto, and my succeed.
Cartoon – Yeah. It's too bad 1968 didn't go differently. What could we have done better? What did we do wrong?
She said all that could be said. Except that ALL PEOPLE have to go to the bathroom. Don't make it a place that will end their LIFE!!!
I was glad when LBJ didn't run again and I was a young kid then! But the ones that came after him were much, MUCH worse!!!
Sorry about Lu not making it. Hope things get straightened out for you and your helpers SOON!!
2:59 The lure of a nice cold sorbet cone!
Dang Sasquatch!!
DK: Some women due to their condition, may suffer under anesthesia, and also the cost of this is probably very expensive. How awful !!!
NYer: LOL, Andy!
Upworthy: Discrimination is alive & well in NC, and also here in Texas. Very sad, indeed.
Cartoon: Though the reasons behind Johnson's decision not to seek re-election are debatable, I've read that Mr. Johnson's decision not to seek re-election was partly more time for his family, but the primary reason, was that he felt that he would not be able to conclude the Vietnam war. Mr. Johnson viewed the war as his 'personal tragedy', and it troubled him deeply.
Gee, sounds like you need someone reliable to take care of your needs. I hope that Lu shows up for you. Hope that you have a great evening, and get a chance to relax. Take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Puzzle — 2:59 The lure of a nice cold sorbet cone!
Daily Kos — And the Republican beat goes on . . . the continuing saga of their war on women!
The New Yorker — As I just said "the continuing saga of their war on women!" Good one Andy!
Upworthy — "The world needs more heroes like Madeline." — AMEN!!!!! I wish such heroes were not needed.
Cartoon — This from Wikipedia:
A recovered addict could have their recovery destroyed by such an edict, among other horrors. For many, it would be when they discovered drug allergies and intolerances with potentially life threatening consequences.
I guess Trump felt like he wasn't getting enough free campaign coverage.
Ms. Gross has more common sense and sense of the public's interest than those who took an oath to defend it in NC.
I don't want 1968 conventions to be repeated this year.
I wish Trump would build a wall around himself! Oh, anybody for a "Cask of Amontillado?"
"Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" As chanted at the march on the Pentagon! LBJ's Tonkin gulf Resolution was just another lie. like "Remeberthe Maine!" that got us into war. And, some of us were apt, aa per Steppenwolf, to "Get on our knees and pray, we don't get fooled again," as their song says, but then along came Bush/Cheney! Sadly, Vivian, you are so right!
Maddy G. tells it like it is!
JL, I am with you on that '68 repeat possiblity.,
I hope Lu showed up!
Daily Kos: Of course there is no war on women! The Republicans have worried more about women's bodily functions than anything else for several years now, they are just concerned for us(sarcasm dripping). They probably agree with Trump, that any woman who has an abortion should be put in prison. I recently discovered a new radio station, POTUS. Today one of the hosts suggested that the Repubicans pass another law that all the women who agree to go full term and give birth instead of having an abortion be guaranteed that the baby would be adopted. The host suggested they write to Paul Ryan to ask how many of those children he would like to have. Loved it.
The New Yorker: I wish Andy would quit putting ideas in Trump's head.
Upworthy: Anyone who listened to this woman should have voted no on the bill. NC has gone crazy!
Cartoon: I watched his announcement with great relief. I was so against the war in Viet Nam and I thought if he left office things would get better. We got Nixon and we all know how that turned out.
Trump accidentally speaks truth of anti-abortion politics
Rachel Maddow points out that contrary to his criticism of Donald Trump's remarks on punishing women for abortion, Ted Cruz and his close advisers hold even more extreme views, and all Donald Trump is really guilty of is saying out loud the truth about the aims of the anti-abortion movement in the United States. Duration: 21:27
This episode was an eye-opener for me! Insidious! All the more reason(s) why Drumpf and especially Cruz nor any republican must not be elected (stolen?) to the White House.
Abortion is as a crime and the pro-life people want the government to monitor all women who become pregnant, must carry it to full term. If there is no birth, the police will step in and arrest that woman to find out why she did not have a baby. If one miscarries, that woman will be subjected to a full scrunty.
Rachel gives a bold expose on this. See & hear this video (CC). Recommended.
I sure hope Lu finally came and helped you get back to shiny, fluffy and above all odorless again, TomCat. I'm running late myself, having been up until 4 AM to get my PC back to the way I want it with everything working after upgrading to Windows 10, so I'll be brief.
DK: Women must be anesthetized for an abortion after 20 weeks to protect the fetus from pain it can't register as such (a reflex isn't a sign of pain), of course severely limiting the number of clinics who allowed perform the abortion, but it isn't necessary to sedate the mother if the abortion is performed to save her life? Or the fetus can't survive outside womb? Where is the logic in that? Oh darn, I did it again… assuming there was any logic behind the war on women.
TNY: Andy has made Drumpf look exceptionally stupid as there are already "walls" inside the uterus (or thereabout). They are called contraceptives and women are already paying for them, especially if their employer doesn't want them in their healthcare package because of religious reasons. So no, Herr Drumpf, your talibangelists do not like these walls.
Upworthy: Kudos to Maddy Goss for speaking out. But at the same time it's very disturbing indeed that a transgender woman needs to beg lawmakers not pass a bill that will make it impossible for her to go to the bathroom except in her own house without fearing for her wellbeing and even for her life. How much lower can Republicans sink? I had hoped they had hit bottom by now.
Thanks all! Hugs!! Hurrying!!