Yesterday Lu never showed up. She called early this morning and said she will be here by Noon today. In the process, she screwed up my holiday. Tomorrow, I have an Ophthalmologist appointment, expect to be gone over half the day, and expect my vision to be blurry, when I return. I shall try to post a Personal Update, but if you hear nothing from me until Tuesday, please donβt worry.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Todayβs took me 3:49 (average 6:15). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Real Clear Politics: The latest delegate count
State |
Date |
Delegates |
Clinton |
Sanders |
Delegate Allocation |
Open/ Closed |
(2,382 Needed to Win) |
– |
4763 |
1712 |
1004 |
– |
– |
Delegates Won |
– |
4051 |
1243 |
975 |
Superdelegates |
– |
(712) |
469 |
29 |
Iowa |
February 1 |
44 (8) |
23 |
21 |
Caucus |
Semi-open |
New Hampshire |
February 9 |
24 (8) |
9 |
15 |
Primary |
Semi-closed |
Nevada |
February 20 |
35 (8) |
20 |
15 |
Caucus |
Closed |
South Carolina |
February 27 |
53 (6) |
39 |
14 |
Primary |
Open |
Alabama |
March 1 |
53 (7) |
44 |
9 |
Primary |
Open |
American Samoa |
March 1 |
6 (4) |
4 |
2 |
Caucus |
Closed |
Arkansas |
March 1 |
32 (5) |
22 |
10 |
Primary |
Open |
Colorado |
March 1 |
66 (13) |
28 |
38 |
Caucus |
Closed |
Democrats Abroad |
March 1-8 |
13 (4) |
4 |
9 |
Primary |
Closed |
Georgia |
March 1 |
102 (14) |
73 |
29 |
Primary |
Open |
Massachusetts |
March 1 |
91 (25) |
46 |
45 |
Primary |
Semi-closed |
Minnesota |
March 1 |
77 (16) |
31 |
46 |
Caucus |
Open |
Oklahoma |
March 1 |
38 (4) |
17 |
21 |
Primary |
Semi-closed |
Tennessee |
March 1 |
67 (9) |
44 |
23 |
Primary |
Open |
Texas |
March 1 |
222 (30) |
147 |
75 |
Primary |
Open |
Vermont |
March 1 |
16 (10) |
0 |
16 |
Primary |
Open |
Virginia |
March 1 |
95 (15) |
62 |
33 |
Primary |
Open |
Louisiana |
March 5 |
51 (8) |
37 |
14 |
Primary |
Closed |
Nebraska |
March 5 |
25 (5) |
10 |
15 |
Caucus |
Closed |
Kansas |
March 5 |
33 (4) |
9 |
24 |
Caucus |
Closed |
Maine |
March 6 |
25 (5) |
9 |
16 |
Caucus |
Closed |
Mississippi |
March 8 |
36 (5) |
32 |
4 |
Primary |
Open |
Michigan |
March 8 |
130 (17) |
63 |
67 |
Primary |
Open |
Northern Marianas |
March 12 |
6 (5) |
4 |
2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Florida |
March 15 |
214 (32) |
141 |
70 |
Primary |
Closed |
Illinois |
March 15 |
156 (26) |
76 |
73 |
Primary |
Open |
Missouri |
March 15 |
71 (13) |
34 |
34 |
Primary |
Open |
North Carolina |
March 15 |
107 (14) |
59 |
45 |
Primary |
Semi-closed |
Ohio |
March 15 |
143 (16) |
81 |
62 |
Primary |
Semi-open |
Arizona |
March 22 |
75 (10) |
44 |
30 |
Primary |
Closed |
Idaho |
March 22 |
23 (4) |
5 |
17 |
Caucus |
Open |
Utah |
March 22 |
33 (4) |
6 |
26 |
Caucus |
Semi-open |
Alaska |
March 26 |
16 (4) |
3 |
13 |
Caucus |
Closed |
Hawaii |
March 26 |
25 (9) |
8 |
17 |
Caucus |
Semi-closed |
Washington |
March 26 |
101 (17) |
9 |
25 |
Caucus |
Open |
That’s three big wins for Bernie, cutting Hillary’s lead by 37+ (Washington incomplete) delegates. To win > 50% of the pledged delegates, Bernie needs 1051 more, and Hillary needs 783 more. To win the nomination, Bernie needs 1,378 more delegates, and Hillary needs 670 more delegates.
From Daily Kos (Classic 3/2012): Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner (D) isn’t happy with bills that seek to control women’s access to contraception and abortion. She has joined a trend across the nation by introducing a bill that would require men seeking a prescription for erectile dysfunction drugs to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and "get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency." Sex therapists would be required to present the option of "celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice.β
Isn’t it too bad that it didn’t pass?
From YouTube: Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule β Better Ted Than Dead (HBO)
8 Responses to “Open Thread–3/26/2016”
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Thanks for the update TC. When WA allocates the 67 congressional district delegates (districts do not align with county lines like the precincts) Bernie should get at least two-thirds, which should be another 20+ reduction in delegates difference.
Rep. Turner makes a great point…sadly missed by her colleagues who do not care about equal treatment in law.
I thought you'd like this Bill Maher.
Oh, that's just too bad, having to start your holiday without a good ablution. I hope Lu showed up today and hasn't screwed up your holiday even further and having you go to the ophthalmologist with only a quick splash at the sink.
RCP: Time and time again Bernie Sanders astonishes me with yet more wins and now actually gaining on Hillary Clinton. No matter what the outcome is, Democratic politicians must have learned by now that there is a force building in the country they have to recon with; a progressive wind that could turn into a storm if they ignore it. Of course Republican politicians should be aware of it too, but they're so busy with the destruction of their own party they are hardly aware of anything else. And even if the were aware, they wouldn't or couldn't change their ways.
DK: I suppose there weren't enough women in the Ohio state senate to back this bill. I still think it's a shame it didn't pass.
YouTube: Thank you so much for this, TomCat. My grumpiness from springing an hour ahead is all cleared up now. Brilliant, thank you too, Bill Maher.
Cartoon: I see the Elephant hasn't come unstuck since last year π
4:08 TomCat frightened away the butterfly before I got there.
Lona, you are so adept at deciphering the US political scene!!! If only the people that LIVE HERE would be that up-to-date!!! Maybe then we wouldn't be having Cruz and Drumpf running, AT ALL!!!
Bernie is being in Hillary!
I wish that Bill from the good senator from Ohio had been in the US Senate!!! It would have had MORE backing from people at home! At least the WOMEN!!!
Bill Maher was SO good this week!!! He hit EVERY high point and LOW POINT of the week!!! It was a fantastic show and I ROTFLMAO ALL THRU THE SHOW!!!
Go, Bernie, GO!!!
DK: I would have loved to see this bill pass! 'What's good for the goose, is good for the gander,' imho.
UTube: Bill says what we are all thinking. Raise H_LL, Bill !!
Cartoon: Why yes!! Yes, it sure is!! LOL.
By now, hopefully you've gotten a shower. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead for tomorrow. Fun family day, Easter Bunny left way too many eggs out there in the back yard. Good times. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
3:06 No butterfly fricassée for you today Puddy Tat!
Real Clear Politics — Go Bernie!
Daily Kos — I read about this quite some time ago and damn near peed my pants laughing. Too bad it didn't go anywhere but then that's to be expected in a Republican state.
It likely would not be needed in a Democratic state. "celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice.” — now that is hysterical!
"Catty, Fatty and Batty"? Too funny!
Cartoon — Thank goodness it's a party of one!
5:38 Very pretty. I'm not sure how tasty it looks.
Real Clear – Well, no one is "there" yet, but it is starting to look a little less one-sided. I am still not predicting anything just yet.
Daily Kos – Yes, one of several bills that should pass. If it weren't for the little matter of avoiding opening the seventh seal and bringing on the Apocalypse, I think it could be a campaign that women's groups could get behind. Symbolic, yes, but sometimes symbol is the only way to get through.
YouTube – Very funny indeed. Whatever we do, we need to shut out both of them, and any other Republican.
Cartoon – Oh, yeah.
Sorry, I do hope Lu showed up today. I know you want your fur to smell good.
Real Clear Politics: I saw this earlier today, wish the news media would share it. Bernie is still doing very well. "It ain't over til its over" Right?
Daily Kos: Loved this, but am disappointed that our Ky. senator who introduced a similar bill was not the first. Of course, hers went further, she required permission from the wife and they had to prove they were married.
You Tube: My sound quit again. boo hiss
Cartoon: I bet it is!