Lona is a denizen of Care2, a daily participant here, and a multinational treasure, who spends her time in the Netherlands and Queensland, Australia, This is her second award, the first on 8/6 shortly after she started commenting here, although she has been reading articles for well over a year. Her knowledge of US Politics if far greater than that of the average American voter. She enjoys sending me naps, when I am tired, and those naps are so high in quality that she frequently causes me to oversleep. If fact, she must have zapped me with a nap on the 11th, and in the process, caused me not to even notice that she had posted comment # 76,000, until yesterday. So the late award is her fault!
Please join me in overloading her with hugs and kudos. I only wish we had more like her.
14 Responses to “Lona Goudswaard Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”
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What a welcome addition to the blogroll! Not only does she have a big mouth, but BIG good sense keeps coming from it! Congranulations, sugar!
Kudos Lona!
Well deserved!!
Congratulations! Lona!
Congratulations, Lona!!! You have your SECOND one!!! I'm jealous, hahaha!!
Send some of those great naps my way, honey!!
Have a good one and congrats, again!!
Truly appreciate the detailed analysis Lona shares on a daily basis!
OKAY, LONA! Now, take a nap, you earned it.
Congratulations, Lona, I love your comments.
Congratulations Lona! I find your international perspective so spot on!
BTW, thanks for all those cat naps! They work quite well for Sasquatches too!

Well done Lona – you richly deserve your second award! Your comments are always worth reading and enlighten me – and I thoroughly approve your excellent policy of sending TC catnaps!
Oh my, you did it again: you all got me blushing. Thank you for all your kind remarks.
Of course I wouldn't be commenting so much if TomCat, Sasquatch Lynn, Judi, Joanne an Nameless didn't post such excellent articles which enrich our lives and leave plenty of room to comment on. Thanks guys.
Wow Lona. Who gets to be the loud mouth now? Nice job!
"Awesome!" Lona understands US politics better than most of the citizens of USA considering the fact she lives in Netherlands/Australia. Thank you for your perspectives.
Lona deserves all trhese kudos and many more.
Lona is my amazingly,wonderful friend. I am so fortunate to have found her via care2. Lona has influencend me, and made me a better person. Love you, Lona:)