Mar 132016

In politics it is said, that when not fueled by hope there is a vacuum for fear to fill. Since artists turn to the muses, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope we are exploring what they can offer us for inspiration to have the hope fueling politics.

“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”  forgotten-muses-1226788
–Michelle Obama

“Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.”
–Samuel Smiles


Let us first turn to Melpomene (tragedy perhaps):
Here’s why Whole Foods’ pre-peeled oranges might not be as absurd as they sound

I found tragedy in those who couldn't see the benefits, how about you?


Now to Terpsichore (dance):

This Older Woman Shows Us All You're Never Too Old To 'Twist And Shout' (text and video)


Navy Cadets Funk Up Graduation Ceremony With Surprise Flash Mob (text and video)

Gives me more hope, how about you?


Erato would claim (love):
Animated Poem Paints Moving, Playful Portrait Of True Love In Old Age

Did you grab a hanky like me?


Now to Clio (history):
These nomadic people can see like dolphins and hold their breath twice as long as you. (text and video)

I saw some hope for at least recording culture, how about you?


And then to Terpsichore (education):
A teacher made a student cry in a good way — by telling him test scores aren't everything.

I’m feeling more hope, how about you?


On to Thalia (comedy-video):
"Funny or Die: Finland's #8 News Team Takes on American Politics

My laugh to keep from crying—will this do?


Finally, who would claim this one?

150 strangers had a chance to win a free vacation — but only if they agreed on one place. (text and video)

Thank you dear reader for joining me on this journey of discovery and quest for hope.


  6 Responses to “Monday Morning Musings March 14, 2016”

  1. Melpomene: I buy the little tangerines (tangelo), I find the skin easier to take off. I also buy the cans of mandarins, and they usually last a couple days. I think it's a novel idea.

    Terpsichore: Aww….this is so sweet! Probably made her day too!!

    Terpsichore2: Well done, cadets, well done!!

    Erato: Beautiful !

    Clio: It's a shame that they are losing their traditions. "We've abandoned our old traditions so much we risk losing them entirely." An amazing video.

    Terpsichore: It's undue stress w/the testing, for teachers as well as the students. This teacher advocates, and loves her kids by encouraging them to do their 'personal best'. Love this!

    Thalia: A classic! lol

    Jet Blue Airlines did a great job of getting all it's passengers to agree to one place! I personally, like being home nowadays, but a day trip is good, as long as I come back home the same day. Kudos to them!

    Thank you, JL for your post.

  2. Pelpomene: I can see the benefit of peeled oranges from the perspectives of a disabled person clearly enough, but I'm also very recycle-conscious. Oranges, bananas, pineapples, mangoes…if you eat them fresh, you do not need packaging to transport them, but you do need to take the skin off and that may be quite difficult and these fruits are often sold peeled. We do not have Whole Foods here, but from the reactions the got to their peeled oranges I gather they cater to the environmentally and healthy food conscious market. So why not go the whole way then and let people bring their own containers and peel your fruits on demand, like some stores do here? The prices are high enough as it is.

    Terpsichore: They say music is enjoyed the longest when you grow old and this grand old lady shows that it can revive your body too if you really get into the groove. Great video. The navy cadets were so funny, they really took their army colleagues by surprise too.

    Erato: Strange to sit here on a Monday afternoon with a tear or two dripping while listening to this extraordinary poem of love in old age. I've fallen in love passionately once or twice when I was young, but I believe now that true love is the love of the elderly, the steadfast love over decades and decades. I hope my husband and I will make it into our eighties together, neither of us taken away by death or dementia.

    Clio: Globalization is the great equalizer, both in positive and in negative ways.

    Terpsichore: It seems test scores are everything these days, and everyone is feeling the pressure: teachers because their and their school's evaluation depends on how well kids in their class do, parents because they want their kids to have a good education which depends on these scores and of course the children who are drilled to do these tests from the day they enter school. and are constantly told how much depends on doing well. It's a breath of fresh air when teachers see that test scores are only a tiny part of life and let kids know they are valuable and valued irrespective of these scores, and that parents do too.

    Thalia: As I've often said here: American politics, especially in this years presidential election, has become the risee of the world. You see these kind of clips all over European TV, although not necessarily on the news like this one. We have a good laugh about  it, making us forget our fear for a moment that Drumpf will make it to president.

    Only a decade ago Dutch politics was known for it compromising, a necessity in a multi-party government and parliament, called "poldering" because it was so typical for the way our democracy worked. Sadly "poldering" has become a lost art and all our government and parliament hardly get anything done now that really matters. Compromise is essential in society and I hope Barnie supporters will realize that when he doesn't get nominated and ALL go out and vote for the next best thing: Hillary.

    • Thanks TC!  and I am celebrating the lifting of the flood warnings this morning…will soon see where rock or mud slides or debris buildup affecting my roads has been.

  3. Thanks, Judi, there was a lot of work for you on here today.  I loved them all, but the one about the teacher's letter making the kids cry was my favorite.  All children need to know they are appreciated.

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