Feb 262016

I just returned from the Doctor’s Office.  My PCP was gone for the day, so I had scheduled with another member of her team.  They were quite thorough.  They think I have a form of walking pneumonia that has been making the rounds.  They sent me for a chest X-Ray and prescribed Azithromycin and Prednisone for five days.  Because of the timer I had to take to get the X-Ray and fill the prescriptions, I would have missed my LIFT ride, so I had to cancel it and take the regular bus.  It was the first time I’d ridden one with my chair.  It went well.  I’m exhausted.  Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

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  17 Responses to “Personal Update–2/26/2016”

  1. So glad that you got diagnosed, and found out the source of your misery.

    Good that you took a regular Bus, but also relieved to read that you are back home, safe and sound.

    Take care, and get plenty of rest, Thanks, Tom.

  2. 5:06  Interrupted by the phone, but I doubt if I lost more than 10 seconds, so close enough.  Isn't ginger good for nausea?

    You made the right decision and i am extremely glad it went well.

    I don't have cable, but a new 3-episode series called "Hate in America" dramatizing SPLC cases starts Monday (it will be available on line starting Tuesday). 

    Cartoon – Ain't THAT the truth!

  3. Glad that you were seen and happy w/ the care provided.

    Treatment sounds reasonable (although is it safe to assume that the 5 days is for the prednisone?)

    Great to hear you were able to manage on a Metro bus!

    You're still obligated to slow down, rest and take care of yourself.  And if you're not starting to definitely feel better by Tuesday (or sooner if things take a turn) – you need to be re-checked.

  4. 3:28  Somehow crepe and ginger just don't seem to go together.

    Comic — Republican job creation…for someone else!  Someone should tell them that we need jobs here.

    • 3:09  I prefer ginger root rather than the leaves.  I add it to many foods including scrambled eggs.  It adds a bit of je ne sais quoi!

      Cartoon — And agreements like the TPP will do nothing to stem that tide!

      • With COPD, pneumonia is not something you want to deal with.  Very glad it is something that is "easily" treatable.  Follow the doctor's orders, drink lots of fluids and get lots of rest.  I'll keep you on my prayer list.

  5. Glad treatment has begun given the diagnosis.  Also find it hopeful you managed regular bus for considering it a future option.  Low energy is a common symptom with that diagnosis.  Hope the drugs do the trick quick. 

    Too many of the jobs shipped overseas include human rights violations, like Dave's comment tells us.

  6. So glad you got to the doctor!!! Also, ecstatic that you got some meds in board and will be on the mend now!

    I saw where HumptyTrump got throttled by Rubio on the debate. Not that I watched it or ANYTHING like that! I wouldn't waste my time watching their circle-jerk!

    Glad you are gonna be feeling better soon! Keep taking them meds! They don't do no good in the bottle, instead of in your body!

    Peace and HUGS!

  7. You seem to be having one adventure after another and surviving them all with aplomb. Congrats on the bus ride, now you know you can.  Take care of yourself, we miss you when you are not here.  I need a voice of sanity with a little humor in my life.

    Cartoon:  Damn Obama!  We all know he is being blamed for this, too.

  8. So good to hear you went to the PCP office and got yourself diagnosed, TomCat. And getting back with the Metro in your chair for the first time, now that is an accomplishment, especially if you're ill. Now do as the doctors (including Nameless) ordered, and get yourself plenty of rest and take good care of yourself; we'll all be here when you get back on your foot and George, and unfortunately so will the Republicans.

    Cartoon: One arrow ends on Albania and Greece. They'd wish that was true and jobs had come there way. With 50% unemployed in some areas, they'd taken on anything, even GOP-jobs.

  9. re. repug debate.

    What a farce, absolutely disgracefull.,All the protagonists spewed HATE.Nothing positive to boost the American people.( although anyone  who goes along with these jerks deserves what they get.) Are we really interested in which of  them uses the most cosmetics. ? (or pees their pants??)What a nightmare, could you imagine any of them in the company of them  heads of state in Civilized European countries!? ( whom I imagine are laughing their socks off at the American elections right now..),Listening to morons,eg. Rubio,the laziest Senator ever.  and a member of a committee to which he does not attend.,maybe his attendance at school was similar as he is as dumb as a stump.(does not believe in science etc.)God Help America! Then we have the Canadian "Whack Job" who scares the heck out on many voters,including myself.

    (Please Canada,take him back!) further more I am about to renew my passport. )

    Just my opinion folks. I could go, but you get the jist .

    Get well soon TC.

    What a collection of losers,which is exactly what Americans will be be in any of the above is elected!

    • If God was going to help America, all of those bufoons would have simultaneous, deadly heart attacks, exit the scene together, and  THEN, we would really know that there is a God, and that He cares about America!

  10. Well, as the old saying goes, "You're either on the bus, or off the bus!"  Seriously, I'm glad, too. 

    Follow NoName's lead, please.  

    I saw some stuff on Alernet, this morning, about the imbecility of th GOPig candidates, and just had to stop reading, it's so surreal!!

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