Yes, we have no Erinyes, we have no Erinyes today.
I tried. I really did. I thought they would be interested in treason and sedition. Dante would have. He put traitors in the lowest circle of hell.
But when I started reading them this story, they started laughing. I mean they were rolling on the floor. And they wouldn't stop. And I realized they were just not going to be willing to follow up on this one.
Here's how it starts (you'll need to click through for the whole thing because I don't want to violate Leonard Pitts Jr.'s copyright, but trust me, it's worth it.) You be the judge. Was I being unreasonable?
He brought his rifle up at the sound of footsteps crunching the Oregon snow. "Who goes there? Stop and be recognized."
A weary voice answered out of the darkness. "It's me, Sam. It's Bud."
"Give me the password."
"Come on, Sam. Stop foolin' around."
"The password," Sam insisted.
Bud sighed. "'Patriots act.' Are you happy now?
Sam lowered the weapon as Bud stepped out of the trees into the meager circle of moonlight.
"Can't be too careful," he said. He cupped his hands and blew into them. It was cols out here. "So where you been?" he asked.
"Down to the front gate."
Sam grinned. "Bet you it's a zoo. Bunch of satellite trucks and media elites standing around. Who all's down there? CNN? NBC? CBS Sure hope Fox sends that Megyn Kelly. That babe can interview me any time…." (Click through for the rest.)
Well, right or wrong, the Furies are not interested. And it's probably just as well. There's a new wrinkle now, and really, this was all the story needed:
(Don't feel guilty about laughing – the humour is not at the expense of anyone but the haters, I promise. Read the comments if you don't believe me. Heck, read the comments anyway.)
Oops, this just in – trouble in paradise! See TomCat's Open Thread also!
So, The long and the short of it is that I have nothing today for the Furies to do.
I guess even they are influenced by the media, ya think?
But there is material out there.
We will be back.
6 Responses to “Yes, we have no Erinyes…”
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"Yes we have no bananas" just a whole bunch of fruitcakes, heh?
Freutcakes indeed.
Posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/3944629. Sorry for the delay. At my age it takes a while to get up.
Thanks, Joanne. I love Leonard Pitts. He always knows what to say. They must be awfully downhearted that they have so little press coverage.
The Erinal wasn't quite empty!
I joined your furies in rolling on the floor with laughter, Joanne. They're absolutely right in not letting a handful of white men catch a break. The erotic tweets certainly didn't help in getting me of the floor. And now the poor buggers have started to fight amongst themselves because nobody else will. "In the end, it appears the Oregon standoff has indeed sparked a great civil war—just not the one they wanted." ROTFLMAO.
Thanks, Joanne, your Erinyes may not have liked this very much, but I sure did.