Yesterday my Prosthetist adjusted George, so he no longer leans me to the left, putting excessive pressure on the outside of my knee. My friend that had a mastectomy called last night. She had let worrying compound into the beginnings of panic. I was able to help her restore calm. Then I had trouble getting back to sleep, so I feel a bit pooped today. My helper-friend may be coming to do laundry. May the holy Ellipsoid Orb bless your team.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:58 (average 4:37). To do it, click here. Hoe did you do?
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: A day after President Obama held a nationally televised town hall about guns in America, a new poll shows that a majority of Republicans would rather actually be shot by a firearm than agree with him.
In an indication of the challenges facing the President in persuading Republicans, those surveyed named a wide variety of specific guns that they would choose to be personally shot by rather than seeing eye to eye with Obama.
When asked to state their preference, forty-three per cent stated “handgun,” twenty-seven per cent replied “shotgun,” twenty-one per cent responded “assault rifle,” while only two per cent named “agreeing with Obama.”
Andy, with tongue deeply embedded in cheek, I think these Republicans should be accommodated.
From Daily Kos: There is new divide in the Oregon Y’all Qaeda militants who’ve taken over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. has the details:
Joe Oshaugnessy, an Arizona militiaman, has been actively seeking volunteers through social media to join the occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
But his friends tearfully announced that Oshaugnessy, who is known as “Capt. O,” had left the refuge Wednesday and was instead staying at a motel nearby — as some others associated with the militants have apparently been doing, according to sources.
Some of the militants have reportedly been spotted eating at area restaurants during the standoff, as well.
A Y’all Qaeda spokesperson said he drank away the donations:
Peltier said Ritzheimer had confirmed that Oshaugnessy had kept the money he had raised through social media for himself and had spent at least some of it on a drinking binge.
Y’all Qaeda supporter Cai Irvin posted a tearful video (which has since been removed) saying Oshaugnessy’s betrayal “is like finding out there is no such thing as Santa.”
From NY Times: A combative Gov. Paul R. LePage of Maine, who has a history of making blunt, sometimes racially tinged remarks, found himself in a familiar position on Friday as he sought to walk back a comment that had drawn widespread condemnation for its racial overtones.
On Wednesday, he said out-of-state drug dealers come to Maine and “impregnate a young white girl” before leaving.
“These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty — these types of guys,” he said while discussing the state’s heroin crisis at a town-hall-style meeting in Bridgton, Me. “They come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they sell their heroin, then they go back home. Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue that we’ve got to deal with down the road.”
On Friday, Mr. LePage, a Republican, characterized the statement as a slip of the tongue.
Rachel Maddow covered this well.
Rachel has him dead to rights. The rest of my comment is today's cartoon.
17 Responses to “Open Thread–1/9/2016”
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Glad your appt. brought with it improvement for comfort.
Andy has it–just like the ACA was originally what the GOP wanted and past GOP expressed opinions match what Obama just did on guns, the GOP now feels they have to disown those positions…so strange when they could have taken credit for victories on both and actually gotten support from their constituents.
The numbers shrink, no one rallies to join and the locals vote for them to leave…will Bundy finally get the message he is out of step with everyone else?
Is LePage claiming bigotry emerges when he is under the stress of investigations of his abuse of office?
4:49 A greed hedge? Does that mean it belongs to a 1%-er?
New Yorker – You know, I would believe this. And, yes.
DKos – Trouble in paradise! {I am going to have to add YSST to my strings – "yet, somehow, still typing.")
NY Times – I always thought Mainers had some common sense. Some. I'll still trying to wrap my head around their having elected him.
Cartoon – I don't believe him. He doesn't "just hate blacks." He also hates brown people, women, native Americans, and probably anyone who doesn't call himself a Christian – although I suspect he also hates people who ACTUALLY are Christian.
2:29 No dawg fricassée for you today Puddy Tat!
If you're in need of a hearty chuckle, take a look at this Kevin Burns Wannabe "documentary" trailer. (At first I thought the CC was seriously messed up … but it's pretty much spot-on!)
"Letter from an Oregon Militiaman"
OMG!!! That was HILARIOUS! I loved it! Especially the part about "clear my browser history"!! So much ROTFLMAO!!!
One of the commenters angrily said they are from NEVADA, NOT OREGON. I don't think that's 100%, I think some are from Idaho, but he does have a point.
It was a very short video and hilarious despite the hiccups my internet connection presented me with. Thanks for posting the link, Nameless.
I never report my scores becuase I am always over by 2 or 3 minutes. Today just one. Probably a fluke.
Whether he is a racist or not, he made a very racist remark, and racist remarks are unacceptable.
Andy: I do not know why none of them suggested Gattling gun, Gattling gun would be good, in the mouth!
LePage: Le Putz!
Y'All Queda: One of the things about which people might well say "You can't make this stuff up!"
It's like the country is becoming one big, ongoing cartoon!
Oh, yes, and then there is the Ted Cruz birther cartoon. No, you can't make this stuff up!
Glad George got his comeuppance! I hope your friend does well from her surgery.
The New Yorker: Andy always gets it right. My brother-in-law, who only watches Faux news, is convinced Obama overstepped his authority with the gun registration. Yes, he agrees some of it is needed, but not from Obama. My husband finally gave up trying to convince his brother. He is otherwise an intelligent man, but he and my husband are poles apart in their beliefs. Glad mine is on the correct side….Blue!
Daily Kos: How fitting! Their treasonous act is being treated as a small pimple on life's face. Woo hoo! They thought they would be celebreties by now!
NY Times: A slip of the tongue does not begin to define this guy's racism. Hope he is defeated in the next election.
Cartoon: Sadly, I know some of these people.
Oh no, your prosthetist has adjusted George and you're no longer leaning to the left, TomCat! What's going to happen next? You must see to it that George is restored to his former leaning if you notice you're starting to lean to the right, no matter how comfortable that is for your knee π Have a catnap on me.
By the way: I won't be able to put much time into reading and commenting as my laptop now refuses to work with the mobile internet card. We spend most of last night and today trying to get it to work again, but I'm afraid I'll have to limit myself to the times my old man is willing to art from the card and now his laptop too. Next week I'm back to "normal" I hope.
The New Yorker: This sounds exactly like what we have come to expect of Republicans. They've had dozens of chances of doing something themselves about gun control the past few years and the Democrats would happily joined in, but know Obama takes the only action left to him to make a baby step and they go ballistic. By all means, give them what the ask for this time. Enough with the begging.
Daily Kos: This is certainly the best, and funniest, news I've read all day. It says one thing about Y'all : they stay in character at all times: unreliable and stupid. I think your physiotherapy and learning to live with George is really paying off if you were able to get up by yourself, but people around you will probably hope for the bath aide to come soon again after your FOMCROTFPIMPLMAO!
NY Times: A slip of the tongue is just that, a word or two that came out unwanted, Mr. LePage, not a rant against black young men a page long that is racist from start to finish. But then your tongue is so big there's room for naught else in that skull of yours, Mr. soon to be impeached governor.
Cartoon: Spot on, of course.
Lona, ROTFLMAO!!! I had the same response to the George issue!!! Can't have a Republican Puddy Tat! That's sacrilege!
LOL! The issue was vertical stability. If it effected my political viewa, I'd rather fall on my ass!
Thanks all! Hugs!