Jan 082016

No earth shattering events today.  Tomorrow will be busy, and next week unbelievably busy.

Short Takes 

Huffington Post — A widely circulated post on social media alleging Syrian refugees receive more money for food than Canadians on welfare is not true, say federal and provincial officials who also debunk other widely circulated claims.

The Facebook post, which also appears on Instagram, began circulating on Dec.18, and government officials say it is the latest in a series of false claims on social media.  

Federal and provincial officials told CBC News that the figures are simply "not correct," and federal monthly support for Syrian refugees is based on provincial and territorial welfare rates.

The haters are at it again!  Unfortunately, there will always be people who will hate, who cannot see justice except for themselves.

The Nation — From the look of the presidential campaign, war crimes are back on the American agenda. We really shouldn’t be surprised, because American officials got away with it last time—and, in the case of the drone wars, continue to get away with it today. Still, there’s nothing like the heady combination of a “populist” Republican race for the presidency and national hysteria over terrorism to make Americans want to reach for those “enhanced interrogation techniques.” That, as critics have long argued, is what usually happens if war crimes aren’t prosecuted.  

The recent history of US torture, he [Obama] said, “needs to be understood and accepted. We have to as a country take responsibility for that so hopefully we don’t do it again in the future.” 

So what is this "we"?  The average American had no say in the use of torture and other war crimes (ie carpet bombing).  I suppose some might argue that "we the people" elected the leaders, but why?  Surely it wasn't to commit war crimes.  Now the Republican presidential aspirants openly advocate policies to use methods of war classified as war crimes.  The article mentions a report, No More Excuses”, released 01/12/2015 which makes the following recommendations:

To US Authorities

  • The Attorney General, with the support of the president, should appoint a special prosecutor to conduct a thorough, independent, and credible criminal investigation into the CIA torture that examines all evidence, including statements from current and former detainees.
  • The president should acknowledge wrongdoing, apologize to victims of torture, and devise policies ensuring that victims receive appropriate redress, compensation, and rehabilitation services.
  • The president should declassify the full Senate Intelligence Committee Report on the CIA rendition, detention, and interrogation program, redacting only what is strictly necessary to protect national security, to ensure there is a full public accounting of government wrongdoing and that victims of torture can obtain redress.

To legitimately be the leader of the free world, the US and its government officials must walk the talk, respecting international law.  That will mean holding leaders and former leaders accountable.  To agree with the trials of Milosevic and Hussein at The Hague, but not ratify the creation of the ICC, is the height of disrespect for international law.

Huffington Post — Democratic lawmakers in Maine plan to move forward with a motion next week that could result in Gov. Paul LePage's (R) impeachment.  

The House order would establish an investigatory committee to look at eight separate charges against LePage, including the one regarding Good Will-Hinckley. It would report back to the legislature with its findings by April 1. 

"This would set up a House investigation committee to look at all eight counts in their totality to see if there is a clear pattern of abuse of power, misuse of public assets, any violations of state law," Chipman said. "We feel pretty confident there have been violations of law and that we'll probably be voting on impeachment."

Another "Divisive asshole" and bully.  I wonder if LePage is a Trump wannabe.  This is not LePage's first threat of impeachment, the first being in June 2013.  

Travelogue  I thought I might, from time to time, show you some beautiful locations.  The Earth as art!


The Grand Canyon


The Wave, Arizona

My Universe — 

up a tree



  7 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 07/01/2016”

  1. Get some good rest while tou can.

    Harpwr's Harlots lie like Republicans.

    I fully agree.  The war criminals should be prosecuted, starting with Texas Torquemada and ChickenHawk Cheney.

    I normally disagree with book burning, but the book containing LePage is worthy of exception.


    Thjat was a Moose, not a mouse. devil


  2. HuffPo – I assume Snopes deals with Canadian rumors to – or, if not, that there is some fact checking site that does.  I presume this chain post has been reported and is debinked there?

    Nation – We may as well face the fact that we are to some degree all complicit in what our leaders do, even if we hate it.  If everyone grasped that, maybe more people would vote.  I have talked to people who don't vote who think they are "above the fray," when the fact is that their refusal to vote is making the situation worse.  And people who do vote but who take no steps to find out truth about what or who they are voting on are just as bad.

    HuffPo II – LePage and Nathan Deal of Georgia have been seesawing for some time for the title of worst Governor in the United States.  Deal's been a little quiet lately.  Maine has been electing some people recently (like the last 10-20 years) who IMO are very odd for Maine, and LePage is certainly one of them.

    Universe – Are you sure that is a mouse and not a spider?

  3. Lies and d***ned lies?

    If we can close Gitmo, it might be easier to finish the accountability for the torture. 

    I am glad so many state elected persons show signs of being held accountable for abuse of power and/or campaign funding violations (e.g., NM, TX) and now ME. It should help prevent the worst of the worst serving at a national level.

  4. The Nation: No, I did not expect our elected officials to engage in war crimes, and expect that if G.W.Bush had run on a platform saying that they were "okay," even under extreme circumstances, he might have " lost" by  an even greater (wonderful) margin.

    I did not know about the issues with LePage, will have to ask my cousin, from Maine.   Being from New Jersey, I know what it is like having a bullying governor. Oh, please do not buy into the BS he will be spouting in his upcoming State of the State message.  Whilehe may have lost some weight, he has not lost his penchant for blathering propagandizing.

    My Universe: What, was that the mouse that ate Atlantis?

  5. Isn't it good to have nothing earth shattering happening for once, Lynn, not even an earthquake?

    HuPo: This is the well-known right-wing tactic of course: make up some lies about the group you want to take out, repeat them loudly and often, and soon it'll be true, with "evidence" thrown in for good measure. I'm glad the Canadian government is denying it just as loudly and frequently.

    The Nation: Realizing that a government had blood on its hands came to late and to too few; by the time this group became vocal, Republicans front men for the 1% had already made sure that presidents and CIA got away with it and now even advocating these methods as the way forward. Reports with recommendations that are recommending themselves as "should be" instead of "must be" are mirthfully shoved aside. The times are a-changing, but not for the better.

    HuPo: I wish I could be hopeful about this motion to establish an investigatory committee to look at eight separate charges against LePage, but as this is the second time in 17 months Democrats try to Impeach LePage, I'm not holding my breath for Maine.

    Travelogue: as an ardent traveler in the past, I can only wholeheartedly agree, Lynn, This planet has art, and still plenty of it.

    My Universe: You can come down now, I've taken that toy mouse away.

  6. HP: If those people would get out and meet/greet these people, get involved in their community, get away from the hateful comments, and do something good for these folks, and geeze, stop complaining…it would do some good. Kudos to Canada for correcting the liars!

    Travelogue: Beautiful, beautiful pictures.

    My Universe: Aww…surely kitty can come down now. I think that mine would use that for a scratching post.

    Hope that you have a relaxing day. Thanks, Lynn.

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