Since the repeal of Glass-Steagall, Banksters have been an ongoing drain on the US economy, siphoning off what little equity Americans have left, and redistributing it to the 0.1%. Republicans have been their active allies and supporters. A few Democrats have also been purchased. The remaining Democrats have tried, but have not been effective. There is, however, a champion against the Bankster blight.
Bernie Sanders has declared war on the biggest players in Wall Street’s financial sector, saying they are overrun with “greed, fraud, dishonesty and arrogance,” and criticizing his top rival for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton, as being naïve about what needs to happen to create a financial system that “works for all Americans.”
“To those on Wall Street who may be listening today, let me be very clear,” Sanders said in a midtown Manhattan speech on Tuesday. “Greed is not good. In fact, the greed of Wall Street and corporate America is destroying the fabric of our nation. And here is a New Year’s resolution that I will keep if elected president: If you do not end your greed, we will end it for you.”
Sanders laid out a 10-point program to deeply change the nature of the financial sector, while occasionally digressing to emphasize how much more sweeping his proposals are compared to Clinton’s. As always, he started by recounting how the “20 richest people own more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans”—and said the finance industry has spent “billions” to get Congress and federal agencies to deregulate almost all areas of the financial industry while weakening consumer protection laws.
“They spent this money in order to get the government off their backs and to show the American people what they could do with that new-won freedom,” he said. “They sure showed the American people. In 2008, the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior on Wall Street nearly destroyed the U.S. and global economy. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, their homes and their life savings.” Sanders continued, “While Wall Street received the largest taxpayer bailout in the history of the world with no strings attached, the American middle class continues to disappear, poverty is increasing and the gap between the very rich and everyone else is growing wider and wider.”
Here are the 10 major components to Sanders’ Wall Street reforms.
1. End too-big-to-fail.
The underlying logic of this federal policy is that the biggest banks cannot fail and shut down, even if they make terrible investments or wreak great harm to the economy, because the U.S. economy and millions of ordinary people would become financially destitute. Sanders said this “scheme…is nothing more than a free insurance policy for Wall Street.” Compared to before the crash of 2008, the biggest banks in the country are larger than ever, he said, adding, “if a bank is too big to fail, it is too big to exist.”
“In 2008, the taxpayers of this country bailed out Wall Street because we were told they were ‘too big to fail,’” Sanders said. “Yet, today, three out of the four largest financial institutions [JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo] are nearly 80 percent bigger than before we bailed them out. Incredibly, the six largest banks in this country issue more than two-thirds of all credit cards and more than 35 percent of all mortgages. They control more than 95 percent of all financial derivatives and hold more than 40 percent of all bank deposits. Their assets are equivalent to nearly 60 percent of our GDP. Enough is enough!”
Sanders concluded, “A handful of huge financial institutions simply have too much economic and political power over this country. If Teddy Roosevelt, the Republican trust-buster, were alive today, he would say, break ‘em up. And he would be right.”…
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I have shared only the introduction and the first of ten steps in Bernie’s plan. Click through for the other mine’ His plan is worthy of your support.
11 Responses to “Bernie Bedazzles Banksters!”
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Kind of pointed of him to mention a Republican, although the Republican he mentions is one who is pretty much universally disowned by today's Republican party.
Of course he has my support already.
Go Bernie!!! GO!!
The remnants of Lehman Brothers was absorbed by one who was bailed out…more than 1000 smaller banks closed their doors after 2008 and some of the larger banks even got absorbed to make the ones bailed out even bigger…and then there is AIG, which grew as the number of insurance companies shrank last century with dozens of companies they took over in the period where tax changes were supposed to get invested in corporate infrastructure and instead led to leveraged buyouts. Bernie's plan is the best so far yet may not go far enough to restore economic security and equity.
If I recall correctly, it was in Pres. Clinton's term that Glass-Stegall was cancelled!
Bernie- If only!
It was.
Who would have thought that an American would ever warm the cockles of my Democratic Socialist's heart. Go Bernie! GO!
I don't?
I'm an American Democratic Socialist,
Amen Lona! Me too! I said several times last year before our federal election that Bernie would work well here north of the 49th.
The energy in that room was extraordinary!
Thanks all! Hugs!!
I really hope Bernie gets the nomination, but Wall Street will throw all they have at him after this speech, and they are too powerful. I don't believe Clinton is naive about Wall Street, I think she is a pragmatis who will do what she has to do to get elected. That said, I will vote for her if she gets the nomination. She is head and shoulders above any of the current crop of Republicans.