Dec 212015

This morning I go to TriMet to get my chair measured.  I’m a bit nervous, with winds gusting to 65 MPH, but it has to be done.  In a few minutes I shall see if I can wear George yet.  Wish me luck.

Religious Agony:


It was still a hell of a game!




  15 Responses to “Personal Update–12/21/2015”

  1. Hope the shrinker or Ace wrap or w/e you used (combined w/ … hmm … all that "elevation") did the trick.

    Good luck!

  2. 65 mph winds??? wow! be safe

  3. 65 mph winds??? wow! be safe

  4. Wishing you luck and that all else also goes well.

  5. Wishing you every combination of luck, skill, providence, and divine protection.  Don't eat any talking reindeer.

  6. Stay safe, be careful !!! Good Luck, TC !!


  7. It WAS a GREAT game!! Osweiler finally got to hitting some passes that I never never thought he would get! AND, of course, I didn't have Sanders playing!!! Talk about religious AGONY!!! I sat there watching my playoff spot go down the drain!! Ugh. Oh, well! There's always next year!!

    I hope the wind doesn't give you fits! It did me last night while I was walking the dog. It about blew me over! And the wind you have is eventually coming to visit me! All while it is 65° AT CHRISTMAS-TIME!!! They don't have to barbeque them down here! They die from the HEAT!!! 

    Lastly, I hope that George is fitting for you now! Between the chair measurement and trying to get George to fit, you are having the same kind of X-mas that I am having. Not much time to be jolly and Christmas-y. I feel for ya brother! Hope everything falls in line for you to have Holly Jolly Christmas and MERRY NEW YEAR!

    Peace, love and HUGS!! V.B.

  8. 65 mph winds, what are you in Kansas with Dorothy?

    Just caught up with your recent updates: Hope the chair situation goes well.

  9. I hope all went well!

  10. Thanks all.  George is back!  Hugs!!

  11. I too hope things workout well with the chair, guess with those strong winds you'll get there real fast. Watch out, though! What or who ever "George" may be, good luck with that as well. Perhaps your pants, or a coat? No clue.

    Anyways, since it is beginning to look a lot like such a Christmas     here's my nicer season's  greetings for you

  12. oops, the image didn't go through :-((.. must try again

  13. They say all good things are three-last try now, this time only the link. I seem to be too stupid to work things out here.

  14. AAHH, I see that wind DID speed you up,  actually on a round trip! WB  home! Perhaps you could manage for me to insert the pic-link above, if you like, that is. Thx

  15. Still backtracking. Good to hear that both Georges are on speaking terms again.

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