Dec 052015


Here is the eightieth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Virginia resident Jack Eugene Turner. He is so honored for his Republican approach to race relations.

1205jackVirginia resident Jack Eugene Turner drew community outrage after he put up a racist, threatening display in his front yard—for which he was eventually charged and convicted of a felony:

Turner was arrested in June after he used a piece of rope to hang a dark-colored, life-sized dummy from a tree. Witnesses at his trial said the display was a response to an ongoing dispute he had with his next-door neighbors, who are black. They testified Turner had sent them strange notes and frequently flipped his middle finger at them and at their relatives, who also live on the street…

…“He stated that he was a racist and he did like black people but did not like n—–s,” Caldwell said in court. After his first arrest, witnesses said, Turner also started draping Confederate flags in his windows.

After he was found guilty, the judge let him free on bond with the condition he didn’t put up any other symbols or messages on his property. Apparently unable to control his racist rage, he is back in cuffs after putting up another heinous display:

On Tuesday, police said Turner was arrested for a second time after he put up a sign in front of his home that read “N—– lives don’t matter. Got rope?”

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

I have little add, except that  it’s hard to find a more accurate example of today’s Republican Party.


  14 Responses to “Republicans on Parade–12/5/2015”

  1. As the stomach churns…bb alert needed–where's a Jeb bag?

  2. sicko,sickening

  3. Crazy is.. as Crazy does !!

    Glad that no one was hurt by his heinous behavior…

  4. Well, this is just about what I needed to knock me off the high I was on about Monsanto being summoned to the Hague to go before the World Court next October….this maggot must go out at night in his sheet with the rest of the Rethugs….really an indisputable nutcase.

  5. I doubt the judge will send this fine specimen in the Parade to prison this time, and it wouldn't do Jack Eugene Turner much good being locked up with some White Supremacists or other. This man needs to be spending some time in an institution. "[Turner] stated that he was racist and he did like black people but did not like n…….s." That statement alone should be enough to put him away before he hurts some one, including himself.

  6. A mind really is "…a terrible thing to waste," and this guy' s is history!

  7. I was a little surprised he was actually arrested.  But in reality it's never gone away.  I feel so dumb sometines for thinking we accomplished anything in the sixties and seventies.

  8. OMG! An honest to goodness racist who will stoop at nothing to let the world know what he is. It is very doubtful that a few years in prison will cool him off. Maybe Jack Eugene Turner needs very expensive and specialized medications in a mental setting. 

  9. Despicable!  He should do some hard time for trying to incite others to violence.  Given the make up of the prison population as I understand it, I have doubt this Republican idiot would make it to the end of his term.

  10. I think he needs some serious help with his mental issues.  I also think he is not as dangerous as those who feel the same as he does, but hide it.

  11. Thanks all.  Hugs!!  Rushing!!

  12. WOW !!! This is APPALLING!!!!! Where do these people think they are? Back in the 50's??

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