Nov 292015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how outrageous InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

FoxPropFox News commenter blames Obama for Colorado shootings.

The Planned Parenthood siege was not even over when Fox decided to go on the offensive—as in totally offensive.  This time the one doing the honors was former NYPD cop and professional blowhard a*hole, Bo Dietl.

Again, this is our president acting like a fool. I mean to see something like this, we noticed when the attacks occurred in Paris, when the cops were in their car getting attacked, we have to prepare ourselves. This is a war. We’re against… terrorists are against this country.

It’s going to open up here in America, and we’ve got to be prepared.

Okay, so first of all, huh?

Second of all, explain again how this is Obama’s fault?

Oh right, because he dared to suggest that maybe we shouldn’t let terrorists, criminals and animal torturers openly carry AK-47s.

Yeah, how awful.

Inserted from <Alternet>

ARGH!  The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda spews propaganda that is extreme, even for Bubba Bagger.  This is just the third of five Republican outrages from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  14 Responses to “Last Week’s Republican Outrages”

  1. It never ceases to amaze me how awful, and over the top they are with their horrible comments/behavior. Well, I'll give them this….at least they're consistent in a VERY bad way!

    Thanks, TC.

  2. It must be some kind of contest with these people… all I know is that I see Obama dealing with so much and doing it with grace and dignity and even a sense of humor.  And then there are these complete doofuses spewing their garbage, acting like spoiled children, having no grace or dignity, being ignorant morons.  I am surely  going to miss Obama….

    • "I am surely  going to miss Obama …"  AMEN!

      A saving grace is that his legacy as one of our nation's greatest Presidents is secure. 

      I may not see that recognized in my lifetime, but history will be very kind to him.  And he earned it!

  3. The man can not even speak the language properly.

    I sent a letter to the editor of the NY Times, this morning, saying that given the most memorable words out of the mouth of the Colorado Springs shooter, "No more baby parts," I put some of the blame for this shooting onto the psudo-Christian, propagandizing scum who patched together that bogus PP video; not in quite those words.

    Yeah, I guess that this is exactly what Christ would have done, go kill people for the sake of making a point/!

    • I believe the current crop of Republican candidates share some blame in this, too.  They have stirred up the nuts with their vicious lies about Planned Parenthood!

  4. Arielle might have it right and that there is someone with money who has promised rewards for the most despicable comment to surface.

  5. Why are Stupid people allowed access to MainstreamMedia???? Why is it NOT a crime to spout hate speech, provable LIES, and somehow Nobody is arrested, fined, or even Corrected in any way? I'm too old to worry about the Idiocracy that seems to be materializing…:(

  6. 1. Trump: a reborn nazi.

    2. CNN w/ Adam Kinzinger: both are in the looney fringe. 

    3. Faux Noise & Bo Dietl: nothing new in Obama bashing. 

    4. Megyn Kelly: as usual, another brainless racist twit. 

    5. Marco Rubio: pandering to the religious right. 

    Yep, it is time for a good old fashion smiting of the above named idiots. lol.

  7. Waited all week for this, and am finally home to read and comment.

    1.  Some surveys this week established that Trump supporters are specifically the biggest racists in the GOP.  So do not cherish hopes of The Donald saying something TOO racist and losing support.  Ain't gonna happen.  Not possible.  You can take comfort in that I understand "Trump" is a slang word in Britain meaning "Fart," though.

    2 and 3 – Of course some crazy person (and I will go along with the theory heis crazy – have you seen the mug shots?) is not responsible or at fault for shooting people, including police officers, while also carrying things like propane tanks in with the intent to cause explosions.  No, no, it's those witches' faults – WOMEN!  How dare they want to make their own medical decisions?  And how dare OBAMA want to allow them to do so?  Scandalous!

    4.  Ben Carson must finally have completed her lobotomy.

    5.  My mother used to own a copy of Elbert Hubbard's Scrap Book.  Hubbard himself was quotable, but everything in the Scrap Book is something he liked that someone else had said, so I have no idea of the source of the particular quote I am citing.  But it was to the effect that if you were employed by a person or a corporation – or the government, it was not honorable to publicly criticize him(/her/it.)  If you just had to bad mouth, quit the job, and then badmouth to your heart's content.  Where I am going with this is, I am as sensitive as anyone to the possibility of one's principles conflicting with one's employment.  But, in that event, the honorable thing to do is to GET TF OUT and follow your principles from the outside.  Marco Rubio has no more business being President than Kim Davis has being a County Clerk, and for the same reasons.

  8. They are all a bunch of mindless idiots to whom I would not give the time of day, even if they asked nicely.  As to Rubio, I guess he forgot Jesus admonition, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's."

  9. They have outdone themselves this week! Trump is busy trying to deny that he mocked  disabled reporter, but videos show he did just that.  He has gone down in the polls. Fox and CNN(Faux light) just have to berate Obama at every opportunity.  I wonder if their job applications have a box to mark if you are a bigot or racist.   Rubio and the rest of the right wing need to really read the constitution.  You must obey the law of the land, if you don't agree with it, you work through legal channels to change it.  Until it is changed, it is still the law, no matter what your religion is. 

  10. 1. Trump: As I've said before, I've had it with him, but that doesn't mean I'll alow him to completely wear me down to apathy or as Alternet says: the Donald is losing his ability to shock. Donald has lost nothing of his ability, because everything that comes out of his mouth is as appalling and shocking as it ever was, we are just getting TRUMPED DOWN, but I refuse to lose my ability to to become genuinely outraged by what this fascist says.

    2. CNN/Kinzinger: I read "CNN" but turned that into Faux News in my head immediately when I read this outrage. Only when I started typing did I realize it weren't the usual suspects, but that CNN had beaten Faux New to it. Anything for viewer numbers and ratings, right? I think it's time to introduce a barf bag rating for items like this, from 1 barf bag (mildly nauseating) to 5 barf bags (rush to the ER) and this one is a 4 (large industrial strength BB) for me.

    3. Bo Dietl: Faux News and their ilk knew exactly who was to blame for this tragedy: the Republicans and their propaganda machine, Faux News. So they quickly resorted to "blame the fart on someone else and do it very loudly" in the hope that their yelling and pointing would deflect the guilt.

    4: Megyn Kelly: She just made a fool of herself. Even her colleagues wouldn't go along with her and agree.

    5: Marco Rubio: And another "reasonable Republican" bites the dust. It's just too hard for a zealot to live up to a contradiction in terms all the time.

  11. Thanks all.  Hugs.  Sheryl had a great comment at Care2.

  12. Arielle has it right!

    So glad that George is WORKING out for ya!

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